Sunday 30 June 2019

Northern Cross River Youths Initiative explains 'RUGA', and Reject 'RUGA' colony.

By Francis Peters

RUGA: Cattle Colony  is a proposed LGA were the fulani will occupy with their cattle, families and full facilities for comfort.

The region will become exclusively Islamic,  as Mosques will be built in the region for worship. Being exclusively Muslim, Sharia Courts will be established and Sharia Law, and  Sharia police enforced within the region in order to meet their religious obligatory.

It is also believe that caliphate will be Created for Emirs or District heads around the region.

 Sharia law will become operational in the 19 proposed States by the office of the president to establish RUGA in the Nation, Emirates being declared in those States and then demands for other Sharia LGAs and more land equally acquired.

Former President Obasanjo earlier described this perceived act as Fulanisation and Islamisation of Nigeria. He was recently made Father of the Nation by the youth council of Nigeria, award many described as well deserved.

RUGA Cattle Colony is declaration of Jihad in disguise. A Process to rip-off our democracy. We the Northern Cross River Youth Initiative outrightly  reject this process in total term. The plan will not work in Cross River state. It is unacceptable to establish Fulani colony call RUGA in our dear state, no Cross Riverian is going to struggle land in Katsina, kaduna, kano zamfara, Adamawa or kebbi to build water factory? so don't threaten our people with this plan.

RUGA/Fulani Herdsmen Cattle Colony program will be the largest  illegal migration in human history. It is also the greatest Jihad to be executed by Buhari Administration through abuse and misuse of Presidential power and privilege. This planned eventual fulanisation and islamisation of Nigeria without open declaration of war against the 19 state marked-out for this, won't work.

The people of Cross River State will not stoop too low in allowing Buhari and his jihadist squad to enforce this on us.  Any state that accept RUGA is already on her way to extinction.

This is preposterous,a devilish move, unpalatable idea orchestrated by  Buhari as a medium of colonising and islamizing the country. Northern cross River youths Initiative say no in totality and rebuke plans to invade our land by the killer group. As a matter of fact, this is an insult from Buhari. Nigerians demands apology  from Buhari for taking us for fools.
We call on all well meaning Cross Riverians to remain united against this ugly plan.


Francis Peters: For Northern Cross River Youth Initiative

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