Thursday 2 May 2019

4 Important Deaths That Take Place In Avengers Endgame

If you haven't watched the movie, you'll find out who dies in this article. 
 Nebula dies in Endgame, but not our Nebula. Are you confused? Of course, you are. 
There's a lot of time travel involved and it just so happens that Nebula of the present meets up with Nebula of the past and things happen. 
More importantly, Nebula of the present kills Nebula of the past. 
So you see, Nebula dies but not our Nebula. Still confused? Go and watch the movie. 
Black Widow
Unlike Nebula's death, this one is real. 
The Avengers traveled to the past to get the stones before Thanos. Hawkeye and Black Widow went to get the Soul Stone from the same place that Thanos and Gamora went to get it in Infinity Wars. 
One of the pair, according to the Red Skull, would have to lay down their lives to claim the orange-hued rock. Ronin and Black Widow both, incredibly, attempt to sacrifice themselves with the other trying to stop them, but Black Widow ‘wins’ and falls to her death. 
Hawkeye gets the soul stone but is filled with sorrow. She was a really close friend of his and he loved her dearly. 
At this point, he has lost his family to Thanos and now his closest friend to (in a manner of speaking) Thanos again. 
In real life, Scarlett has signed a contract for a Black Widow movie so maybe she will be brought back to life by some trick. 
As a matter of fact, he dies twice. 
After killing like half of the world's population, Thanos retreats to a location called "The Garden" and that is what it literally is. A Garden. 
We see Thanos without his war armour, walking through the garden, picking food produce and cooking them afterwards. 
He gets attacked by the Avengers who want the infinity stones but they find out that it's too late as he has destroyed the stones already. 
In a furious rage, Thor cuts off his head. That's the first death. 
The Avengers come up with another plan. 
To travel back in time and get the stones before Thanos ever set his hands on them. 
As they travel to get the stones, Thanos of the past somehow finds about their plot and they battle each other. 
During the battle, Iron Man gets hold of the Infinity stones and snaps his fingers. 
This time, it's Thanos and his men who turn into dust and fade away from reality. 
Iron Man (Tony Stark)
Using the Infinity Gauntlet eventually kills him.
It's a tool that is way too powerful for a mere mortal to handle. 
Tony Stark got to say goodbye to Pepper Potts, as well as Doctor Strange, and an understandably teary Peter Parker. But this wasn’t his final moment on-screen. Sure, his Arc Reactor gives out and he dies slumped over in the battleground outside Avengers HQ, but he has one more scene. He records one final goodbye for his daughter Morgana, which is played at his funeral.
It’s at once touching, moving, and funny but, crucially, a pitch-perfect goodbye to the man who kickstarted the Marvel boom. He goes out on his own terms – and saves the universe in the process.

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