Sunday 30 June 2019

C'River Agropreneur, Chief Paul Santus Bags MOP Award For Humanitarian Services

Nigerian Cross River-born rising agripreneur and  promoter of Ogoja Local Rice as well as CEO/Founder of Santuscom Agro - hub has bagged the prestigious Messengers of Peace (MOP) Foundation award for Humanitarian Services to the less privileged in Nigeria.

Ahead of the official investirure scheduled for July 5, at the Transcorp Hilton Abuja, the National President of MOP, Dr Suleiman Adejoh,  on Sunday visited Chief Santus at his Abuja office, where he presented him the award.

It would be recalled that a letter of nomination for the award dated June 10, 2019, state that, the Omohe 1 of Yala was nominated for the award for his contribution to building peace in the Niger Delta and empowering local communities and youths through his Agro projects.

The letter which was jointly signed  by the National President  and a Nollywood Actor and the Director of Strategic Planning  of MOP, De Adejoh and Bob Manuel Udokwu respectively reads in part, "With this letter we officially nominate you to receive our prestigious award of excellence for Humanitarian Services, due to your vast vision in feeding the nation and helping in job creation together with all your humanitarian services to the less privileged in our country."

Chief Santus while expressing appreciation for the recognition, pledged his continuous determination towards promoting peace in the Niger Delta and in the country at large by engaging the teeming youths and encouraging them to be part of the ongoing agriculture revolution.

He opined that his agro industry will soon unveil an entrepreneurship institution called the Farmers School, where younger Farmers will get the requisite knowledge and build capacity.

Recall that Santuscom-Agro Hub are the producers of Ogoja Rice, Ogoja Groundnut Oil etc, recently launched in Yala LGA, Cross River State.

Rape Allegation: COZA Pastor cautioned Wife In Church

As tension and social media criticism goes haywire, as expected, the turn out at the church was on a high and to forestall any form of security breach, the Army, DSS, Police, Civil Defence were engaged.

Normal service activities kick started by 9:00Am in the church but they were several alterations to the service procedures. Among the eight members testified of how the pastor has led them to God making them who they are today.

 The momentum of the service took another turn when the wife of Pastor Biodun took to the alter, top on the comments she made before reading few passages of the Bible was"My husband can not rape anybody even as an unbeliever", this statement got a thunderous applause from the worshippers. In a twist of event,  Pastor Fatoyinbo  stormed the alter and interrupted his wife. He began by thanking the church and his spiritual fathers for giving him their backing throughout the trying moment. "I am a man under authority,  as I've always said,  am the most blessed pastor in the city and right now I can say i am the most blessed pastor in the world", he said.

 He continued by encouraging his followers not to engage the security operatives or those they might encounter on their way out of the church after the service.

Pastor Biodun couldn't preach in church,  and he vehemently resisted his wife from further comments about the rape allegation. "The elders are on the matter, don't say anything darling, please", he told his wife on the alter, afterwards he took his loving and passionate wife away from the pulpit  after which the service came to a close.

The congregants made a special video for Pastor Biodun and requested the media to cover the process. In the video they declared their total support for Pastor Biodun. "Pastor we love you" they chanted.


Rapists are monsters that must be tamed and rape is evil. Rape is not a consensual sexual intercourse but a violent one that sees a man or woman force his/her self on the victim they want to have sex with and this is done not without struggles by victims to free themselves until they are overpowered before the rape can take place. Except for rapes done with the use of weapons where victims are commanded to obey orders with the use of firearms, machetes or daggers, where they could not shout, there are points to prove rape.

1. There was penetration
2. There was struggle
3. The pant or underwear of the victim was torn
4. There is some violent signs on the body of the victim to show he/she was forcefully raped
5. Semen was seen in the vagina of the woman after the rape
6. A doctor's report to actually prove penetration as at When It was alleged to have taken place

While discussing this rape issue, we should not argue ignorantly or with sentiment but as rational  humans as anybody can be a victim or accused tomorrow.

Evidence abound all over the world of sexual escapades of some "men of god" who have turned their churches to den of evil where young women/men are lured and turned to sexual machines. These attitude have cause a dent on the image of the Clergys who are supposed to be a leading example of what Christlike attitude is. But we were forewarned of these end time pastors and prophets.

These attitude of this type of "men of god" is also  not made possible in isolation without the consent and connivance  of some of this girls/boys who make themselves vulnerable and in most cases, would allow it to happen to prove how smart and connected they are even in the house of God. If you are a member of some of these large congregation of attention seeking pastors and members, you will really understand what is really going on. A situation where girls will flaunt everything they have even in the church and some Will in most cases seek to have the attention of the pastor more than the pastors wife to show how committed they are, seeks no further clarification why these things are happening the way they are happening. These things are not just amongst young ladies alone, even some married women do it. A married woman who calls the husband "Papa Patience" is calling a young pastor younger than her husband "daddy".

One thing must be understood here, men who are womanizers, whether pastor or not pastor, do not keep women. They use and discard women. Consensual sex that later turns  awkward, in most cases when the man discard the woman, sometimes in a very uncomplimentary and ridiculous manner should not be termed rape.  Rape is not just a word, it takes actions and counter actions for rape to happen.

It is in view of the above and the explanation given by Mrs. Dakolo that I make bold to say that the COZA Pastor, Ibiyetoyinbo did not rape Mrs. Dakolo. Outside asking the question like, why come out today to say all these things after 20 years, which is possible it could be now she has the courage to say it, there are other questions that begs for answers. The testimony of Mrs. Dakolo shows the rape took place in her family house in the morning, and our questions are,

1. Was she alone in the family house?

2. If she was not alone in the family house, was it mandatory she always open door for visitors coming in early?

3. Was it right that she opens door for visitors she does not know dressed in transparent night gowns and what was she thinking going to stand in front of an unknown visitor with a see-through night gown?

4. When she was pushed to the chair and there was no consent, did she shout( Her testimony said she did not shout) WHY?

5. While the act was going on, did it not awake any other member of the family?

6. Why was it she alone that was only awake to the sound of a visitor coming into the house and other family members showed no concern?

7. The pastor after sleeping with her with her went out to his car and brought a soft drink, Crest and forcefully poured into her mouth and no other family member saw it and asked questions?

8 . If the Pastor could easily open her legs to penetrate, was it also easy to open her mouth to pour Crest drink?

While it is possible that Mrs Dakolo may have been raped in her life time, her story of the pastor raping her does not add up, and until she answers these questions, that story is false. WE MUST FEAR GOD AND DO HIS COMMANDMENT.

