Friday 10 May 2019

JUST IN: Cross River Commissioner For Health, Inyang Asibong steps aside, see details.

Ukorebi Esien

The honorable commissioner for health of Cross River State, Dr Mrs. Inyang Asibong has stepped aside as the commissioner for health Cross River state.

Mrs. Asibong who handed over the affairs of the ministry to the permanent secretary of the ministry of Health, Dr. Joseph Bassey, used the opportunity to appreciate his Excellency the executive governor of Cross River State, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade for the privilege given her to serve the state and for allowing her stay in office all through his first term of governance despite her mistakes.

"I thank Almighty God for the privilege and off course my boss, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade for seeing me worthy despite all odds to serve in such a capacity as the Commissioner for Health Cross River State for all these years. And also seeing me worthy to sustain and keep me through out his first administration (I know before now, some commissioners had come and gone) but in his magnanimity despite all my mistakes, he has allowed us to make mistakes, correct the mistakes and off course go on". She said.
In her handing over speech, the commissioner noted particularly that her four year stay in office had been a success because of the friendly, cozy and warm environment staff of the ministry created for her.

She thanked the permanent Secretary Dr. Joseph Bassey whom she described as her former boss and an elder brother, for the brotherly disposition he has displayed and for all the advises and corporation she enjoyed from him while she served the state as commissioner for Health.

"The permanent Secretary made me very dependent, we were like siamese twins. Always doing everything together working together and that's why there was a lot of growth in the health sector and in the Cross River State Ministry of Health.

I will like to say a very special thank you for giving me this very conducive working environment. He has been my boss in the government house clinic and you know, once your boss, always your boss. So I think that's why we did not have issues. And we have been working together
And you know the respect, the very special respect, despite the fact that he could pass for an elder brother but he has given me the respect of the office as the commissioner for health and I have also given him the respect of a permanent secretary ministry of health.

Thank you very much for the good cozy warm working environment I think you are just following our leader Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade. your corporation has made us produced a 134 page document to showcase our achievements in the last four years. Thank you" She said.

Asibong did not leave the press out in her appreciation, she appreciated the press for constantly and judiciously promoting the works of the ministry and for assisting in several health campaigns.

In his speech, the permanent secretary of the ministry, Dr. Joseph Bassey appreciated the out going commissioner and thanked her for all her good works in the ministry even as he prayed the Governor reappoints and sends her back to the ministry of health, as he resumes his second term.
"I want to with all humility thank my commissioner, friend and sister even though she is handing over to me, she still remains my commissioner for giving me the opportunity to work with her the way we have worked, as brothers and friends and together we have managed the ministry to the level it is today.

Dr. Bassey who said he didn't believe the commissioner is going away, promised to ensure the legacies she laid are sustained.
"For me you are not going away, but you are just going on leave and I want to assure you that the foundations and legacies you have laid down will be upheld with all amount of seriousness. We are going to ensure that all your programmes even those in the pipeline will be carried to the next level."
Dr. Bassey noted that the pair of both him and the commissioner was a divine ochestration from God aimed at adding value to the state and promised the governor more service delivery from the ministry.

"I want to thank his excellency for the opportunity of pairing us together I think in his wisdom he knew that putting us together will move the health sector forward.

I want to assure his excellency that what he did was for the best interest of the state. And will continue to remain his signature as the health sector excelled and his name was heard all over the nation"
"As the commissioner is going on leave does not mean we should reduce the support. Am only holding forte and hoping she comes back to continue from where she stopped." He pleaded.

Highlight of the day was the presentation of the book titled Pulse of CRS, a book that highlights all the major achievements of the Cross River state under Dr. Inyang Asibong.
Recall that the Governor, Sen. Prof. Ben Ayade had asked all his appointees to tender their account of stewardship even as they prepare to bow out in preparation for his second term.

In the same development, the governor who in his first term appointed over 6000 appointees had hinted that he will run a reduced government in his second term.
Earlier, The Pan African Good Governance Council (PAGGC) had Presented the Commissioner for Health Dr. Mrs. Inyang Asibobg with a Certificate of Recognition as one of the Top-Ten-Best-Performing Appointees of the Cross River State Government Under Governor Ayade.

Presenting the Award to Dr. Asibong, Prof. Augustine Angba, the coordinator of the group in Cross River state noted that the health sector, under the commissioner had performed excellent with several national and international recognitions. He observed that the governor's first term governance policy was food on the table, but some of the appointees also had their hands on the plough.
Angba disclosed that his team underwent a very rigorous task of accessing 6000 of the governor's appointees to produce the top best performing ten.
"Out of the governor's over 6000 appointees, about 60% of them are young persons which the governor had given the opportunity to prove themselves in this dispensation of Not-too-young-to-lead. And we are proud to say that you are one of such young persons who have proven yourself beyond bounds" He noted.
In her response, the commissioner said she was elated to have been found worthy out of 6000 to make the top 10 list, as it was just a function of Gods grace and the award as motivated her to go out there and do more.
"I humbly with all gratitude receive this award, out of 6000 of us, I was among the top 10 chosen, I think this is just a special grace of God because everybody worked hard. Yes we did the food on the table, but I think most of us also did the hands on the plough'.

"I want to specially appreciate The Pan African Good Governance Council for seeing me worthy for receiving this award, and I know that the greatest motivation to do more is recognition and appreciation so I think, this is just telling me to go there and do more. Thank you very much". She said.

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