Sunday 6 January 2019

Imagine ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency Without Jarigbe As Its Lawmaker

Imagine ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency Without Jarigbe As Its Lawmaker ; A Disaster Waiting To Happen

January 6,2019.

Future generations are not going to ask us what political party were you in. They are going to ask what did you do about it, when you knew the glaciers were melting---Martin Sheen.

We woke up this morning with thoughts of the house of representatives election coming up soon on our minds.

 I know the political calculations of nearly every politician at the moment, considering the fact that power has changed hands at the centre to the once opposition party, All Progressive Congress (APC).

 Politicians with their Casanova lifeclasss are already jumping ship from one party to the other, and even my native state is not caught off the defection fever.

As sign of things to come, Some of my brothers , have already joined the APC, all shouting change. Sadly enough, these were men that few months ago criticized APC.

I must confess, they could not wait for the pains of Nigerians  to heal before stabbing them in the back with deceit.How wicked can men be.

As a persons, we just hate to join a visionless person or party. We choose to join the oppressed and the suffering masses in all we do.

 This was the scenario that made us join the Jarigbe Agom team, when one of his trusted aides gave us reasons to follow him.

Here was a man oppressed by the power that be, vowing to stop his ambition. We met a man that day who was worried inside of him, but would not show it outside, but in us was the conviction that we will not just be the loser if he is stopped  but all of us.

This man was just too good to be allowed to fight the battle alone and without his knowledge, we jumped into the crew alongside some media friends to tell the world what Ogoja/Yala stands to lose if a stooge is imposed on us.

We cannot move with the axiom of supporting and voting for a candidate simply because the centre is controlled by such a party. We must not be swayed with the maxim that we cannot be an opposition party to the Federal.

Only a man with an impeccable character and integrity is fit to govern us and as it stands, it is undeniable that among the people jostling for the seat of  Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency Only Jarigbe Agom have the required credentials to mount the saddle.

Imagining Ogoja/Yala without Jarigbe as the lawmaker  is like giving your brand new G Wagon vehicle to a nine years old baby to go for car racing, simply because he has a toy G Wagon which he uses for car racing in the house with other toy cars. Your guess is as good as ours of what will happen to the G Wagon.

Only reversing it by the nine years old boy will see your cherished car sent to the mechanic which will cost you a fortune of your life to bring back. Without meaning to attack a personality, that is what other aspirations from APC will be like if we makes the mistake of giving them our votes.

Only one man can we risk giving Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency to handle.

Jarigbe knows legislative business as a man knows his wife.Jarigbe knows our needs as a surveyor knows the boundary of the land. In all his years of being in the corridors of power, he remains among the few who has a clean record sheet, devoid of any corrupt practices.

 Among the contenders, he remains the only detribalized one who has NEVER campaigned using tribe to woo voters.

 But why should he when he understands that even though his blood is Yala, his heartbeat is Ogoja. Why should he campaign using ethnicity when he knows that the same poverty that ravages the land of Ukelle also tear asunder the land of Igede. Tell us why he should campaign with tribe when he knows that the same security challenge that befalls ukelle also befalls the Ogoja.

 He knows all this and while his opponents uses tribe as a campaign weapon; he seeks the unity in diversity of all Constituents .

That is the kind of man we want. Imagining Ogoja/Yala without Jarigbe as the lawmaker is seeing a once united people seeking to destroy each other because of ethnic differences.

 imagining our constituency  without Jarigbe  as the driving force is to have a government were mediocre and political babies take us all for a ride.

 Imagining Our Constituency without Jarigbe is tantamount to selling our birthright to pretenders who claims to be leaders, yet we are better than them in terms of governance.

 The Ogoja/Yala federal  constituency we know is like a mini Nigeria with multiple cities and all of them craving for attention. We do not need a tribal warlord who will take our commonwealth to build only their father's  house due to bitterness of the past years .

 We do not need a man whose singular claim to governance is the endorsement of a tribal non political union like.

 it is unarguable that Jarigbe will win it. Let us all go the way of the saying by “We will not agree on every issue. But let us respect those differences and respect one another.

 Let us recognize that we do not serve an ideology or a political party; we serve the people “(John Lynch)

Do we want to deny our generation the opportunity of a life time to see governance done the way in the countries we praise? Why then do we jettison the interest of the unborn ones for the unwritten rule of being desperate and therefore must rule?

If we cannot question the all knowing God, then let us allow our sense of patriotism allow Jarigbe lead.

Under the leadership of Jarigbe, take my words that we areno longer talking about our political party before jobs and admissions are given or where we come from but what is best for the next man who needs his/her life improved through effective  representation .

 It is more than a statement but a reality .

 If credibility is a name given to honest persons, it will gladly be added to his names. The Jarigbe that we know will give appointment to all the tribe equally, with all of us having level playing field if we can only re-elect him.

To reject him is to tell God that we reject the prosperity that he has freely given to us. To vote against him is to tell historians to record our names in the list of a people who had a chance to turn Ogoja/yala to a city of their dream but on ethnic frivolities blew away its chances. God forbid that we will sit under the moonlight and tell our unborn kids that “Once upon a time, Ogoja/Yala had a chance to be among the great cities of the world, but”

As we make a date with destiny , let us proudly beat our chests and carve our names on marbles that we were part of those who set Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency on the path of prosperity through our votes for Jarigbe Agom Yes we can make it happen.

These little things matters.

Vote Jarigbe Agom!
Vote PDP!
Vote wisely!

Team Jarigbe.

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