For you pastors that have been preaching that dressing does not matter and will use that as a tactics to lure girls, shame on you. For you young ladies and women that will dress naked to the Church of God before your pastors, shame on you too. I have been an advocate that Christians should separate reality from spirituality. There are things that are real, and there things that are spiritual.  Every pastor is a normal human being. For you girls that have given your bodies to pastors and other preachers and when they discard you, you are coming out today to confess rape, shame on you. What were you expecting, that a pastor that already has a wife should keep you as a second wife or continue to keep you as the only mistress? The pastor who sleeps with you is a womanizer and must surely look for new holds to dig.

For feminists shouting everywhere, I support you all, we must work to stop rape not consensual sex that later turns awkward, and  is later called rape. There are points to prove rape.

Ekpenyong Isaiah,
Commander, Infantry Pen Battallion

A New Nigeria Is Possible - Fidelis Duker

Fidelis DUKER
Calabar. June, 2019

I had an interesting experience for the first time in my  over 26 years of applying or renewing my passports. This interesting scenerio was devoid of the constant  phenomena at some passport/immigration offices across the country. 

The Nigeria Immigration Service Passport control office in calabar  is obviously a beacon of hope for Nigeria. 

Yesterday, i was just thinking of how i will travel to Lagos  and go through the process of renewing my passport which is due for renewal in December and i have a visa appointment which requires 6 months validity. 

Then i remembered i had my passport in calabar and so asked my acting head of station if he knew anyone at the calabar NIS. 10 minutes he came back and said he had spoken to a contact and i should go there today by 9am and i asked how long will it take and he said same day .... may be 4 hours ..... i just looked at him and said JOKER and walked away.

Behold true to his words i got to the passport office without mentioning who i was and met other applicants going through  a seamless and respectable process and guess what, in less than 45minutes i had my passport renewed and walked away without destroying cars like my UK brother. YES  45 MINUTES...... NO TOUTS , NO INTERMEDIARIES,  OPEN OFFICE,  COURTEOUS OFFICERS, OPEN DOOR POLICY, NO EXTRA BUT OFFICIAL RATE AND   ALL APPLICANTS TREATED EQUALLY. 

I also spoke to a few applicants and that was their testimony  and note the PCO didnt know who i was until i was almost through with the process when his officers all expressed surprised while capturing and saw my name ..... then they told the controller.  Looool

He even confirmed that he has made it his watchword to apply EQUITY in how his men attend to applicants. 

I want to use this medium to THANK the PCO  Mr. Ita Nta, the 2iC Mr Ogundeji , the officer who attended to my renewal Mr Ekpenyong Akah.

Kudos to NIS calabar.  I

This shows there is HOPE for NIGERIA.

COZA: Hooded SSS Operatives Arrest Two Protesters

Two protesters have reportedly been arrested by hooded operatives of the State Security Service (SSS) at the Abuja headquarters of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly (COZA).
The operatives, according to reports, drove the protesters, said to be two men, in a black Mercedes Benz C200 saloon car.
The protesters had shown up at COZA as announced by different groups on social media.
This follows an interview granted by Busola Dakolo, wife of musician, Timi Dakolo, in which she accused Biodun Fatoyinbo, the church’s preacher, of raping her.

Atiku buries father-in-law in Onitsha0

Tony Okafor, Awka

The presidential candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party in the February General Elections, Atiku Abubakar on Saturday buried his father-in-law, Chief Chukwuka Iwenjiora in Onitsha, Anambra State.

A former President, Goodluck Jonathan, Imo State governor, Emeka Ihedioha and a former governor of Anambra State, Peter Obi were among the dignitaries who paid their last respects to the late Iwenjiora.

Iwenjiora, father of Atiku’s wife, Jennifer was born on June 4, 1929 and died on January 26.

In his tribute, Jonathan, accompanied by his wife, Dame Patience described the nonagenarian as “a man of great resources and compassion.”

“His unwavering desire to build human capital endeared him to many in his community and beyond.

“His great accomplishments and dedication to work inspired the younger generation mostly in the academia and business world.

“He was committed to the unity of our beloved country and a tremendous gift to the South East region,” Jonathan said.

In a condolence message, Atiku described his father-in-law as  a “patriot whose love for the country was immeasurable.”

Atiku said, ” His greatest worry was national unity and the security of our people.

“Among other things, a well-run and well -funded public education system, as well as greater mobility and social interaction of our people, can help meet those challenges”.

He said the late Iwenjiora was always pained whenever something happened that threatened Nigeria’s unity.

Ihedioha, on his part, said the late nonagenarian died a great patriot.

Iwenjiora is survived by 13 children, 28 grandchildren, nine great-grandchildren and other relations.

BREAKING: Trump Becomes First US President To Step Foot On North Korean Soil

US-North Korea: Trump and Kim Jong-un in symbolic DMZ meeting
US President Donald Trump has shared a symbolic handshake with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un in the heavily fortified zone dividing the two Koreas.
Mr Trump became the first sitting US president to cross into North Korea after meeting Mr Kim at the demilitarised zone (DMZ).

Critics have dismissed it as pure political theatre, but others say it could set the scene for future talks.

Their last summit ended abruptly with no progress on denuclearisation talks.
Speaking to reporters alongside Mr Kim at the DMZ, President Trump said it was a "truly historic" moment and that he was "proud to step over the line" between the Koreas.
Mr Kim, in a rare statement to the press, said the meeting was a symbol of the "excellent" relationship between him and Mr Trump.

North Korea's sidelined human rights crisis
Why will this meeting be significant?
With no time for the all-important backroom diplomacy, it was expected to be largely a photo opportunity. However, the dramatic meeting will be seen as a sign of their ongoing commitment to the denuclearisation talks.

Negotiations with North Korea, to try to convince it to abandon its controversial nuclear programme, reached a peak last year when Mr Trump and Mr Kim had a historic meeting in Singapore.
They both committed to the "complete denuclearisation" of the Korean peninsula, but without clarifying what that meant.

It was hoped their second meeting, in Hanoi in February, would make some concrete agreement about North Korea handing over its nuclear programme in exchange for some of the tight sanctions against it being lifted.

But those talks ended with no deal, as they failed to agree on the pace at which sanctions should be eased. Since then the negotiations have stalled, though Mr Kim and Mr Trump have exchanged letters recently.

