Sunday 30 June 2019


Rapists are monsters that must be tamed and rape is evil. Rape is not a consensual sexual intercourse but a violent one that sees a man or woman force his/her self on the victim they want to have sex with and this is done not without struggles by victims to free themselves until they are overpowered before the rape can take place. Except for rapes done with the use of weapons where victims are commanded to obey orders with the use of firearms, machetes or daggers, where they could not shout, there are points to prove rape.

1. There was penetration
2. There was struggle
3. The pant or underwear of the victim was torn
4. There is some violent signs on the body of the victim to show he/she was forcefully raped
5. Semen was seen in the vagina of the woman after the rape
6. A doctor's report to actually prove penetration as at When It was alleged to have taken place

While discussing this rape issue, we should not argue ignorantly or with sentiment but as rational  humans as anybody can be a victim or accused tomorrow.

Evidence abound all over the world of sexual escapades of some "men of god" who have turned their churches to den of evil where young women/men are lured and turned to sexual machines. These attitude have cause a dent on the image of the Clergys who are supposed to be a leading example of what Christlike attitude is. But we were forewarned of these end time pastors and prophets.

These attitude of this type of "men of god" is also  not made possible in isolation without the consent and connivance  of some of this girls/boys who make themselves vulnerable and in most cases, would allow it to happen to prove how smart and connected they are even in the house of God. If you are a member of some of these large congregation of attention seeking pastors and members, you will really understand what is really going on. A situation where girls will flaunt everything they have even in the church and some Will in most cases seek to have the attention of the pastor more than the pastors wife to show how committed they are, seeks no further clarification why these things are happening the way they are happening. These things are not just amongst young ladies alone, even some married women do it. A married woman who calls the husband "Papa Patience" is calling a young pastor younger than her husband "daddy".

One thing must be understood here, men who are womanizers, whether pastor or not pastor, do not keep women. They use and discard women. Consensual sex that later turns  awkward, in most cases when the man discard the woman, sometimes in a very uncomplimentary and ridiculous manner should not be termed rape.  Rape is not just a word, it takes actions and counter actions for rape to happen.

It is in view of the above and the explanation given by Mrs. Dakolo that I make bold to say that the COZA Pastor, Ibiyetoyinbo did not rape Mrs. Dakolo. Outside asking the question like, why come out today to say all these things after 20 years, which is possible it could be now she has the courage to say it, there are other questions that begs for answers. The testimony of Mrs. Dakolo shows the rape took place in her family house in the morning, and our questions are,

1. Was she alone in the family house?

2. If she was not alone in the family house, was it mandatory she always open door for visitors coming in early?

3. Was it right that she opens door for visitors she does not know dressed in transparent night gowns and what was she thinking going to stand in front of an unknown visitor with a see-through night gown?

4. When she was pushed to the chair and there was no consent, did she shout( Her testimony said she did not shout) WHY?

5. While the act was going on, did it not awake any other member of the family?

6. Why was it she alone that was only awake to the sound of a visitor coming into the house and other family members showed no concern?

7. The pastor after sleeping with her with her went out to his car and brought a soft drink, Crest and forcefully poured into her mouth and no other family member saw it and asked questions?

8 . If the Pastor could easily open her legs to penetrate, was it also easy to open her mouth to pour Crest drink?

While it is possible that Mrs Dakolo may have been raped in her life time, her story of the pastor raping her does not add up, and until she answers these questions, that story is false. WE MUST FEAR GOD AND DO HIS COMMANDMENT.

For you pastors that have been preaching that dressing does not matter and will use that as a tactics to lure girls, shame on you. For you young ladies and women that will dress naked to the Church of God before your pastors, shame on you too. I have been an advocate that Christians should separate reality from spirituality. There are things that are real, and there things that are spiritual.  Every pastor is a normal human being. For you girls that have given your bodies to pastors and other preachers and when they discard you, you are coming out today to confess rape, shame on you. What were you expecting, that a pastor that already has a wife should keep you as a second wife or continue to keep you as the only mistress? The pastor who sleeps with you is a womanizer and must surely look for new holds to dig.

For feminists shouting everywhere, I support you all, we must work to stop rape not consensual sex that later turns awkward, and  is later called rape. There are points to prove rape.

Ekpenyong Isaiah,
Commander, Infantry Pen Battallion

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