Friday 3 May 2019

Instagram Is Removing The "Likes" Feature From The App

Instagram has evolved into its own cultural phenomenon that has crept into every corner of the world. For as long as businesses have been around, people have used branding to their benefit, but never on this global of a scale. Instagram can make or break someone's career, it can expose their darkest secrets to an international audience in a matter of seconds, and for years it's been how millions have measured their self-worth and popularity by likes and views.
But that's all about to change. 
Recognizing that the addictive social media platform has its negative effects, especially regarding mental health and emotional security, Instagram executives are trying something different. There have been a number of updates and changes for their millions of users, but nothing quite like what they may have coming soon. At Facebook's "F8 Conference" earlier today, a spokesperson said that the company is beta testing hiding likes from the public—and they're beginning next week.
What this basically means is that Instagram users will not be able to see how many likes they have on a photo or video they uploaded. 
"We are testing this because we want your followers to focus on the photos and videos you share, not how many likes they get," an Instagram spokesperson said.
This might seriously affect Instagram influencers who use that platform as a source of income for themselves but Instagram also has them in mind. 
“We understand that this is important for many creators, and while this test is in exploratory stages, we are thinking through ways for them to communicate value to their brand partners,” the spokesperson stated.
Do you think this is a good idea? 
Share your thoughts on this in the comment section. 

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