What is the DMZ?
The DMZ, which runs about 4km (2.5 miles) wide and 250km long, has divided the peninsula since the Korean War ended in 1953.
Though that area, by definition, has no military installations or personnel, beyond it lies one of the most heavily militarised borders in the world.
The Joint Security Area (JSA) located at the Panmunjom village straddles the Military Demarcation Line and is where all negotiations between the two countries are held.
Tourists can also go to the JSA when relations between the two countries - still technically at war - allow it. No US sitting US president has been inside it. Bill Clinton once described it as the "scariest place on Earth".

#COZA: Former Senate President’s Wife, Toyin Saraki Reacts

Toyin Saraki, the wife of the former Senate president, has joined millions of Nigerians in reacting to the allegation of rape levied against Biodun Fatoyinbo of the Commonwealth of Zion Assembly by Busola Dakolo, wife of singer, Timi Dakolo.
According to Toyin Saraki who reacted via a tweet she sent out via her handle, she said ”Coercion is not consent. Intimidation is not consent. Sex with a child is Rape.”
Recall that the singer’s wife alleged that she was raped by the pastor when she was just 17-year-old.

What she wrote below;
Coercion is not consent. Intimidation is not consent. Sex with a child is Rape.
Toyin Saraki
Coercion is not consent. Intimidation is not consent. Sex with a child is Rape. #iStandWithBusola#EndRapeCulture
SEGA L'éveilleur® @segalink
Thank you @wellbeingafrica
@WARIF_NG @StandtoEndRape
@citizen_gavel @SIAF_NG it is time to #EndRapeCulture
3,505 9:06 AM - Jun 29, 2019
1,919 people are talking about this

Northern Cross River Youths Initiative explains 'RUGA', and Reject 'RUGA' colony.

By Francis Peters

RUGA: Cattle Colony  is a proposed LGA were the fulani will occupy with their cattle, families and full facilities for comfort.

The region will become exclusively Islamic,  as Mosques will be built in the region for worship. Being exclusively Muslim, Sharia Courts will be established and Sharia Law, and  Sharia police enforced within the region in order to meet their religious obligatory.

It is also believe that caliphate will be Created for Emirs or District heads around the region.

 Sharia law will become operational in the 19 proposed States by the office of the president to establish RUGA in the Nation, Emirates being declared in those States and then demands for other Sharia LGAs and more land equally acquired.

Former President Obasanjo earlier described this perceived act as Fulanisation and Islamisation of Nigeria. He was recently made Father of the Nation by the youth council of Nigeria, award many described as well deserved.

RUGA Cattle Colony is declaration of Jihad in disguise. A Process to rip-off our democracy. We the Northern Cross River Youth Initiative outrightly  reject this process in total term. The plan will not work in Cross River state. It is unacceptable to establish Fulani colony call RUGA in our dear state, no Cross Riverian is going to struggle land in Katsina, kaduna, kano zamfara, Adamawa or kebbi to build water factory? so don't threaten our people with this plan.

RUGA/Fulani Herdsmen Cattle Colony program will be the largest  illegal migration in human history. It is also the greatest Jihad to be executed by Buhari Administration through abuse and misuse of Presidential power and privilege. This planned eventual fulanisation and islamisation of Nigeria without open declaration of war against the 19 state marked-out for this, won't work.

The people of Cross River State will not stoop too low in allowing Buhari and his jihadist squad to enforce this on us.  Any state that accept RUGA is already on her way to extinction.

This is preposterous,a devilish move, unpalatable idea orchestrated by  Buhari as a medium of colonising and islamizing the country. Northern cross River youths Initiative say no in totality and rebuke plans to invade our land by the killer group. As a matter of fact, this is an insult from Buhari. Nigerians demands apology  from Buhari for taking us for fools.
We call on all well meaning Cross Riverians to remain united against this ugly plan.


Francis Peters: For Northern Cross River Youth Initiative

Saturday 29 June 2019

30 Days As Imo Governor: 16 Things Gov. Emeka Ihedioha Has Achieved!

By: Ambrose Nwaogwugwu 

Exactly 30 days ago, history was made in Imo state when His Excellency Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON, KSC was sworn-in as the 6th democratically elected governor of Imo state. 

For a man who campaigned on the backdrops of rebuilding a destroyed and looted state, Gov. Ihedioha wasted no time in setting the balls rolling as he immediately swung into action with his RebuildImo agenda.

I have listed some of the achievements in deliberate state government policies that will greatly be of immense benefits to our people. 

They are as follows:

1. He ordered for 100% Salary for Imo civil servants. 

In fufiling his campaign promises where he assured Imo workers of good working conditions and full remuneration against the half salary regime of the immediate past administration of Gov. Rochas Okorocha, Gov. Emeka Ihedioha ordered for the payment of 100% salary scheme for all Imo workers which the past governor paid only 70% for 8yrs.

2. Striking Doctors called off strike action after the governor reached a truce with them. One of the first things that the new governor of Imo State did was meeting with striking doctors and health workers in the state to resume work. 

Gov. Emeka Ihedioha ordered for the resumption of work by striking doctors that downed their tools since over 4months of the last administration - thereby saving many casualties that could have been recorded as a result of continued strikes of doctors and other health workers. Because the well-being of Imo people were of very high priority, he saw the returning of the striking doctors to attend to sick Imolites as a first grade matter requiring of urgent attention. 

3. He opened Striking IMO Poly for full academic activities. 

Again, as a compassionate governor who places high premium for the needs of his subjects, Gov. Emeka Ihedioha ordered for the resumption of full Academic activities for Imo poly that has been on strike for over 4months there by bringing back our children back to school.

4. Gov. Emeka Ihedioha ordered for the opening of Douglas road to allow the free flow of traffic for ease of movement for Owerri residents. For those conversant with Owerri would know the full potentials of that road as it is one of the major economic roads in Owerri. 

The economic activities of Owerri was stagnant for over two years as a result of the closure of that very important road in Owerri which the immediate past governor closed down in order to cripple the economic activities of Owerri people whom the then governor was having a running battle with because they refused the governor from illegally acquiring their ancestral lands for personal family use of the Okorocha's. 

But the new governor saw the need for the indenginous people of Owerri and reopened the road which was recieved with high commendation from the locales. 

5. Gov. Emeka Ihedioha ordered for a stop to the dredging of sands by illegal miners which posed a great environmental harm for residents of Owerri. The activities of these illegal sand miners constituted by the past administration posed not just environmental damages, it also posed great economic sabotage to the state as revenues were siphoned to purses of Ex governor Okorocha's family members instead of that of the state government. 

