Monday 10 February 2020

Ogoja Council poll: My plan for Ogoja - Hon. Emmanuel ishabor in focus

By. Ikpen Ilefa

A leader is someone who chooses to look after the person to the left of them and the right of them, meaning their people feel safe and so morale goes up.

In this sense, we will be right to say that, from business, to social groups – a great leader is essential for success, be it on a daily basis as a result of motivation to success in tasks or competitions. If you are a leader it is imperative that you strive to be great and embrace methods and tips from those around you.

Realising this truism, the Chairmanship Candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party for Ogoja Local Government  Area for the March 28th Elections, held a meeting with his Media team to chat a course forward and deliberate on possible ways to develop Ogoja.

In that meeting, it was more of an interactive session, as questions were asked to the Chairman on why he wants to be Chairman, what he will do differently if elected and his over all plans for the LGA.

Responding to these concerns, the Chairmanship Candidate, started by attributing his mandate to God and other human elements used by God, he went on, to state categorically that his mission as Ogoja LGA Chairman is nothing but service.

Going further, the brilliant, proactive, resourceful and well sourced Chairman awaiting inauguration outlined basic things he intends to do if elected Chairman. Hence he started with:

 1. STRUCTURAL ADMINISTRATION - As the word implies, Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor is envisaging a local government that will be working in all aspects. This he meant that, all sectors of the LGA will be encouraged to brace up in terms of service delivery and prompt actions to any challenge that may arise in delivering quality service to the people. He observed that, for a Local Government area like Ogoja to be where it ought to be, integral Structural administration is needed.

 2. SYNERGY WITH ALL ARMS OF GOVERNMENT WITHING THE LGA - In this regard, Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor resounded that, for any society to thrive, rule of law and due process must be an attitude to imbibe. For this reason, he intends if elected chairman, to draw a working relationship with the Legislators so as to enable them enact laws that will benefit the Ogoja people. He reinstated his commitment to set Ogoja LGA as an example to other LGAs in terms of cordial and mutual relationship with the Legislators. He further stated that, as a one time Leader of the Ogoja Legislative House, one time Leader of Leaders in Cross River State and Vice Chairman Nigeria Forum of Leaders,  he has the technical know-how to coordinate a productive working relationship with the incoming councillors.

3. EDUCATION: The Chairmanship candidate started by frowning out the high level of negligence associated with some public school teachers, and promised to create a new path way for both teachers and pupils to follow according to the well structural academic programme the state has initiated. For Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, elementary education is the bed rock for future leaders, and if the foundation cannot be taken care of at this prime time, Ogoja will end up producing bad products to the society. Conversely, in other not to produce bad products, he has vowed to priotize education above anything else if elected Chairman.

4. HEALTH - There is a popular saying that, health is wealth. Wary of this aphorism, Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, has promised to utilise the primary health centers across the wards of Ogoja  provided by the State Government. He is of the view to bring at least three contacts a week to every health center. He also saw the need to provide ambulance so as to address very urgent situations.

5. SECURITY - In this aspect, the Chairmanship candidate, vowed to make Security one of his top most priority. He intends to collaborate with the law enforcement agencies and security outfits by sourcing for very resourceful personnel to pilot the affairs of Security in Ogoja. According to the Chairman to be, without security development is hindered. Hence has assured to curb the menace of substance abuse, arm robbery, kidnapping and cultism that is becoming prevalent amongst the Ogoja people.

6. SYNERGY WITH TRADITIONAL LEADERS-For Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, the closest persons to the people, are the traditional leaders. This is because, the community is the basis from which people spring up, thus custodians of our traditional laws will be carried along so as to bring overwhelming peace and development to every community.

7. AGRICULTURE - According to the Chairmanship candidate, in terms of Agriculture Cross River State is the luckiest because the Governor has invested fortune to keep this sector moving. All what Ogoja will do, is to key into the Agricultural cum industrial revolution of the Governor for the benefit of the Ogoja people.

 8. SPORT - One of the binding forces of unity is sport according to Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, and so for this singular reason, Hon. Emma has promised to revive sport in Ogoja. In the area of football, Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor has given his word to bring black card back. According to him, he can't wait to see those moments when our Ogoja team will go out for competitions and bring trophies back to the LGA. In other to show that he meant his words, he has vowed to go at any length even if  it means begging, just to make sure football and other sporting activities are revived in Ogoja, in this way, even the Stadium will be given maximum attention.

9. FINANCE - This is the backbone of every society, for even Karl Marx observed that, without economy, the society is useless. The Hon. Chairman awaiting confirmation from his people, has said that, finance will be managed prudently to serve the Ogoja interest. He has promised if elected chairman, to bring about ay working system that will give financial strength to the LGA. He also noted that, though the challenges are enormous especially meeting up to wage bills and other key developmental projects, but he is optimistic that Ogoja Financial record will be a clean shit.

10. WOMEN EMPOWERMENT AND INCLUSIVENESS- Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor has stressed the fact that, if elected chairman, affirmative action will be implemented to meet up international standard and complement the State Government. He also assured the Ogoja people of engaging our women in different ways to keep them on top.

 11. YOUTH EMPOWERMENT- The aphorism "youths are leaders of tomorrow" according to Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, isn't an assumption but a truism. Hence he shall develop a close working relationship with the youths, develop a data bank of the entire youths of Ogoja to access their needs and meet up to them, through a specific forum from facts gotten from their data, needs and assessment. In this way according to him, no youth of Ogoja will be left unattended to.

While summarising his lofty plans for Ogoja if elected chairman, Hon. Emma Ishabor noted that, he can't be exhaustive with his plans as there are numerous ideas  in stock to set Ogoja on the world map, he rather seize the moment to assure all and sundry that at the end, the Ogoja people will smile.

For those who know Hon. Emmanuel Ishabor, you will agree with me that, he is a core contractarian, that is, his words are usually his bond. Let the Ogoja people expect nothing less.

Sponsored by Mgbado Quincy Afi.

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