Friday 27 December 2019

Open congratulatory Message to Dr Inyang Asibong

I wish to extend my congratulatory message to you openly; Dr Inyang Asibong on your new office as the  Commissioner for International Development Cooperation/Donor Support  after serving meritoriously recently with the Cross River State Ministry of Health. Medical and non medical staff from the Health ministry will miss you and your personality for leaving an outstanding legacy especially as you change the narrative in the Ministry from the *MinistryofHell* to the real ministry of Health. You created the harmonious relationship between top hierarchies where they was no power tussles and indifferences.

You were Labour friendly and  you open up 3 schools of Nursing and three schools of midwifery that were closed down, you built three General Hospitals through public Private Partnership (PPP) and gave  boasts to three General Hospitals, one from each Senatorial District where Intra modern Eye center, VesicoVaginal Fistula and Recreation centre were built among others laudable achievements. Just as the staff were expecting your return to continue your good leadership style, their expectations were cut short as the Governor had assigned you to serve in a different capacity in view of your versatile capabilities and leadership prowess.

Your new position is as a result of your immense commitment and dedication to serve where God will be taking you and not by displaying inglorious intentions. just like Abraham in the Bible who chooses direction over intention of Lot his brother,your direction and not intention determines your destination.

Am happy you have the capacity and what it takes to perform brilliantly in your new office and position.
As the Lord chooses you today through the digital Gov of Cross River State, Gov Ben Ayade, He will inspire you with the right things to do on the new level you found yourself.
You won't just be opening door to your new office, you will be opening the door to life new opportunities that make you go global like the  likes of Dr (Mrs ) Ngozi Okonjo  Iweala Former Nigeria Finance Minister and World Bank development economist and Dr Akinwumi Adesina  ,former Agriculture Minister and currently, President, African Development Bank who are now global figures who have impacted the world

once again, Congratulations!!

Coco-Bassey Esu

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