Wednesday 9 January 2019

Ignore the Intrigues of some desperate Ogoja/Yala politicians ~ Egbara

Ignore the Intrigues of some desperate Ogoja/Yala politicians (An open letter to my constituents)

By Egbara Emmanuel.

January 09,2019.

The recent yewulistic behavior of some socalled social media politicians of the All Progressives Congress, APC, from Ogoja/Yala,
a closer look revealed that it is a desperate move by a group of frustrated failed acclaimed social media politicians determined to drawback the hands-of-the-clock of progress in Ogoja/Yala politics to create tension and confusion.

Just like the leopard which can never change its spots, these political mavericks, having failed to achieve their political aspirations and aware of the political sentiment at the time, pretended to be part of the team of liberation .

However, these characters have all along been furtively undermining the government and the APC in Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency if only they exist, fanning the embers of discontent to precipitate crisis.

It is therefore safe to assume that tired and frustrated of being ignored in their machinations, resulting from several nocturnal meetings and plots against Jarigbe's camp, the group finally revealed itself at the recent billboard attacks .

The group spinelessly ran to social media to hatch their malicious intents and launch vitriolic attacks on team Jarigbe.

This is obviously designed to create ill-feelings among our teeming followers, generate tension and crisis; in pursuit of their narrow interests.

At issues is the conflict between principles, decency and consistency on one hand and desperation and opportunism on the other.

Some people should stop playing God, He gives power to whom He chooses and at His time.
Therefore the machinations and desperate acts by tiny group to impose their will, is not in the best interest of politics and our dear Constituency .

Surely, the role of these charlatans in this shameful drama shall be recorded for posterity.

While it is not one’s intention to engage in unnecessary diatribe, these narrow-minded minds should best be ignored.
The grandstanding and table-banging theatrics had exposed these people as political desperados out to create the impression that their views are the views of Ogoja/Yala.

‘’Nothing can be farther from the truth; this is plainly a miscalculated move that would eventually send its perpetrators into political oblivion.
It would be very sad and disheartening if our people fail to see beyond the antics of these political desperados.

Continued spurious and unwarranted attacks and criticism on the personality of Jarigbe and his team will not engender peace and progress in our political journey.

In my view, such misrepresentations by those who should know, but pretend not to know to satisfy narrow interests, will only create hate and acrimony in our politics.

It would not have been out of place if these politicians who have unlimited access to governance , had exploited such avenue and offer useful and constructive suggestions on how to move the constituency forward.
However, their recent action is, to say the least, unfortunate, disappointing and disturbing.

Their antics and maneuver are well known and in the fullness of time their tantrums would be exposed, as the manifestation of failed politicians who have lost focus on their objectives and pursuit.

Condemning this government in which they were part and parcel is the height of hypocrisy and insincerity; and therefore repulsive.

Let me at this juncture state that, the media jamboree was primarily targeted at the Jarigbe ambition through vitriolic invectives.

But as a concerned citizen I have closely monitored the performance of Jarigbe and in view of current realities, the performance is highly commendable.
Since inception, he has worked tirelessly to proffer lasting solutions to ill issues.

Within  four years Jarigbe has used his wealth of experience in governance to mobilize stakeholders to adopt a consensus approach to deal with fatal blow to societal problems.

Similarly, the administration of Jarigbe Agom has recorded giant strides in education sector, with the renovation, rehabilitation and construction of several educational concerns,from primarily to tertiary institutions in the Constituency.

Politically, Jarigbe Agom Jarigbe is in touch with the grassroots and feels their pulse, which explains why all government programmes are targeted at uplifting the ordinary man in every nook and cranny of the constituency .

As an ardent follower of events in my state, I appeal to team Jarigbe to ignore these politicians whose desperation for the spoils of office knows no bounds, and continue with their plans of purpose.

No amount of veil threats, intimidation or blackmail should distract team Jarigbe Agom from its focussed developmental programmes for the people of Ogoja /Yala Federal Constituency .

As for these desperate politicians, the mass of the people of Ogoja/Yala will surely meet them at the polls and silence them once and for all.

In any case a genuine ‘’APC in Ogoja/Yala’’ should be all inclusive, well thought out, comprehensive in approach and with sincerity of purpose in its execution.
Not a hurriedly convened assembly of the frustrated to promote egocentricity.

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