Wednesday 9 January 2019


From the Office of SSA on Mobilization and Enlightenment

January 8, 2019

As campaigns gather momentum in Nigeria, generally and Cross River in particular, electorates are advised to be wary of juicy political promises that are capable of jeopardizing their chances of reaping democratic dividends in the next political dispensation.

It is worrisome to hear politicians raising loud echoes and heaping defamatory statements of condemning political opponents. This condemnable act is not representative of prospective leaders who intend to clinch the seat of power.

Politics and control of government should not be seen as a do-or-die affairs because it is God that endorses leadership. So let us eschew all forms of scandals, libel and violence so that we do not annihilate the generation we intend to lead.

It is an act of desperation to see people destroying opponent's posters and bill boards that were made with huge amount of money.

I want to use this medium to enjoin every Cross Riverian - both partisan and non-partisan, to eschew violence during the forthcoming election. We cannot afford to shed the blood of our brothers and/or sister just because we want to be in control of power - it is very barbaric and typical if primitive societies where there is survival of the fittest. There us no amount of money that can pay for the blood of a fellow Cross Riverian - life is priceless.

Four years will come and go, but Cross River remains one indivisible entity, except otherwise.
The youth are enjoined to play safe as no amount of money can exchange for their dear lives. The chips may be down today, but there is hope for tomorrow. Don't trade your lives and future for money.
Hold your PVC close to yourself because that is your power. Nobody should deceive you - PDP remains the only people-centric party.

Vote Senator Prof. Ben Ayade for Governor, vote Unbrella, vote PDP.

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