Wednesday 15 May 2019

The Governor ;A Curse Or A Blessing? Part 1 - DeNigerianDream

CRS Governor Prof Ben Ayade

What I have seen that is dragging Cross River, especially Obudu backward, in the  reign of Ayade is what I term '' Our Brother Saga'', other than competence. This rebuttal is going to face one of the three things I am going to talk in this series, about a lie of the Governor, using the seat given him in trust for the people to acquire properties free of charge from his kin, using force and intimidation in the guise that he is doing it for the greater benefit of the citizens. Rather, he is adding them to his other Estates gotten through fraudulent means. The Saga of "he's our brother", has led to the reinforcement of failure in governance.
In saner climes, we glory in delivery and anyone who has that capacity, with a loving mind, no matter what part he hails from, would be given our mandate . Today, I am writing with focus on the Canadian secondary school the Governor took my land, about 27 Plots of hundred by hundred handed  me by my grandfather, the only thing I benefited from him before his death. He, the Governor promised 4levels of compensation after doing what he did , which I  have never been interested in although , and he did nothing about it; yet another promise and fail, his usual attribute. When someone decides to protest against this ill treatment,  the chiefs, because they were not affected, say "leave him alone, he's our brother and he is bringing government here." I would say I have an authoritative information the Governor used his position in the state, and seized this ancestral heritage of mine, in furtherance of amassing for his imaginary dynasty. The people of Obudu have had worse times than good under the reign of Ayade who they call their son or brother. And because he has gone forth, and none of the leaders of thought has cautioned him not to do that, instead the people applaud him with our brother cliché, he has gone ahead to use another medium to seize more community lands in the name of building an international airport at Obudu, since no one has stopped him, and no one has raised a strong objection, against what he is doing from our traditional institutions, he has gone ahead again in the guise of an airport, to make available more estate for himself and his immediate family. But let me remind Mr Governor that land belongs to the people, held in trust by government, and it doesn't belong to the Governor as a person. This has got to stop, if not Obudu would be long owned by one man who directly doesn't care about their wellbeing. While we are here, standing on falsehood that he is "our brother" , someone who doesn't want your prosperity and only cares about himself, isn't a brother..

Part two I will  talk about the road contracts at Obudu.
 Written by Denigeriandream

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