Tuesday 21 January 2020

2023: Igbo leadership development foundation calls for rotation of presidency to Southeast


...wants governorship to rotate to Anambra-South

A socialpolitical group under the auspices of Igbo Leadership Development Foundation (ILDF) on Tuesday in Abuja reiterated its called for the rotation of Anambra governorship to the Southern part of the state in 2021.

This is just as the group stated further that in the spirit of equity, justice and fairness, Nigeria's presidency in 2023 should move to South-East, being the only region yet to taste power at the centre in Nigeria.

The group, which made the call in a statement signed by the Director-General, Dr Godwin Udibe, Director, Public Affairs, Dr Law Mefor and Director, Contact & Mobilisation, Comrade Austin Ifedinezi and presented to journalists at a press conference said we believe in the oneness of Nigeria.

It therefore urged the All Progressives Congress (APC), the People Democratic Party (PDP) and other opposition political parties in the country to zone their presidential position to the South-East, saying, "it is injustice for power to remain in the North after eight years".

On Anambra gubernatorial, the group said while the two other zones in Anambra Central and Anambra North have been in power for 11 years and 8 years after the second term of Governor Willie Obiano, respectively, the power should rotate to Anambra-South in the spirit of equity.

The statement reads, "The attention of Igbo Leadership Development Foundation (ILDF) has been drawn to the unwholesome moves by some politicians  to truncate the beautiful rotation arrangement of governorship position in Anambra State. The argument of these people is that governorship has moved round the three senatorial zones in State, and the chips therefore should fall where they may starting from 2021 governorship election in the state.

"For the avoidance of doubt, Their Excellencies Dr. Chinwoke Mbadinuju (Anambra South), Dr. Chris Nwabueze Ngige and Mr. Peter Gregory Obi (Anambra Central) and currently Chief Willie Obiano (Anambra North) have all governed Anambra State in the order.

"What equity demands now is for Anambra governor to come from Anambra South in 2021, in the spirit of rotation through which the past and current governors of the State had emerged. Some politicians are fighting against it.

This argument against continued rotation of governor is warped and self-serving. Those who propel it do not have the interest of Anambra State at heart. Anambra is the gateway to the South East and blessed with abundant and uncommon human and material resources. It is very crucial that Anambra should get its acts right and show example to the rest of the South East and country at large."

It stated that, the Igbo Leadership Development Foundation (ILDF), a pan-Igbo sociopolitical group, focusing on promoting good governance, equity and conscientious leadership in Nigeria with particular interest in the South East geopolitical zone.

It added that The Foundation is equally promoting the emergence of a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction in the 2023 General Elections. "The simple reason is that the South East is the only geopolitical zone in Southern Nigeria that has not produced a President for the country in present democratic dispensation and the zone producing Nigeria’s President will no doubt, usher in unity and healing in the land and end the lingering mistrust caused by the Nigeria civil war.

"We therefore believe in rotation as a democratic process that will ensure political inclusivity and reduce the rancor associated with elections as well as cut down costs of electioneering by narrowing candidature to particular zones in each election circle.

"Leaving governorship election as an all-comers affair in Anambra State particularly can only create wide latitude for confusion and conflict as well as incur much cost that could have gone into development of the State.

"In Anambra State particularly, rotation has reduced rancor in gubernatorial contest and ensured even development in the 3 senatorial zones, given that each governor has ensured that his zone received its fair share in terms development and representation in governance. This has led to the transformation of Anambra transforming into a one-city state and one of the most developed States in Nigeria.

"It is therefore quite disturbing that aspirants are sprouting in all the 3 senatorial zones in utter disregard of the rotation arrangement, which has subsisted and sustained the State since the return to the current democratic dispensation.

"We call on the elders and leaders and friends of Anambra State and Igbo land in general to prevail on those pushing for the jettisoning of rotation of Anambra Governorship to regain perspective and retrace their steps. They can wait for the rotation to reach their zone again in due course. They can also contribute meaningfully to the development of Anambra State without being governors as only one person can be governor at any given time.

it stressed that ILDF also calls on all political parties in Nigeria to respect the popular opinion of Anambra people by adopting the present zoning arrangement which favours the South Senatorial District for 2021 Governorship election.

"Again, apart from the fact that  South Senatorial District produced governor who left office since 17 years ago, the zone has the least number of years in office with Mbadinuju who did only a 4 year tenure compare to Central and North who are having 11 years and 8 years respectively.

Igbo Leadership development Foundation (ILDF) is at the moment canvassing for a Nigerian President of Igbo extraction come 2023 based on the principle of rotation of presidential power between North and South Nigeria. We cannot be making a case for the emergence of Nigerian President of Igbo extraction based on rotation and close our eyes to the truncation of rotation of governorship in Anambra or any South East State for that matter.

"One major advantage of Zoning is that it enhances the act of choosing credible candidates devoid of sectional sentiments.

"He who goes to equity as the saying goes, must go with clean hands."

Igbo Leadership Development Foundation (ILDF) is further advocating that rotation must spread and percolate down to Local government, State Assemblies and National Assembly positions.

"Those who argue against rotation should please check the implications of costs of elections in Nigeria, which is likely the highest in the world, and has impacted negatively on development. They should also note that consensus is democratic since where there is no  violation of any individual’s democratic rights or ethos of democracy where there is no dissension.

"And come to think of it, there is no part of any State in Nigeria that does not have enough capable men and women to pilot the affairs of that state. Governance of a State or Nigeria should therefore not be treated as the birthright of one side of the State or the country for matter.

"Igbo Leadership development Foundation (ILDF) therefore calls on all Ndi Anambra and Ndigbo in general not to allow rotation and rotation of governorship to be sacrificed on the alter selfishness and ego of some politicians who do not see governance as service but as business and aggrandizement.

"The Foundation is so concerned because we believe that the if we get Anambra right, we shall get the South East and indeed  Nigeria right! Let Anambra South produce the next Governor of Anambra State in the spirit of rotation, equity, fairness and social justice. We are counting on the political sagacity of Anambra people," the group concludes.

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