6. Gov. Emeka Ihedioha restored the sanctity of due process and rule of law in place in government as he can be seen following normal procedures at public places.....and as he seemed to have been nickened by Imo people as "Mr. Due Process".

7. He commenced work on abandoned 132/33KVA power Sub stations. 

In order to uplift the industrial revolution in the state, Gov. Ihedioha has ordered for immediate commencement on the 132/33KVA power Sub station in Ibeku Okwuato and in Ideato Nation.

They will also kick-off work simultaneously on both sites to ensure that they are activated to serve the people of Imo State. 
These were some of the projects His Excellency attracted while at House of Representatives as the Deputy Speaker during the regime of President Good luck Jonathan but were sadly abandoned when he left office in 2015 as the immediate past governor could not constinue on the said projects. 

9. ISOPEDEC was returned to Ohaji and Oguta people. 

In line with his campaign promises of returning the ISOPADEC to the real owners which are the people of Ohaji/Egbema and Oguta, H. E Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha has handed the oil producing LGA's agency to the right owners are of where the 13% derivative funds will solely be used for the betterment of the oil producing areas that have known devastation due to the activities of oil exploration on their lands. 

10. He has started recovering the stolen properties of Imo state government. 

Another feat that our governor has achieved is the setting up of the Recovery team which has so far made some mouth watering recoveries of government properties looted by ex governor Rochas Okorocha and his thieving family members. 

First, the School of Nursing and midwifery in Opkoro in Orlu LGA that was moved to ex governor Okorocha's home town on Ogboko and converted to his private school has so far being recovered and returned to Imo people. 

Many government properties especially vehicles have been recovered as the recovery exercise are still on course and many more properties like immovable ones will be the next focus. 

11. State of emergency declared on public infrastructure. 

To show it's seriousness, the governor has approved N49million specifically for the Otamiri water. 

The Otamiri water project is a public infrastructure that has been allowed to ruin in comatose. The public water infrastructure services the entire town in water supply as it was the reason that no public tap ran during the 8yrs that Okorocha held sway as the governor. 

Not a single borehole was sunk in any of the community in Imo for these 8 wasted years of ex governor Okorocha and no drop of tap water ran in the whole state. 

Due to the urgency it required, he promptly declared a state of emergency on the scheme and released the sum of 49 million Naira for the immediate take off of the rehabilitation project. 

In the state of emergency on public infrastructure regime - these other public infrastructure are to receive immediate attention and they include: the Federal Polytechnic, Nekede-Ihiagwa-Obinze Road, Assumpta-Control Post axis, Mgbidi-Oguta Road, MCC-Toronto Junction, Aba Branch-Mbaise Road, among others.

12. Avuto Poultry coming back to life. 

The governor has also constituted a team that are now currently working in the Avutu poultry as both foreign and local investors are assessing the best ways to revitalise the state owned agric firm to start earning money for Imo people again. 

13. N20m debt from judgements revisited. 

As Mr. Due process who respects the rule of law and constituted authorities - Governor Ihedioha through the state Attorney General has asked all the people who won court cases against the state government in the last 8yrs reign of Okorocha to come forward with their claims for a possible repayment plan. 

Recall that the ex governor Rochas Okorocha never hornored any court judgement against the state government for 8yrs as judgement debts were in excess of over 20 Billion Naira layed ambush for the new government. 

Now, the governor as a law abiding citizen is reviewing the records with the view of settling them.

14. Imo pensioners to smile again. 

In fulfilment of his campaign promises of paying Imo pensioners who are being owed over 30months salary arrears, the governor has constituted a team that will review the pension matters with the views of clearing the pension of our senior citizens. 

Recall also that for 8yrs, the immediate past governor Rochas Okorocha deducted pension cuts from worker's monthly pays but never remitted same to the Nigeria pension fund as all the worker's monthly salary deduction for pensions ended up in individual accounts instead of the pension funds, hence the inability of pension payment running to the tune of over 50billion Naira. 

15. He ordered Dan Anyiam Stadium To receive a comprehensive facelift. 

Words has been backed with commensurate actions as works for the commencement of the comprehensive facelift of Dan Ayiam stadium and the Grasshoppers stadium was not left in the plan. 

16. He refused and rejected the offer of Ruga settlements for Fulani herdsmen in Imo, in line with personal the south east governor's forum position. This is a further step in securing the lives and properties of the state as many other security matters are discreetly being carried out which of course, I can not reel out here. 

These were the key things that His Excellency has achieved within 30 days in office as Imo state governor. 

Note the words: "Key points" as there are many others strives already achieved which if I continue listing them, the space will not be able to contain them. 

As we await for other mouth watering policies of the RebuildImo government which will soon unfold, let us commend the governor for keeping to his words as being a responsible and proactive governor responsive to the demands of Imo people. 

Indeed, we can now beat our chests and make bold to proclaim that we now have a governor in the person of His Excellency Rt. Hon. Emeka Ihedioha, CON, KSC. Omenkeahuruanya n'ezie. 

The era of impunity, iberiberism system of governance, disobedience to rule of law and lack of due process are forever gone in Imo.

Indeed, a new Imo in which we all can be proud of is born. 

To God be the glory!

Transfer: Mbappe snubs new PSG deal, eyes move to Real Madrid

Kylian Mbappe hold told Paris Saint-Germain that his long-term future lies elsewhere, Marca reports.

The 20-year-old has spent two seasons at PSG and his current contract is not due to expire until 2022.

Real Madrid have long been admirers of Mbappe and are keeping tabs on his situation.

The France international is one of PSG’s best-paid players and Real would be unable to compete with the Ligue 1 outfit in a straight wage war.

But it is believed that money is not Mbappe’s primary motivation and that he is keen to win trophies and awards.

He has therefore made it clear to PSG that he has no intention of extending his contract in Paris no matter how large their financial offer.

Real are unlikely to move for Mbappe this summer having already spent big on Eden Hazard from Chelsea, who could get as much as £150million from the deal.

Transfer Centre: Man Utd sign Crystal Palace defender in £50m deal

Aaron Wan-Bissaka played in 35 Premier League matches for Crystal Palace in the 2018-19 season

Manchester United have signed England Under-21 right-back Aaron Wan-Bissaka from Crystal Palace in a £50m deal.
The 21-year-old, who made his first-team debut for Palace last year, has agreed a five-year contract that will earn him up to £80,000 a week.

