Tuesday 23 October 2018

Senator Rose Oko PhD an Enormous Performer and Listener ~ Saviour


Every wo(man) has their portrait reflecting their character and ways of life. The portrait of a distinguished Senator and classic par excellence, Senator Rose Oko the senator Representing the Good people of Cross river North  is a representation of selfless service, transparency in management of human and material resources, humility, objectivity,civility and fairness.

During her reign in green chamber , her  cooperation with her people and stakeholders across board move Northern Cross river   to another level.

As a senator all stakeholders' representatives of the Northern senatorial district had a day out where a white paper for her administration were looked into,
 presentations were made, issues were thrashed and opinions were ventilated.

 It was a worthwhile exercise which gave the constituents to ventilate their presentations and chart anew course for the progressive development of the Northern senatorial district.

Every manager has their approach to management. To Senator Rose Oko management model is key to achieving efficiency and block all loopholes to monetary waste.

 There was no surprise that no sooner was she inaugurated than she sponsored a diaspora bill the biometric system for all all Nigerians in diaspora.

 However, to the consternation of many,she was also named as one of tge best senators in April 2016 and she has constantly maintained that height of achievement,she seems to have come from another planet, people wondered aloud!

She does not rob Peter to pay Paul: She gives you your due, but she is not hasty in judgement.

 Like a judge in the law court, she processes conclusions on provable evidence.

 She values the health and safety of her people, hence her insistence on health insurance of all members of staff who might need to attend to their health out of their station.Talking about a realistic manager who abhors waste of resources however little, Senator Rose Oko merits a portrait.

She encourages independent minds, She does not take decisions rashly, She religiously embraces Third Opinion to balance views objectively.

 When she suspects a foul play in complainants of backbiters, she simply tells them to put their complaints in white and black.

 Soon will these apologists retreat into oblivion!she hardly allows rabble-rousers and layabouts to besiege her office to sing her praise unnecessarily.

 When being praised or appraised undeservedly, sheb asks why she deserves high-sounding and gargantuan accolades because to her, the minstrels are the ones who mislead their principals.

She encourages people to objectively appraise her performance, giving the yardsticks.

An exemplar,Senator Rose Oko is a voracious speaker whose words attract her audience like weather.

An attentive listener, she will not interject the speaker with scorn even when they appear the least of her staff.

Her body language suggests that humans are endowed with two ears and one mouth so that they should be able to listen as twice as they speak.

 When she listens, you mistake her for a taciturn but the moment she speaks, you behold a fantastic classic whose members of audience will always stay glued to her articulation from Genesis to Revelation.

A listener, she works assiduously on feedback. This, one supposes, is a good strength of a visionary leader.

Humility and simplicity are two veritable attributes that stand her out as the moon does from the stars. She walks, speaks, reads and mingle softy and carefully among her subordinates.More often than not, Senator Rose Oko operates a horizontal communication rather than the usual vertical,top-down approach in management.

This is manifest in the way she distributes official communication messages via her email to major stakeholders while at the same time, she responds quickly when reached through the medium-even people whose opinions she values so much.

A rare manager of man and material resources,she copies those concerned on all issues via memos and emails and picks meaningful and resourceful facts presented to address issues.

 She is objective, at least with majority of issues because her decision is all-inclusive and open for further comments.

 Interestingly, her diction is friendly as she is never harsh but gentle with employment of words.

Unlike certain leaders,Senator Rose Oko does not assume that she knows everything.
 She seeks opinions of experts and professionals from differing backgrounds when there is/was need, although she herself, a woman of multifarious ideas.

She acknowledges excellent propositions and even openly quote their sources among her subordinates.

This virtue-giving credits-is a rare one among leaders as many would rather attract credits meant for their subordinates to themselves and take all the glory.

Senator Rose Oko makes every every one important in the scheme of things. Rather than shield management affairs in 'kitchen of bedroom secrecy' , Senator Rose operates an open, democratic management where no room is left for rumour or propaganda against her  office.

 As she openly takes stock of her achievements she does not allow gossips and slanderers who cannot openly present their proof

She celebrates the uncelebrated of the people in whom in her discovers good prospects. Citable of this was her acceptance speech in 2015 where she identified her constituents as her first priority.

A rare manager of man and resources, she copies those concerned on any issues via memos and emails and picks meaningful and resourceful facts presented to address issues.

She is objective, at least with majority of issues because her decision is all-inclusive and open.

Fire begets fire. Senator Rose Oko ,who is a daughter of a leader and eventually a leader herself has a burning passion to develop future leaders .


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