Monday 26 November 2018

STOP BEING SORRY By Prince Andrew.

The biggest enemy of progress is to keep being sorry for your mistakes instead of taking correction and moving on.

Growing up and knowing what being sorry can do and what it can't, also from reading so many stories and learning personalities profile... I must tell you to stop being sorry because you are in that situation,  and just feeling sorry for yourself won't help.

Just stop being sorry and embrace the pains, channel it for better.

Listening to my pastor saying feeling sorry for  yourself because of your background instead of letting go, get back and hit the ground for success to have a story to tell later, I decided within myself that I have to stop being  sorry and rather embrace the pains for positivity.
Political classes, and religious leaders we have today have stopped being sorry and have embrace the pains before they got  to where there are today .
Let me start with my pastor David Ibiyeome, one of the great man of God in the world today was nothing before he gave his life to Christ, he follows the teachings of his father and Today he is one of the lead voice in Christendom in the world.
What did he do, He stopped feeling sorry for his past and all the wasted years and followed instructions on how to lead, he embraced the pains of leading  when he had nothing, today the story is not the same.

Former Vice president of Nigeria and PDP presidential candidate Atiku Ababukar. A multi billionaire  was once a street hustler to a point where he stop being sorry for himself, then he got himself out of poverty and built a house for his mother at age 17. All these happened because he got a revelation and stopped being sorry for where he is, rather was excited about  where he would be going to. Today he is in a place where nobody feels sorry for him anymore.

What about the just dedicated 100,000 seaters Church auditorium?, the presiding pastor was not at his best from the beginning, he was a Sunday school teacher in someone else's ministry. Today he has dedicated a multi-billion church auditorium, but the ministry He was before doesn't have as much I guess, if they have we would have known.

He stopped feeling sorry for his starting point and was excited about the future today and today he is a happy man.

What about our former President Goodluck. He went to school without shoes but he was sorry for himself because he had no shoes, but then he stopped and kept on...and today he is the face of modern democracy in the whole world.

OBJ, well, one of the  most relevant Nigeria politician. Go and read his story, I'm sure from his time in prison he wasn't sorry for himself rather he embraced the pain, then he became....
I could go on but I think I've made my point but for emphasis lets bring it home, our very own DG DUE PROCESS. He ran for office but something happened, he however didn't let it keep him down for too long. He bounced  back, continue life and today he is in government of the day ...

Those that feel sorry for themselves don't go far..

 Is that relationship not woking hey! Don't feel sorry rather smile at it and embrace the pains, I assure you , you will get the best out of it.

Is that marriage about to end . don't feel sorry, instead do what you can but relax and be positive about it, it will play out well.

Is it about that contract not coming as planned, give it a time, go back and see how it will play out.

... that journey, proposal, keep mentioning. Don't give in, don't feel sorry about the result and  rather focus.

Consider these below to gear you up:

1. Stop being sorry,
2. Embrace the pains
3. Stop comparing
4. Get excited

Doing these, life struggles will find its way out of your system, family, company etc.

Prince Andrew is a young urban professional, a Computer analyst, networker, administrator.
Member of the #project1000 (a solution driven citizenship forum)- and a member of the
Young Africa leaders initiative.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice article! Keep it up. Let's stay positive. Worrying or feeling sorry for yourself refrains you from enjoying the blessings of today and suspends your preparion for the future.