United are paying £45m up front, making Wan-Bissaka the club's fifth-biggest signing, behind Paul Pogba, Romelu Lukaku, Angel di Maria and Fred.

"It's an unbelievable feeling and an honour," Wan-Bissaka said.
Manchester United confirmed the signing on Saturday.

Manager Ole Gunnar Solskjaer said Wan-Bissaka was "one of the best upcoming defenders in the Premier League".
He added: "He has the right work ethic, talent and mentality to play for Manchester United and he fits exactly the type of player that we are looking to bring into the squad to help us improve and push on further."
The defender is the club's second summer recruit, after Wales international Daniel James, 21, joined from Swansea for £15m.
United have the option to extend Wan-Bissaka's five-year deal into a sixth year.
The rapid rise of Aaron Wan-Bissaka

Wan-Bissaka, who has been on international duty this month at the European Under-21 Championship, joined Palace's academy when he was 11.
The defender was on £10,000 a week at Selhurst Park, the lowest-paid player in Palace's first-team squad.

His transfer was delayed by final negotiations between the clubs, which ended with the Eagles securing a 10% sell-on clause if Wan-Bissaka leaves United for more than £50m.
"We are immensely proud to have been part of Aaron's development as a player and a person," Crystal Palace chairman Steve Parish said.

Meanwhile, United are confident of agreeing a new long-term contract with striker Marcus Rashford.
The 21-year-old's current deal expires in 2020 and talks over an extension have been held over a number of months.
BBC Sport understands significant progress has been made over terms that would earn Rashford a substantial increase on his present salary, which has been reported to be around £80,000-a-week.

Judge 'Gifts' N49 Million Intercepted At Kaduna International Airport To The Federal Govt.

Justice S.M. Shuaibu of the Federal High Court sitting in Kaduna, on Friday, June 28, 2019 ordered the final forfeiture of the sum of N49,000,000 (Forty Nine Million Naira) to the Federal Government of Nigeria.
The money was intercepted by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, Kaduna Zonal Office, on March 14, 2017 at the Kaduna International Airport.

The money, all mint, stashed in five large 150 kilogramme coloured sacks, was intercepted by EFCC Operatives following an intelligence report received by the zone. The final forfeiture order followed a motion on notice brought by the EFCC through prosecution counsels, Joshua Saidi and Onyeka Ekweozor.

After obtaining an interim forfeiture order, some persons showed up and claimed to be the owners of the abandoned money. They further filed a counter affidavit against the Commission's motion for the final forfeiture in suit No: FHC/KD/CS/32/17 between Oyebanji Olaitan Steve & others Vs EFCC. Consequently, the court ordered for oral evidence to be taken as there were conflicts in the various affidavits filed by the parties.
In his ruling, Justice Shuaibu granted the EFCC motion for the final forfeiture of the sum as he dismissed the claims of the applicants.

FFK Reacts As Governor Wike Declares Rivers Christian State

Governor Wike had called for peace among political gladiators in the oil-rich state
A former aviation minister, Femi Fani-Kayode, has lauded Governor Nyesom Wike for saying that Rivers is a Christian state.

Concise News had reported that the comment by Wike recently, had generated heated debates among Nigerians.

While reacting to the development, the ex-minister backed Wike for the assertion, describing him as bold.

“I have not seen my friend Nyesom Wike, Gov. of Rivers state, for some time so I shall use this medium to commend his courage and faith by boldly declaring that Rivers state is a Christian state and shall always be one,” he tweeted.

“The Lord honours those who honour Him. Well spoken my brother.”

Oyo Gov Appoints Adeosun As SSG

Gov. Seyi Makinde of Oyo state has appointed Mrs Olubamiwo Adeosun, as the Secretary to the State Government (SSG).
Adeosun was the Country Implementation Lead of the Shell Business Operations (SBO), Nigeria.

Mr Taiwo Adisa, the Chief Press Secretary to the governor, disclosed this on Friday in a statement in Ibadan.
Makinde said: ”we are proud to attract Mrs. Olubamiwo Adeosun, a talented technocrat at Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) to support me to drive our transformation agenda.

”Her appointment will enhance the realisation of the vision of embedding prosperity in Oyo State.”
The governor described the appointment of the new SSG as being in line with his firm belief in women’s inclusiveness and diversity in government.
Adeosun is from Oranyan area of Ibadan, in Ibadan North East Local Government of Oyo State.

”She obtained a degree in Pharmacy and a Master’s degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the University of Benin in 1990 and 1997 respectively.
Adeosun would be bringing on board over 26 years of diverse multinational experience, which has seen her hold lead roles in SmithKline Beecham (GlaxoSmithKline) and the SPDC.
”She has held multiple roles with local and global remits in the organisations.
”The new Oyo SSG is a full member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Management (CIPM), Nigeria and a Chartered member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD), United Kingdom.

”She has also held various Lead HR Roles with specialisation in areas such as Business partnering, Talent Management, and Employee Relations.
As an active member of the CIPM, Adeosun was involved in a foundation that is currently executing a programme for young leaders to imbibe leadership values of Integrity, Excellence, Empathy and Transformation.

After 12 years as Deputy President of Senate: What next for Ekweremadu?

By Henry Umoru,  Assistant Political Editor

SENATOR Ike Ekweremadu, former Deputy Senate President, who hails from Mpu, Aninri Local Government Area of Enugu State can be described as a very lucky man judging from his background in Enugu State vis-a-vis the offices he had occupied from the period he served in the administration of former Governor Chimaroke Nnamani and now a Senator in the 9th Senate.

Ekweremadu who completed his fourth tenure in the 8th Senate, was re-elected for a fifth term during the just concluded general elections and by the end of 2023, he would have completed twenty years as a Senator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Knowing that he has fully represented his people, he said recently when he marked his 57th birthday in Enugu that at the end of the 9th Senate, he would quit and allow others to continue, adding that a new breed politician with shared vision would take over from him at the expiration of his fifth term.

Ekweremadu said that his 16-year sojourn in the National Assembly had been immensely beneficial to his constituents, as it had been a harvest of projects.

But as a typical politician who was still prepared to offer his services as a Presiding officer in the Hallowed Chamber, he contested for the position of Deputy President of the Senate, a position he had held for twelve years.

Ekweremadu of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP who was nominated by Chukwuka Utazi, Enugu and seconded by Rose Oko, Cross River, contested against Senator Ovie Omo- Agege, All Progressives Congress, APC, Delta Central.

