Thursday 27 June 2019

Open Letter To The President Of Nigeria On How To Solve Youth Unemployment.

June 27,2019

By Dr. Egbara Emmanuel

"Of all the aspects of social misery nothing is so heartbreaking as unemployment.

Between the great things that we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is that we shall do nothing. The thousands of unemployed graduates roaming the streets of the country searching for job opportunities is gradually becoming an obstacle to development in Nigeria.

The current situation faced by most universities, polytechnics and monotechnic graduates is steadily gaining ground with its aftermath clearly reflecting how poverty, crime and prostitution are hugely becoming forces to be reckoned with in the country.

 Unemployment has no doubt practically become a menace to the society as the challenge of the people no longer
in graduating successfully, but securing jobs after graduation.

 It has become a big blow to good academic performances for those who are still in school as most students share the common notion of "it's not what you graduate with, but who I know after graduation".

Mr President, I hope you are doing fine today and thank you for taking your time to read my letter.

Mr President, I write this letter with a broken heart and deep frustrations. The moment young people graduate from the various Institutions they have nothing to do and become part of the statistics that contribute to unemployment figures.

Worse off are those that dropped out of school at various levels, as they struggle to break the cycle of poverty. These groups of people are languishing in the streets, Using bad addictive substances and the cost of living is too high; I must say things are becoming unbearable.

Our nation stands at the crossroads of liberty. Crushing national debt, rampant illegal immigration, insane business regulations and staggering national unemployment are pushing our nation into unchartered territory.

I understand you have policies that contain reasonable projects aimed at eradicating escalating unemployment levels among the youth. As a country, we need to be thankful and grateful to have you as a president but you are not getting it right.

Your Excellency, we now live in a country where people sell jobs and this is unacceptable as it discriminates against some deserving individuals and it has to be addressed. We live in a society where nepotism is taking its root.

Mr President, I have come up with some fresh ideas for your consideration when addressing problems facing the youth in Nigeria today.

Firstly, increase employers support to open up job opportunities and review employment legislations that work against young people when it comes to getting employment in government institutions.

You may also wish to ensure that the current education system is aligned with the needs of our economy, local market labour information and make it motivating and inspirational.

Another thing is to urge young people to value work at all entry levels. I am saying this because there are some youths who overlook some jobs.

Creation of a welfare system that supports the youth to find training and employment opportunities is also very important.

There is also need to integrate entrepreneurship education into our schools’ core curriculum. This is paramount to combating youth unemployment.

It would do you no harm to mobilise entrepreneurs and business professionals to become role models for the youth and make them active participants in entrepreneurial programmes.

It is also imperative to support young entrepreneurs who have viable ideas and skills to create innovative initiatives with soft loans and other necessities.

Mr President, investment in youth employment will support the needs of a competitive and successful economy for many years to come. It will provide knowledge transfer from the aging workforce. I need not say that young people bring creativity, flexibility, high energy and an understanding of new and emerging technologies.

Mr President, I value your judgement, but ignoring the ideas I have raised here will see Nigeria rooted  in underdevelopment.

It is said that an idle mind is a devil’s workshop, as such keeping the youth in unemployment will tempt them to channel their knowledge and energies into negativities that will frustrate your development agenda in the long term. You need to act now.

May God bless you, Mr President, as I wait for your action.

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