Thursday, 13 December 2018

Desperate Politicians Must Be Rejected-SSA on Mobilization and enlightenment.

December 13,2018.

The Cross river state Senior special assistant on mobilization and enlightenment ,Chief Mrs Angela Ogeyi Odey, has called on Cross riverians to ignore any politician who will say that that 2019 election is a do-or-die or final of finals affair.

Speaking in Calabar, Chief Mrs.Angela Ogeyi Odey, mentioned that desperate politicians were using desperate measures to seek power and this, she said, was dangerous for the country.

"If you see a desperate politician, run away from: him. He does not mind whatever happens to you except the power he is seeking. They feel unprotected without political power and can do anything: with no respect to the lives of others", the SSA pointed out.

She said as Cross riverians, we shared a common destiny; we rise and fall together. But, it is so obvious that some politicians have lost their focus on our shared destiny.

“Instead of focusing on our common enemies : such as societal vices, they incite their followers to focus on each other as if we are our own enemies", explained Chief mrs Angela Ogeyi Odey.

She extended invitation to all, Cross riverians who had been disappointed by the various polititians and have decided not to vote during the 2019: election to reconsider their decisions since they now have the opportunity to be part of the history-making process of growing Nigeria.

The grass root politician said "Nigeria is for us all and it is time ordinary people effected radical changes in the governance of this nation."

Vote PDP,Support PDP let's grow Nigeria.

From the office of the senior special assistant on mobilization and Enlightenment, Cross river state.

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