Wednesday, 22 May 2019

A lesson in political leadership: The OKADIGBO pyramid(Alphonsus Ogar Eba)

May 22,2019.

By Egbara Emmanuel. 

Anyone who knows Hon.Barrister Alphonsus Ogar Eba,the Cross River State Director General of Due process and Price intelligence Bureau  would certainly concede that he is a political bulldozer and a Grass Root mobilizer.

Hon.Barrister Alphonsus Ogar Eba  is  a great visionary, who exercised a range of leadership and behavioral abilities to bring about profound transformation in his office as the Director General of Due process and Price intelligence Bureau in Cross River State.

 He is a leader who provided the necessary inspirational fuel during the last election. He demonstrated some key leadership behaviors which make him a great leader.

After observing this Guru called Hon.Barrister Alphonsus Ogar Eba from both far and near, I have observed in him what made his generation develop a liking and respect for his “political and social  personality”..

 For students of political leadership like me, I put this together believing that somehow, we will get a lesson or two from this political pyramid.

He is  a known political voice in Yala before his appointment under Governor Ayade administration , Eba immediately launched his ideas and wide scope of political, intellectual innitiatives . During these few years as the Director General of Due process and Price intelligence Bureau, he really endeared himself to Cross Riverians.

 That his attitude of focus, hardwork, tolerance, obedience has catapulted him this far and he is now a house hold name in Cross River State political environment.

Good works not enough; play serious politics,
After the Director General Eba realised he was in the same camp with a motley crowd; there needed to be some separation. He started building and developing his own crowd and quickly set himself apart from mainstream of petty politics.

Eba understood the relevance of youth in the demographic segmentation of Cross River politics. He foresaw the emergence of this sector of our demography and quickly exploited this. The consequence of that is his emergence as political bulldozer of our time.

“You can’t bend a dry crayfish”. No one, while running forward, keeps looking at his back, He will definitely fall. The youth carry the vision while old people will keep reminding you of the past. If Eba had remained with the Crowd, the achievement in his office and the general political atmosphere would not have surpassed what was witnessed in some offices.

When people, out of myopia, come down heavily on Eba for been generous and having wealth, I often laugh. To them I say, go and do just a percentage of what Eba has done without money. How he did it will be explained later, but Eba understood very well the role of money in present-day Nigeria.

With his background as a lawyer , Eba had an already-built trusted network in the sector. He knew those to trust with influence and money; many of these people later proved to be worthy investments to his current political pyramid.

Eba is not in fact just a political leader; he is also a hero to many  by being a perfect example of leadership.

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