Thursday 16 May 2019

The Sentences "It's Well, God Will Provide is Gradually Killing Men Of God - Isaiah


It is well, God will provide, are two sentences so common in the mouth of our "men of God", General Overseers and other Church Leaders that keeps me wondering, how can it be well, when it is not well?

The Church is supposed to be a House of succor, where one can run in and receive help  most especially in common things like feeding those that are hungry and helpless and providing shelters for the vulnerable at the level the  church can afford.

My true life story will help other young men and women, I mean the needy look for somewhere else for help because the church has completely failed and should not be looked up to again.  The Church has forgotten that Jesus once fed the multitude and the concern now is to have the best cathedral, the best jets and the best SUV cars.

Read Also: RCCG Minister commit Suicide in Abuse

In 1998, I was to do an IJMB program with the College of Education, this was a program that will enable me go into 2nd year in the university. Sensing my humble background and the cost, I also thought of having something to do so as to relieve the burden of the cost on my family. By 1999, opportunity had come for me to use my SSCE and work and this meant I should leave my State Cross River State and move to Ebonyi, and it also meant I would have to abandon the IJMB program  which I choosed the later. I promised myself that I will surely see my self through the university. By 2001, I got admission to read Medicine and Surgery at the Ebonyi State University Abakaliki and by this time too, I was already living with a younger brother who I had also wanted to empower and my salary was #7,000. I needed #15,000 to sort out my school expenses and when i could not get it anywhere,  I had to turn on my church, The Presbyterian Church of Nigeria, Abakaliki Urban Parish. Let it be known, I am a born Presbyterian and the Church as at then had as members, the former Secretary to Ebonyi State Government, Commisioners and some other top State functionaries. The Current Prelate and General Assembly Moderator of the Presbyterian Church, His Eminence, Rev. Nsie Eke was the Chuch Moderator, Minister In-charge then.

I had nowhere to go to, I wrote to the Church requesting and appealing that the Church should please borrow and loan me #15,000 and that I will pay back installmentallly, the church invited me and after meeting with them, they promised to get back to me which they never did till today. Out of desperation not to miss my admission, I kept on going to the Minister to remind him, but since the Presbyterian Church runs a democratic system where decisions are taken by the Church "SESSION", there was not much the Minister could do. In one of such visitations to the Minister, as I was about to go, the Minister felt pity for me, call me back and gave me #1,000 from his pocket. Out of #15,000, I got #1,000. I sincerely want to use this opportunity to appreciate His Eminence, Rev. Nsie Eke, Prelate and Moderator, Presbyterian Church of Nigeria. I had to forgo the admission and immediately had to change to Computers Science that gave me the opportunity for a delayed payment of school fees. I know someone will say that was the will of God,  yes it was and it was the same God that gave me the enablement to secure the admission in the first place.

The suicide note of the psalmist and songs minister with the Redeem Christian Church of God RCCG Abuja,     Arowosaiye, is what prompted my story and a clear testimony that the Church has failed and completely derailed from what Christ stood for. In his note made  available, he talk about his financials problems that has become very embarrassing to him, he mentioned writing to a pastor he believed could render some assistance through the Church but no help came. He ministers in songs in the Church. Read his suicide note.

Brother, Michael Arowosaiye of the RCCG Sunnyvale estate, Abuja Branch. - Chidi Cali
“I have been going through trauma for the past 2 years now my financial instability has cost me a lot of shame.
I have written to the regional pastor here in Abuja and some pastors to help out in my financial situation but everyone seems to be quiet about this matter the best thing to take my life and let me rest in heaven where I can find peace".

I have refused and abstained from writing about our jet-flying ministers and porched-cars driving pastors because I believe it is their right. An earthly right that only God will pass judgement on the D-day. But is the death of this young minister not very embarrasing? He ministers in songs in a very large congregation, the Church could not help him in his time of need. Most Churches have become so classy that the common man can never be helped. Mission Schools built through tithe and offerings can never accomodate poor man's children because of the high rate of school fees. While our "men of god" flies in their jets and drive in their porched cars, there are members who on leaving the church every Sunday may not afford a square meal.

Terrorism is an ideology that thrives through the creation of fear in the heart of the people. You create fears in our our hearts that if we don't pay tithes and put offerings, that we rob God. You tell us that our reward from God is measured by what we give to God. While we give, you buy jets; we give, you buy porched cars; we give, you send your children to schools abroad; we give, you build schools that our children that cannot attend except children of classy people like you. The Lord loveth a cheerful giver who will not give with grudges in his/her mind. You have instilled so much fear in hearts to give through compulsion and I call you all terrorists.

It is the Lord that will judge, but the death of this young minister and others that have died silently who are members of your denominations that you have refused to help but have paid tithe and offerings to you is judgement passed on you all.


Ekpenyong Isaiah
Commander, Infantry Pen Battallion

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