Sunday 12 January 2020

Barr. Stephen Odey Leads Reco Mining Nig.Ltd to Osina-Yache,mediates for understanding as reco assures of infrastructural and human capital development

Barrister Stephen Odey Ph D,ChMC
Led Reco Mining Nig.Ltd to Osina-Yache as he mediates  for understanding.

Saturday 11th January,2020.

Reco Mining has assured to bring infrastructural and human capital developments to the community, by construction of Yache road(s), building a new bridge on Okpoku River(at Akreha-Yala), establishment of school(s), electrification of the community, etc.

After much deliberation by both the company's representatives, Osina Community, State and Federal Government representatives from the Ministry of Mines, it was agreed that an axe does not cut down a tree by the first cut, hence both parties agreed to  ponder on the salient issues, study the documents for agreement(s) to avoid misunderstanding and rancor in the future.

Dr.Odey's  mediation was commendable by both the community and the company as he pleaded with the community to forgive whatever previous grievances caused by the company, as he assured that this time it's serious business aimed at bringing development to the immediate Osina-Yache Community, Yala LGA, Cross River State and indeed Nigeria.

When all the conditions are met and both parties have agreed, Reco Mining Nig.Ltd shall carry-out exploration of mineral resources in the area.

(Osina-Yache is known to have deposits of Limestone and several other untapped natural resources).

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