Tuesday 21 May 2019

Cross River State Of The Now And The Future, Leaving No One Behind


Water Supply, Sanitation and Solid Waste management are three very important and critical areas of need in Cross River State (CRS). The Executive Governor of the State has risen to the task of providing solution to these important areas of need of the people of the State. His Excellency has therefore decided to develop a Roadmap that will guide the realization of his vision for the State.
This document outlines the vision of his Excellency, the Executive Governor of Cross River State, outlines a plan for developing the Roadmap and engaging potential donors that will support the realization of his vision.

Cross River State of Nigeria is the tourism destination of choice. The State is governed by a man of vision, one that has the heart and ears for the needs of the people. A charismatic governor that, since he came into office, has been exploring different ways to make life better for his people and in his first term has won the heart of his people by his humanitarian approach to leadership.
It is the same drive to ensure that the very deep needs of his people are met that moved him to declare his determination to ensure that;
• Every compound must have access to a public standpipe not more than 100metres radius.
• That every household in Cross River State must have access to toilet as a result of sustained behaviour change that will eradicate Open Defecation (OD) from the whole of the State.
• That there will be Institutional Latrines everywhere – on the highways, in motor parks, in public places so that anyone who has need for a toilet or a place to bath will readily have access to one.
• That every urban city in the State will have a sustainable waste management system with a waste to wealth component.
While within the context of the current situation in the country this may sound as a fantasy or wishful thinking, this is not the case. This is a visionary move that has high priority for the Governor and that is why he kicked off his mission with the declaration in Johannesburg, South Africa in December 2018, where he made a commitment to the whole world that his government will commit three million US dollars per annum for the next five years for a total of fifteen million dollars to achieve his vision. He takes the world stage today at Global Citizens Berlin Live to affirm his earlier declaration.
This mission is to clearly outline the vision of the governor, to layout the process of achieving it which will include the plans for coming up with a comprehensive roadmap that will have the support of key sector actors and strategic donors.

The overall aim of this project is to set in motion the mission of the CRS Government.
• Set out a clear plan for developing a comprehensive Roadmap for achieving the vision of the governor of not leaving anyone behind in Cross River State.
• Identify potential funding partners within and outside the country that can be approached with a comprehensive Roadmap for complimentary funding of this project.
• Identify contact persons and/or consultants that will work with the State Government to achieve its funding target.

By 2021;
1. Every compound in CRS must have a public stand post within 100m radius. That means no compound must walk more than 100m to have access to a clean water from a public stand post.
2. Open Defecation completely stamped out in Cross River State and
3. Every major city in CRS has in place an effective waste management system with waste reuse programme.

4.1 Fulfilling the Vision
Vision Number One: Every compound in CRS must have a public standpipe within 100m radius. That means, no compound must walk more than 100m to have access to a clean water from a public standpipe.
The plan is to start with 3 wards in each Senatorial district. There will be one water point per ward. There will be a reservoir at each ward headquarters from where water will be reticulated to the communities in that ward. Source of water will be surface water except where there is none, then ground water will be used. The set up will be as depicted in the schematic below. Actual size of tank and the technical details of the reticulation design will be done before the project commences.

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