Friday, 30 August 2019

Yala New Yam Festival - a time to show love and peace

August 30, 2019

By Kadiri Abraham

On the 30th of August of every year witnesses one of the largest events in Yala - the New Yam Festival celebration. The occasion  attracts the sons and daughters of Yala nation as well as friends and well-wishers from all over the country to celebrate the cultural event.

New yam festival in Africa is a moment dedicated to celebrate yam, the chief of all crops. In this period, every family in Yala, who are predominantly farmers, either harvest yam tubers from their farm or buy from the market to celebrate the most celebrated product of conspicuous consumption and adorable crop in Nigeria. People who can afford it, buy cow, some kill goat, and some others buy agric fowl to enjoy with family, friends and neighbours.

In the past, when there was little or no suspicion and brotherly love reigned supreme, parents allowed their children to move from house to house, visiting friends in turn, to take boluses of the pounded yam and a bite of goat-laden egusi or ehia soup. This was, indeed, a time when children are proud of whose mother's soup is the most delicious. As the eating progresses, children gather their meat in a nylon bag to share later on. This is demonstrated the trust reposed on one another.

It is, however, heart-broken, to see that the olden days love has vanished into the thin air with years; parents draw the ears of their children very well, not to accept food, meat or any other kind of favour, from neighbours, planting the seed of hatred and enmity in their hearts. Perhaps, it may be due to their experiences, but this is doing more harm than good.

Where is the "Original, pure love?" That love that allowed two men of Yala to share from the same cup and eat from the same plate.

I keep on asking myself what could be responsible for this "lost love". Is it the influence of western  orientation, political affiliation, pat experiences, social stratification (class), pride or religion that has turn us apart? I am yet to find the right answer.

*This is another year to celebrate*. This years celebration has attracted a spectrum of events organized mainly by vibrant young men and women of Yala origin. The major events range from the *Peace Match* at Okpoma, *Oja-Ugu 1st Anniversary/New Yam Celebration,* *Project1000 debut election,* *Yala Achievers Award,*  to mention but a few.

Further, I want to use this occasion to call on well meaning Yala sons and daughters at home and in the Diaspora to reflect on the need to empower Yala youth economically and develop Yala in terms of social infrastructure.

With the calibre of men Yala nation has in government and politics, all we need is to unite in purpose to facilitate the needed development.

While I congratulate the prospective award recipients, who are set to be honoured today, I make bold to say that it would been more honorable if honorable men and women from Yache, Imaje, Okpoma, Yahe, Wanikde, South Ukelle, Igede etc, will drive on a good road from the venue of the event, without carrying mud to their houses in the village.

I therefore challenge them to use their connection and influence to drag the needed development to their mother land. That is the true meaning of political power.

 Time will question their influence, if they do nothing now to transform Yala nation for better.

To sum it all, let us use this opportunity to extend the hand of love to the less privileged and to preach peace in Yala. Life is to short to deny ourselves of our brother's love. Remember, grave is a lonely place where we have no opportunity to share anything - the bitter truth is that we move closer to the grave on daily bases.

I wish every Yala person a happy celebration!

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