Saturday, 7 March 2020

10 reasons Why So Many Nigerians Are Denied Visa to The Us

So many Nigerians who visit American embassy to collect American visa and travel out of the country, in most cases, usually meet some obstacles, that eventually result in the denial on visa. That is the bitter truth.  Your quest to leave the country for America can be cut short at the American embassy.

It is common in many embassies, that after everything might have been processed, the embassies, only issued a few persons visa, while others go home without a visa, and this is not only peculiar to the American embassy. However, in the case of Nigerians, l will be giving you in this article, the reasons why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US.

Reasons Why So Many Nigerians Are Denied Visa To The US
Below are some of the reasons why so many Nigerians are denied visa to the US, and I will give you 10 reasons.

1. Failure Of Asking Agent Basic Questions
One of the reasons why so many Nigerians are denied visa to the US is that, they have failed in asking their agents basic questions. To avoid denial of visa to the US, Nigerians should always ensure that their travel agents or their consultants who they used, ask them all the basic and relevant questions before they submit Nigerians applications, otherwise they will be denied visa to the US or encounter difficulty in securing their visa.

2. Lack Of Travel History
When Nigerians lacked travel history, the embassy can possibly doubt them perhaps, suspecting them for dubious intentions. For instance, once you present your passport at the embassy, one of the criteria for issuance of visa is that the embassy will ask for the number of times or countries you have travelled to before.

However, that does not mean that you cannot be given a visa if it is your first time, but you have to get a genuine reason why you want to travel with complete requirements. They are denied a visa because as first-timers, they did not do their homework proper.

3. False Documents
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is that perhaps their documents are false. So many Nigerians are guilty of this practice.

When you are not able to provide all the original documents that are demanded by the embassy such as, Certificate of Occupancy, and bank statements, including all the other documents, it will be difficult to secure American embassy. They are denied a visa to the US because of replicating the original certificates.

4. Unable To Explain Source Of Income
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied visa to the US is that they have failed in explaining their source of money. It is a must that they explain convincingly the source of their money found in their individual bank statement, otherwise, they may have difficulty in getting their visa or standing chances of being denied visa to the US.

This is to beat American thinking, because to them, they are thinking that you want permanent entry into America, and it is incumbent on you to prove them otherwise. So one of the ways to prove the embassy otherwise is by presenting evidence that you get strong economic reasons that when you travel out, you will come to visit or return to Nigeria.

5. History Of Visa Refusal
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is that of history of visa refusal. Once the embassy noted that, you have a history of refusal of American visa, or perhaps, if they saw that you have a history of such refusals from different embassies, they may probably think that, you are desperate to leave Nigeria, and they will deny you visa to the US.

6. Poor Interview Skills
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is that they have failed in articulating clearly the reason they want to travel. And another reason is, you can have difficulty in securing American visa if you respond poorly to interview questions, and travel interview can be very tricky, that is why, as a Nigerian who want to travel to the US,  you must be well mannered and also prepared properly before you attain travel interview.

7. Lack Of Sufficient Funds
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is that they do not have sufficient funds to take care of them during the travel adventure. Travelling to America from Nigeria is never a  cheap journey. You have to get so much money for travelling as a way of making ends meet.

The embassy is to be satisfied first beyond doubts that there is money with you and that, you are comfortable before you are allowed to leave Nigeria for America. From your bank statement, the embassy will see that your money is intact, and that, you can handle your money well. So much is to be done with money, otherwise, the American embassy will deny your visa to the US, they do not want you to go there and become a burden to them.

8. Lack Of Home Ties
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is that they lacked home ties. No home ties mean no visa or you may encounter difficulty before you obtain one. You have to get home ties to be able to obtain an American visa.

Suppose you do not have home ties such as family, and kids, and business, and land properties including any others thing that can easily bring you home when you travel,, you can be denied visa to the US. You must present at the embassies the prove that you have home ties or something that may convince the embassy that, there are things that can always bring you back home.

9. Failure To Response Properly To Interview  Questions
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US is the failure to respond properly to interview questions. Responding to travel interview questions can be Nigerians greatest undoing in their quest to obtain an American visa.

Imagine how to travel interview is going on smoothly, and suddenly one officer comes up with a question, and you have not prepared for such a question. And any weak and feeble answer given by a Nigerian can actually lead to denial of visa to the US.

10. Applying For Visa Not Consistent With  Lifestyle
Another reason why so many Nigerians are denied visa to the US is that most of them applied for visa that is not consistent with their lifestyle. When applying for an American visa, they must be sure that they are applying for a visa category that is consistent with their lifestyle, otherwise, they will either have difficulty in getting their visa or will stand changes of being denied a visa to the US. Type of visa include, vacation packages which involve singles, or couples, or families and even businesses on occasion, such as Valentine, and Easter, and Summer or even Christmas get-aways; to America.

Your quest to leave Nigeria for America can be cut short at the American embassy. It is common in many embassies, that after everything might have been processed, the embassies, only issued a few persons visa, while others go home without a visa, and this is not only peculiar to the American embassy. However, in the case of Nigerians, l have given you in this article, about 10 reasons why so many Nigerians are denied a visa to the US.

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