After sorting the 105 votes cast during the exercise, Omo-Agege emerged winner with 68 votes against 37 votes for Ekweremadu while one vote was voided and one abstained. Omo-Agege was the sole candidate of APC following the decision of other APC aspirants to step down.

Many people asked why Ekweremadu should contest for the same position and did not allow another person like Senator Enyinnaya Abaribe, PDP, Abia South who is also ranking to contest if it must again go to the South East or Senator James Manager, PDP, Delta South who will be spending twenty years in the Senate at the end of the present Senate.

It was gathered that the decision to present Ekweremadu for the position may not be that of PDP, but Ekweremadu’s personal and eleventh hour decision when it became very clear that the PDP preferred candidate for the position, Senator Francis Alimikhena, APC, Edo North had to pull out following alleged threats to his life and family members

One of the lawmakers who spoke on condition of anonymity after the election observed that some PDP Senators gave Omo-Agege sympathy votes in demonstration of their disgust for the former Deputy President of the Senate’s “overstay in office.”

Reacting to his defeat, Senator Ekweremadu who congratulated both the new Senate President and his deputy, Lawan and Omo- Agege respectively, said that he had made his point by contesting for the position of Deputy President of the Senate while his colleagues have made their choice.

The event of June 11 had become part of history for the historians, students of politics, among others to dwell on but the question is, for twelve years as a Deputy President of the Senate, what were Ekweremadu’s achievements?

As Deputy President of the Senate, Ekweremadu was very visible and active in the amendment of the constitution which he chaired and before he took charge of the constitution amendment efforts in 2007, previous efforts to amend the constitution failed.

Amended constitutional provisions

In order to prevent a repeat of the constitutional challenge posed by protracted absence of President, Ekweremadu-led constitution review committee ensured that Sections 145 and 190 of the Constitution were amended to make it mandatory for the President and Governor to transmit a letter to the National Assembly or State Assembly, respectively, to enable their deputies act in their absence or whenever they are unable to discharge their functions. Otherwise the Vice President or Deputy Governor automatically begins to act after 21 days.

The term of office when a sitting president or governor wins a re-run election was also defined. This was because the Supreme Court held in a landmark judgment that the tenure of former Governor Peter Obi of Anambra State began from the date he was sworn, not on 29th May 2003.

Therefore, Sections 135 and 180 of the Constitution now provide: “In the determination of the four year term, where a rerun election has taken place and the person earlier sworn in wins the rerun election, the time spent in the office before the date the election was annulled, shall be taken into account.

Sections 81 and 84 of the Constitution were amended to place INEC funds on First Line Charge or financial autonomy. Section 160 was amended to provide that “in the case of the Independent National Electoral Commission, its powers to make its own rules or otherwise regulate its own procedure shall not be subject to the approval of the President”, thereby granting INEC administrative independence.

Section 156 was amended to insulate members of INEC from partisanship by expunging the erroneous constitutional requirement that a candidate for nomination for membership/chairmanship of INEC should hold the same qualifications as a person seeking election into the House of Representatives.

This included membership of a political party. Time Limit for disposal of election petitions was set in 2010. Before these amendments, lawyers employed all sorts of tricks to elongate the election and pre-election lawsuits.

Sections 285 (5)–(8) were amended to provide that all petitions must be filed within 21 days, judgment must be delivered within 180 days, and any appeal arising from the tribunal or Court of Appeal must be delivered within 60 days. The same amendments were also extended to pre-election litigations in 2018.

In the same vein, timeline for the conduct of elections was also increased. Initially, the constitution provided for not earlier than 60 days before and not later than 30 days to the date on which the tenure of office expires for the federal legislature, the state legislature, Presidency, and governorship positions.

Sections 76, 116, 132, and 178 were amended to provide for a timeframe for INEC, not earlier than 150 days and not later than 90 days.

The number of judges on Election Petition Tribunals for the National and State Houses of Assembly Election Tribunal and Governorship Election Tribunal was reduced from Chairman and four members to Chairman and two persons by amending Section 285 and the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution. The quorum was reduced to Chairman and one member to hasten justice at the tribunals.

Furthermore, the National Assembly was made financially independent to strengthen checks and balances and independence of the legislature. State Assemblies failed to approve autonomy for themselves in 2010, allegedly due to the influence of the governors.

However, they finally endorsed financial autonomy for themselves and State Judiciary passed by the National Assembly in the 2018 amendments.

It is on record that Ekweremadu-led constitution review committee also put a stop to the disqualification of candidates using Administrative Panels. It will be recalled that Sections 66 (h), 137 (i), and 182 (i) of the Constitution disqualifying persons indicted of embezzlement or fraud were allegedly abused in the run up to the 2007 general election.

This provision was deleted to ensure that only those convicted of criminal charges by court of law were barred.

Another milestone was the Not-Too-Young-To-Run amendment, which saw to the reduction in age requirements for those running for political offices by amending Sections 65, 106, 131, and 177. For instance, age requirement for the presidency was reduced from 40 to 35 while that of the House of Assembly and House of Representatives was reduced to 25 years.

In the 8th National Assembly, amendments were passed to compel a strict return to January-December budget cycle where the President/Governor must lay budget proposal not later than 90 days to the end of the fiscal year, while the parliament must pass it latest December 31.

Rejected amendment proposals

Nevertheless, there were key proposals that failed. While some failed to garner the requisite two-third votes of the National Assembly, some were rejected by State Assemblies, while others were denied presidential assent.

Some of the proposals to devolve more powers to the states in sectors such as railways, aviation and stamp duties among others which were designed to strengthen Nigeria’s federalism did not get the requisite support of the National Assembly.

Likewise, the single term of five/six years to reduce overbearing influence of incumbency and reduce election-related tensions and excessive resources expended on Nigerian elections failed; Other proposals that failed at the National Assembly included creation of additional states to ensure parity, especially for the South East; decentralization of policing to create state police; providing for procedure for creating a new constitution when necessary, including a referendum; and raising educational qualification for political offices to a minimum of OND.

Attempt to abrogate State Independent Electoral Commissions so that INEC could conduct LG elections, was also stopped at the National Assembly. Those that scaled through the National Assembly, but were defeated at the State Houses of Assembly, included amendments to create uniform tenure for LGAs.

Major amendments that were denied presidential assent included the removal of presidential assent to constitution amendment under former President Goodluck Jonathan. Another amendment that was denied presidential assent was the separation of the Office of the Minister of Justice/Commissioner of Justice from that of the Attorney-General of the Federation/State.

