Friday 27 December 2019


It has taken 48 hours of deep inner reflections to come up with this post. “No victor No vanquish, it’s a win win situation for Cross River state”

Ordinarily all I should come to Facebook hours after being sworn in as commissioner for health, should be to say big thank you to my Boss Governor Ben Ayade and his dear wife; of course to all Cross Riverians as well as Nigerians for the unwavering, unprecedented support in the last 4 years.

I will still begin with thank you! I thank God almighty for Life and the privilege to serve. His love, protection, favor, grace, mercy have been so overwhelming... if I had one billion tongues to say thank you ... it won’t still be enough... plsssss help me tell God thank🙏🙌🏻

I wish to specially thank the Governor of my state Cross River; Sen. Ben Ayade, for the unwavering support from a father to a daughter... the last four years has been a learning ground for me, trust me... giving me such huge assignment in my twenties was daring... but God was there all the way to help me perform exceptionally well! This was an opportunity of a life time; am glad I didn’t let you down... in fact I learnt from the very best. God bless you Boss.

Well for those who don’t know, an angel lives amongst men in Cross River State, the beautiful Quintessential Wife of the Governor of Cross River State Dr Linda Ayade. She is not just a mother, but a mentor, a friend, a defender, a motivator, she is the air beneath my wings....I really don’t want to get emotional... but God will bless you... what you have done for me... may God bless you and your children even to your fifth generation beyond your carrying Capacity. You are a rare Gem! ... I love you so much, the God I serve will defend you!😍🥰🔥🙌🏻🙏🥰😘

To all Cross Riverians, I cant thank you enough. I have never felt this loved all my life...your support for Betta can not be described! You correct me, you cheer me up, you are there for me, you connect to my programs and make them work! May God bless all of you and our dear state! To The youths; this one is deep... I love you all dearly... no worry as una the project Betta we go do more for una... pls meet me when you need help... I will try my best... it’s our turn now... let’s do it again together🥰😍

To my dear family, God bless you all... I love you... thank you for the understanding😍

To all our Development partners, donors and even my medical colleagues as well as the ED NPHCDA and the Minister for health, all my big friends and fathers in Nigeria and other nations; I say a big thank you for all the support. Please we need more support now than ever before!

To my big sister Dr Inyang Asibong you did well... and am glad you have an international platform to explore... I will just continue from where you left off. Great Exploit in your new office!

This is another great opportunity to do more, the work is humongous, but with Jesus we will go beyond all expectations... with God on our side we will support Governor Ben Ayade and Dr Linda Ayade to leave a lasting Legacy in the Health Sector.

Lion of Judea my trust is in you! Jesus I need you now more than ever before... please help me!!!!

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