Thursday 13 February 2020

Ogoja First: Ishabor pledges rural development if elected Ogoja Chairman


Research has confirmed that
people living in rural areas are the most neglected, marginalised with high level of poverty. Thousands of rural households are at risk of meeting up the standards of living and means of livelihoods; Lack of basic needs are pushing rural populations to live in miserable and deplorable conditions,records have it that thousands of poor households in rural areas like Adagom 1,2&3, Nwang, Mfum, Nkimkol, Ndok, Ukpagada, Nwarantii, Mbube etc needs development.

 The lack of VDP is a major challenge that have restricted their means of livelihood and incurred more expenses on them to access the Urban town for purchases and banking transactions, amongst these challenges is also the problems of decreased income rate, job opportunities and socioeconomic development, poor access road and poor Service delivery like mobile network issues which has really had a negative effect on the Economy of Ogoja.

Aware of all these challenges,Hon Emmanuel Ishabor in his first meeting with his Media Team members, identified key areas he will swing into immediately he takes over the leadership of Ogoja LGA. He recounted one of his bad encounter to buttress his point,when he recalled a very sad incident of two pupils from one Parent who lost their lives in a motorcycle accident when on transit from the Rural part to Urban to access good education, the tragedy he said,fueled his desire to return back standard education to the rural dwellers.

He further stressed that if he is  elected Chairman,together with his competent team, possible ways will be sorted out to  retrain most of the  primary school teachers, empower them with modern teaching aids,while also engaging young graduates.

Monthly survey will be carried out across primary schools,to upgrade physical structures,routine inspection of teachers and students will be introduced to ascertain their level of performance.

On the issue of unemployment,the Chairman hopeful made it clear that he will use his Public Relation (PR) mechanism to lobby for jobs for our youths to compliment the ones his administration will create.

His administration will synergies with the State and Federal Government to pay attention to Rural community development,while also creating a working relationship with both the public and private sector to provide room for more engagement of our ever growing young population, who really need to make meaning out of life.

Healthcare will be give premium attention with a synergy with both public and private sector to provide quality door to door health service and revamp our health care centres with modern equipment in addition to what the Governor is doing.

These and many more will happen when we Vote

Hon Emmanuel Ishabor as Chairman Ogoja LGA.

Mgbado Quincy Afi.

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