The amendment also sought to create five-year tenure and place the Attorney-General at federal and state levels on First Line Charge to ensure financial autonomy, security of tenure and insulate the office from political influences.

Another amendment to set a timeframe within which the President or a Governor must forward names of nominees for confirmation as Ministers or Commissioners and their proposed portfolios to the Senate or State House of Assembly did not receive President Buhari’s assent.

The same fate befell attempt to enable timely passage of laws by altering Sections 58, 59 and 100 to compel the President or Governor to signify assent or denial of assent to bill within 30 working days of receiving them, failing which it automatically becomes a law.

Whereas the need for some of the failed amendments might not have been clear at the time they were rejected by the National Assembly or State Assemblies or the President, many believe such constitutional provisions have become imperative today. How the National Assembly handles them will no doubt have implications on its legacies and the future of the nation.

Feed My Corpse To My Lecturer, Student Leaves Suicide Note Before She Goes Missing

A final year student of the Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Kpagane Desire, has requested that her corpse be fed to one lecturer in her school before going missing.

Before Desire disappeared on Wednesday, June 26, she posted on Facebook that she was going to kill herself and her ‘flesh’ should be fed to a lecturer at the University identified as Dr. Paul Nadure.

According to her cousin, she dropped her phone at home and disappeared. She hasn’t been heard from ever since.

UPDATE: She has reportedly been found

Her sister took to her Facebook page to report that she has been found alive


Thank you all for your earnest prayer. She came back in peace. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks again for your prayers.

For the snitches that are here to monitor comments to send to the lecturer, this is my message.
When God places you in any position above someone, don’t take it as an opportunity to oppress others.

Stones thrown up always come down and chances are the stones will land on you.
Lecturers come to class and address students as if they were some piece of shit, as if human beings are not their parents simply because you feel you own your students future.
RSU as an institution, it is high time you talked to your lecturers to act human. Some really try, while others………

The other day my roommates were discussing how a lecturer came to class and said “some of you deserve to be in the grave.”

Well my sister is back. For one thing she is not going to do anyone the honor to rejoice over her fall. They will live to see her grow.

To the fake friends who were hanging around to see her found corpse, sorry dear for the bad news.

Once again, thank you all for your love, care and concern. Depression is real, and people are going through hell. try not to be an additional pain in someone else’s life.

Her sister.

'Stop taking my old father to clubs, smoking in his presence' - Son of Regina Daniel's husband warns

Diverting a bit from the trending issue of Busola Dakolo Vs Pastor Biodun Fatoyinbo of Coza church, Regina Daniel is not having easy in her new marriage.
The teen actress who recently got married to 59 year old politician cum businessman, Ned Nwoko, has been facing serious bashing from the billionaire’s son, Emzy.
Emzy has warned Regina to stop taking his old father to clubs as well as smoking in his presence.

He wrote:  ” Madam Allow My Old Dad To Rest,Please Stop Taking Him To Clubs, His Not Getting Younger Anymore,Stop Stressing The Man.🙏🙏 If You Don’t Value His Life Please We Do No Matter What He Did In The Past. He Might Not Complain To You Because He Wants To Make You Feel Loved, But Trust Me, His Not Cool With Such Lifestyle,
You Are Even Smoking In His Presence, Something You Can’t Do To Your Own Father, Aunty Fear God If You No Go Fear Dad.. I Don’t Know Your Aim Though But Just Know It Won’t Work. I Wish He Was Still Young For All This.🙄 Wrong Choice.”

Adamu, Kalu emerge Senate leader, chief whip

■ Boroffice, Abdullahi clinch deputy leader, deputy whip

Fred Itua , Abuja
The ruling All Progressives Congress (APC), has named Abdullahi Adamu as Senate leader. It has also named former governor of Abia State, Orji Uzor Kalu as chief whip.
Ajayi Boroffice was named as deputy leader, while Yahaya Abdullahi got the position of deputy chief whip of the upper legislative chamber. The emergence of the four lawmakers, followed weeks of meetings and negotiations among leaders of APC in Abuja.

Aliyu Sabi Abdullahi, was initially tipped to emerge as Senate leader. He was favoured by the camp of the president of the Senate, Ahmad Lawan. Last minute negotiations, saw the emergence of Adamu. The announcement is expected to be made on Tuesday when the Senate resumes. The party is expected to name leaders of the House of Representatives before next Tuesday. It is still unclear who will emerge in the House.
The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) a forthright ago, named its own leaders, with Enyinnaya Abaribe emerging as minority leader.

Friday 28 June 2019

RUGA to the oppressor, nothing to the oppressed

The reality that Nigeria has been invaded once again and conquered, is beginning to stare Nigerians on the face. The Second round of colonialism is here with us.
The re-election of President Muhammadu Buhari in 2019 is significant and will remain important in the history of the black race in years to come. Significance in the sense that a repetition of the expedition of Umar Al-Bashir, former President of Sudan is about to take place in Nigeria. An attempt  not just to conquer and colonize, but to eliminate the indigenous African people and take over their land.

History will soon be created and records broken, if there is any before in any part of the world. The name is Ruga, the executor is President Muhammdu Buhari and the objective is to establish thousands of Fulani communities and make them indigenous to all States of the federation in Nigeria.

President Muhammadu Buhari since coming into office in 2015 has never hidden his desire to settle his Fulani tribal men and people of his faith, his appointments speaks louder than words. This single unhidden  desire has seen Fulani men become so bold to go on killing spree and threaten to kill more should they not be given whatever they want. It beats every imagination to see the President of a country single out a tribe to ultimately settle in a country that has more than 100 tribes in the guise of trying to settle a dispute that is very clear even to the blind who are the oppressors and the oppressed.

The guise to settle a non-existing problem by establishing Fulani communities in all States of the federation is an attempt to justify the killings by Fulani herdsmen of other tribes all these years. In fact, this is an attempt to easily and commonly do what Usman Dan-Fodio could not do. We call it a non-existing problem because there is no problems between Communities and Fulani herders in Nigeria, except for the fact that the Fulani Herdsmen have for long left their territories to look for more lands to grab and areas to conquer. If it is about where to establish cow colony, the Governor of Kano State, Umar Ganduje, has volunteered to give part of Kano State for such venture and have advised that Fulanis should all relocate back to Kano State. Why has President Muhammadu Buhari and his Fulani people  not accept this offer for peace to reign? Why have they decided that unless they take other people's land, peace will never reign? We can all travel to Kano State to buy cow, that will increase the internally generated revenue of the State and the more reason the Ruga should be in Kano State.

