Wednesday 12 February 2020

CTRA Chairman dissolves existing structures, frowns at fraud in the system.

Mr. Gabriel Adah

The newly appointed chairman of the commercial Transportation Regulatory Agency CTRA, Mr Gabriel Adah has dissolved all existing structures in the agency, saddled with the responsibility of issuing tickets to motorists and Keke riders within Calabar Municipal and Calabar South, in the agency.

Mr Adah also frowned at the mode of operation in the system where tickets are issued and funds are not remitted to the government.

Adah who dissolved the Ticketing agents, has constituted new structures to take full operation of tickets distribution and funds collection. Adah directed that, all vehicles and Keke ceased should be released on his notice and records properly documented.

While interacting with the staff of the Agency, Adah  lamented the meager resources at the Governor's disposal and his desire to accomplish the industrialization agenda for the people of Cross River State.
 According to him, His Excellency is managing the meager resources of the state, and he is particularly interested in the revenue generation of the CTRA to assist the State government.

"All revenue leakages must be blocked. The time for recklessness is over", he said.

Speaking further, Adah said he has been given two weeks by the state government to report all activities of the agency, and he must deliver. Adah charged that, as an experienced accountant, he would function in all units of the CTRA even on the field, to make sure  things work correctly under his administration.

He told the CTRA secretary Barr. Raymond Ekpang, and the  Director of Administration, Mr Augustine Eyam that they must work closely and transparently with him to deliver on the mandate.

In an interactive session with the ticketing agents; Hon. Ikpeme Ebony - Director ticketing enforcement, Calabar Municipal and South,
Mr. Bassey Effiom - Director Keke ticketing, Calabar Municipal,
Mr. Assam Bassey- Director Keke ticketing, Calabar South,
Mr. Ita Bassey Ania - Tickets manager Keke/Bus, Calabar Municipal and South, the CTRA chairman opined that, the activities of the agency revolves around ticketing. According to him, the dissolution of the structures, is for the period of two weeks, to test-run his new team in order to see where the leakages has been.
According to Adah, the old ticketing agents can reapply after the two weeks of test-running.

The Chairman and the agents agreed that, the process of test-running with the new team commences on Monday next week, while the old agents be given this week to show the new team ticket distribution points.

The chairman said, His Excellency is a result oriented person and as his employee, he is out for result. He said if he sees improvement from Wednesday to Saturday, the old agents could be allowed to continue.

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