Tuesday, 16 April 2019

USA Government warns Her Citizens About Travelling To Nigeria

The United States of America’s Department of State, under President Donald Trump, has warned its citizens against travelling to Nigeria, “due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and piracy”.

According to CNN, the State Department said that it has labelled high-threat countries with a ‘K’, so as to communicate more clearly to US citizens, the risks of kidnapping and hostage-taking by criminal and terrorist actors around the world.

In a post on its website, the State Department disclosed that apart from kidnapping, its citizens planning to visit Nigeria, should also be wary of armed robbery, rape, carjacking, civil unrest, terrorism, and indiscriminate violence.

It also issued a level 4 travel alert for Borno, Yobe, and Adamawa States, due to terrorism, saying that, they should not travel to the three States. It pointed out that the security situation in the North-East is fluid and unpredictable, particularly in the three States.

The post read: “Reconsider travel to Nigeria, due to crime, terrorism, civil unrest, kidnapping, and piracy. Some areas have increased risk.

“Do not travel to Borno and Yobe States, and Northern Adamawa State, due to terrorism.

“Violent crimes such as armed robbery, assault, carjacking, kidnapping, and rape, are common throughout the country. Exercise extreme caution throughout the country, due to the threat of indiscriminate violence.”

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