While we all want peace, should it be peace of the grave yard? History have shown that the Fulanis are never good neighbours and do not respect the culture and customs of other tribes. These history is seen in Wase/Lantang of Plateau State where Fulanis were giving grazing land and what they have now is an emirate where a Fulani man is ruling over the indigenous people there. Also in 1987, the then Millitary governor of Kaduna State, Lt. Col. Dangiwa Umar, established "Kachia Grazing Reserve" in the old Kachia Local Government Area of Kaduna State. Three years later in 1990, Kachia Grazing Reserve was renamed Laduga Grazing Reserve. Laduga just like Ruga that is about to be established everywhere now is a Fulani word. Ikulu and Adara tribes are the original indigenous tribe in Kachia and are almost 100% Christians. Currently, Laduga is a fast growing town with a district head who reports not to the chiefs in Kachia but to the Emir of Zauzau in Zaria his fellow Fulani man.

What else do we need to know what President Muhammadu Buhari and his kinsmen are up to? What signs do we need to see the hand writing on the wall?
Why must it be the Fulanis that should be settled instead of those they have killed and driven away from their ancestral homes? For those who wants to play politics with these issue, let it be known to you that Fulani killings knows no political party and evidence can be seen in Benue, Taraba, Kaduna, Kogi, Adamawa,  Plateau, Enugu and Abia States.  If they don't get to you and family now, soon and very soon, with the establishment of Ruga in your area, you or your family member will surely taste their brutality. For those who are ignorant, let it be known to you know that the 'Land Use Act' never conferred ownership of land on the President of Nigeria or the federal government. Land Use Act only conferred tittleship of lands on the Governor of a State. President Muhammadu Buhari has no powers to grab land anywhere and he should be told in clear terms.


Ekpenyong Isaiah,
Commander, Infantry Pen Battallion.

Hazard back among Blues as he visits Chelsea camp

Once a blue… Eden Hazard poses with Chelsea kids at Greek football course 20 days AFTER leaving the club in £150million move to Real Madrid

Eden Hazard may have left Chelsea in a £150million move to Real Madrid, but it appears the Belgian's heart is still in London.

The 28-year-old was pictured helping out some kids at a Greek football course at Sani Football Academy, which is in association with Chelsea FC.

It wouldn't have been much of a surprise a couple of months ago, but the pictures were taken 20 days after leaving Chelsea for the Spanish giants.

Eden Hazard has been helping out at a kids training session at Sani Football Academy
The training camp in Greece is in association with Chelsea FC and designed to help youngsters

The training camp in Greece is in association with Chelsea FC and designed to help youngsters

Hazard ran around with the kids in training, posed for a group photo, and signed their shirts

The pictures show Hazard running around with the children in training, before posing for a large group photo and then signing shirts for the youngsters.

The Sani Football Academy offers 'an outstanding football development programme with a UEFA approved football pitch and a state of the art Club House.'

The training camp is held five days a week, but of course, availability is quite limited. Sessions cost 95 euros for a one day course on the first week, going up to 420 euros for a full 10 day course.

There are various sessions from the age of four up to 16, and attendees are offered a welcome kit including a custom shirt.

Eden Hazard was unveiled in front of 50,000 fans at the Bernabeu after his £150million move to Real Madrid earlier in June.

It was a surprise seeing Hazard with Chelsea kids after his £150million move to Real Madrid
He is Real Madrid's record signing, and has arrived in a summer of many new additions to the club. With Zinedine Zidane returning as manager this year, money is being spent to recover from a disappointing 2018-19 season.

He was unveiled without a shirt number, and joked that the club's current number 10, Luka Modric, wouldn't let him borrow it.

He has signed a five-year-deal worth a reported £400,000-a-week.

KOGI GUBER: Deny Bello ticket and lose Kogi State, Adeyemi tells APC leaders

A chieftain of the All Progressive Congress in Kogi state, Senator Smart Adeyemi, on Thursday vowed to work against the party if the incumbent governor of the state, Yahaya Bello is denied the governorship ticket in the coming election.

Adeyemi made the threat at a stakeholders meeting that was held in Lokoja by the party’s leaders in Kogi state.
Recall that Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) had fixed November 16th 2019 for the governorship election in Kogi and Bayelsa States.

According to Adeyemi, the political destiny of the western senatorial district lies in the return of the governor, adding that for fairness, justice and equity, Gov Bello must be given the ticket.
“Other senatorial districts have ruled Kogi State for two terms. Now a brother from Kogi central, who has done very well in his first tenure; should also be given another opportunity.
“If Gov. Bello is given the opportunity to lead us for another four years, I am convinced that we in the West will rule Kogi State.

“I am using this medium to beg our party leaders not to make the mistake of allowing one to change a winning team in Kogi State. Those who say APC cannot win Kogi under Bello are not God, because he is covenant child. If Governor Bello is denied the APC ticket, some of us might be forced to work against the party,” he said.
In his speech at the meeting, the Senator representing Kogi East Senator, Isah Jibrin Echocho, traced the current problem of the state to abuse of trust.
Jibrin, while lamenting that, those the governor empowered were the one fighting against him, insisted that the APC should adopt the indirect primary if they want to retain Kogi State.
It was, however, gathered that Governors Malla Buni of Yobe and Atiku Bagudu of Kebbi States were in attendance.

Adama Niane expelled from Mali AFCON squad for slapping captain Diaby

RELATED TOPICS The Malian Football Federation and coaching staff have decided to expel striker Adama Niane after he allegedly slapped team captain Abdoulay Diaby.

According to various reports, RSC Charleroi forward Adama Niane has been expelled from his national team camp after he allegedly slapped fellow teammate and captain Abdoulay Diaby.

Mali already had their issues before the start the tournament, as the Mali Football Federation had to approve all of FIFA’s orders regarding their corruption or they wouldn’t be able to participate in the 2019 AFCON.

According to Footmali, the altercation allegedly initiated when Mali national team players ordered a hairdresser to their hotel and once he arrived Diaby sat on the barber chair. This didn’t please Niane who attacked his captain before slapping him.
The Eagles will face Tunisia with their reduced 22-man squad on June 28 at 4:30 pm in the Suez Stadium.

They will enter the game with a lot of confidence following their 4-1 win over Mauritania in their opening game.
