Saturday 18 May 2019

A Call To Free Leah Sharibu #FreeLeahSharibu

Jesus Christ was a leader. While sending his disciples to cross over to the other side, a water route, arose the storm that they felt they will sink. In the midst of the storm and fear, Christ appeared and said,  peace be still.

I want to sincerely thank Pastor Reno Omokri for taking the message of the freedom of Leah Sharibu round the world. Leah Sharibu is one of those girls kidnapped by Boko Haram in a school in Yobe State. The rest of the girls have all been returned except Leah Sharibu a Christian girl who refused to renounced her faith in Christ. According to Pastor Omokri, he has toured more than 16 countries taking the message there.

While it is right to take the message to other parts of the world, my question is, why has the owners of the message abandoned it? I mean, the Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN?; Our jet-flying G.O's and porched-cars freaked pastors? When we talk, they say we are attacking the church, the church of God is marching on and the gate of hell cannot prevail against it. We do not judge them but the truth must be told.  The Roman Catholic Pope was given a car as a gift, he felt the car was too costly and said it should be sold to feed the poor. That is leadership by example.

The number of Christians in Nigeria is enough to put Buhari' s government on toe to work for the release of #LeahSharibu. What is the concern of our Christian leaders today, to acquire jets, porched cars and best auditorium? In the midst of the storm why have they all disappeared instead of to appear? Why is the message left for Pastor Reno Omokri alone and Leah Sharibu' s family?

Christian Association of Nigeria, CAN leaders, when you people went to congratulate Buhari, did you people remind him that one of you, Leah Sharibu is still in captivity?

Christian leaders, reshape your ways and retool your teachings. Do you know that your excess flaunt of wealth has caused a lot of people to go into crime in several forms and they come to church to testify as God's blessings.

#LeahSharibu is still in captivity, let us all join Pastor Reno Omokri in the drive to free the poor girl now. Preach it in your pulpits, organize nationwide fasting, organize nationwide open sit-outs like the way you do your mega crusades to draw Buhari's and international attention to it. Let us free her before the end of this year.


Ekpenyong Isaiah
Commander, Infantry Pen Battallion

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