Saturday 1 December 2018


Industrialization is seen as a catalyst for economic development in every nation, Nigeria and Cross River are not exceptions.One of the policies that forms the fulcrum of Gov. Ayade's Government, is his Industrialization Drive, which is evident in the three Senatorial Zones - South, Central and North.

In the South, the Government of Gov. Ayade has establish we the Calabar Garment Factory, the producers of which are ready for export; in the Central Zone, the Ikom Cocoa Factory (this will process cocoa beans to chocolate) is at the verge of commissioning; Cross River North is not left out as work is in progress on the Ogoja/Yala Rice Mill.

The importance of this policy drive cannot be overemphasized as industrialization is identified as a wheel that drives economic growth and development.

Firstly, industrialization will help in generating massive employment opportunities to our teaming youth, who have been bedeviled by the plight of what I term "Western Exodus Syndrome" - the tendency of young people to migrate to the western part of the country in search of greener pasture. This often leads to brain drain.
Secondly, given the nexus between agriculture and industrialization, the former will provide the later with forward linkage, which will ultimately lead to the economic growth of Cross River State. The three factories in Cross River State are the best things that can happen to anytime state. Calabar, which is a global city is best suited for the garment factory; Ikom which is regarded as cocoa hub for the state is good for the Cocoa factory, while Ogoja/Yala that serves as feeder to Ebonyi State Rice Mill is the best site for the rice mill. 

When this projects are completed, Cross River will be proud of producing tea, local "foreign rice", and other products that we see as glamour due to the exotic acclamation.
Other benefits of the Industrialization Drive include: innovative and modern farming methods, rise in agricultural production, transferred technological skills to indigenes, creative destruction of poverty cycle, stimulation of progress in other sectors, greater specialization of labour, attraction of FDI, reduced capital flight, increased savings and investment, improved standard of living, among others.

In the light of the foregoing undeniable proofs, I enjoin every Cross Riverian to embrace the Industrialization Drive as we collectively take the state to a greater height.
Therefore, support Gov. Ayade for a sustainable economic development.

Chief Mrs Angela Ogeyi Odey , SSA to Governor on Mobilization and Enlightenment.

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