Tuesday 27 November 2018

Jarigbe: A Lawmaker and his moment of glory.

#Team Jarigbe

November 27, 2018

He means different things to different people. To some, he is a workaholic. To others, he is the MP of the masses, a deeply passionate leader through whose arteries, the overall best interest of the people, flows just like blood.

 Yet to some others, he is a purpose-driven, prudent manager of human and material resources committed to permanently changing the look and feel of Yala/Ogoja through his legislative mission.

But from whichever perspective he is viewed, one thing is however constant and that is the fact that Hon.Jarigbe Agom,the lawmaker representing the good people of Yala Ogoja Federal Constituency is one man who constantly shy away from accolades, awards and recognitions in spite of the fact that his achievements in office in the last three  years, easily recommend him for many of such.

“For me, awards and recognitions are best when they come after we must have left office and people access our efforts and achievements in office,” Jarigbe would say each time the subject matter is broached.

However, in spite of his near aversion for awards and recognitions, Hon.Jarigbe Agom, like a golden fish that his sterling performance in office has made him, has no hiding place. He is constantly, literally chased around with awards, accolades and recognitions for the unparallel record of achievement that he has garnered since he assumed office as the duly elected lawmaker  of Yala/Ogoja Federal Constituency  on May 29, 2015.

In a society where many are known to pay and literally solicit awards, Jarigbe has turned down several. It therefore came as a pleasant surprise when some of us, his aides were able to convince him to be physically present to receive the Niger  Delta youths lawmaker of the Year Award which he won in the Lawmaker of the Year category .

Beyond that however, it was also a well-deserved honour for a man who has done more than anyone before him to permanently change the fortunes of Yala/Ogoja and its people for good.

 In achieving this feat, Jarigbe was deliberate and calculated. Indeed, Yala/Ogoja people are lucky to have had in him a leader whose emergence was not in any way accidental.

By 2015, the popular will of Yala Ogoja people was finally affirmed and  Hon.Jarigbe Agom was sworn into office as the servant leader of Yala/Ogoja Federal Constituency.

The first indication that he was prepared for the job showed in his numerous cardinal programmes he immediately rolled out as the focus of his administration. The programme was led by education. One was therefore not surprised when his administration quickly proceeded to press for the establishment of Ogoja Federal University  and ensure that no child is left behind on account of his/her economic background through his scholarship programs.

Every year Hon.Jarigbe offset tuition fees and all forms of levies of thousands of his constituents . In addition, the distribution of free textbooks to pupils of public primary and secondary schools by Hon.Jarigbe Agom administration also helped to ensure that education remains accessible for all.

Hon.Jarigbe did not only offset tuition fees of students, he also went further to consistently pay the (WAEC) fees for final-year students of public secondary schools in the Constituency since its inauguration in May, 2015.

All of these have been made possible partly because the Hon.Jarigbe is committed to changing the narratives of lawmaking.

 It therefore did not come as a surprise that the leadership of Hon.Jarigbe Agom won the Youths Educational Foundation award, as the Lawmaker with the highest percentage of budgetary Constituency allowance to education.

These are however some of the  areas where the visionary in Hon.Jarigbe Agom easily shines through. As soon as he assumed office in 2015, he made these list critical component of his  programme in Yala/Ogoja Federal Constituency.

1. Electrification of Idum, Adum & Igbo in Wanihem ward. Yala LGA (Rural Electrification Agency)

2. Supply & Installation of a 500kva transformer in Wanibolor. Yala LGA ( Fed. Mins. of Power Works & Housing)

3. Drilling & Installation of 1 No Motorised borehole in Okuku. Yala LGA.

4. Drilling & Installation of 1No Motorised borehole in Yache. Yala LGA.

5. Drilling & Installation of of 1No Solar Powered borehole in Ikajor Ward Ishibori. Ogoja LGA.

6. Drilling & Installation of 1No Motorised borehole in Nkum Irede, Ibil. Ogoja LGA.

7. Drilling & Installation of 1No Motorised borehole in Idum Mbube. Ogoja LGA.

8. Electrification of Mbube East from Benkpe, Ogoja LGA.

9. Supply & Installation of 500kva transformer in Oboso, Mbube (Fed. Mins.of Power Works & Housing)

10. Empowerment & training of over 250 youths in vocational skill acquisition in his constituency over 8million was giving out in cash for start ups.

11. Supply of educational materials to a secondary school in Nkum Irede ward. Ogoja LGA.

12. Supply of past examination questions & answers to all classes in secondary schools in Ogoja/Yala federal constituency

13. During his regular Christmas outreach to constituents, for that of 2017, he made cash donations of N6.5Million Naira to Youths, women and stakeholders of both LGAs that make up his Constituency.

14. He also made available (2)new Toyota Corolla vehicles to the two PDP Chapter Chairmen of Ogoja/Yala LGA.

15. He facilitated another vocational skills acquisition/empowerment programme with start up capital in conjunction with PRODA for 200 women & youths of Ogoja/Yala LGAs in November 2017

16. He facilitated the Construction of the (old) Union Bank Road, Igoli-Ogoja LGA- NDDC 2016 Budget

17. He facilitated the Construction of Boki Road in Abakpa, Ogoja LGA - NDDC 2017 Budget

18. Facilitated the Construction of 6 classrooms block with VIP toilets in st. Michael’s Prim School, Ibil, Ogoja LGA- NDDC

19. Facilitated the construction of the 2km bad portion of 'akunakuna' road, leading to Judges Quarters G.R.A, Ogoja LGA - Ministry of Niger Delta

20. Facilitated the construction of Motorised borehole in Mfuma, Igede & Ugaga wards in Yala LGA.- Ministry of Niger Delta

21. NHRC Advocacy & sensitisation of women in Ogoja/Yala LGA on core values and empowerment of the women(Widows) with stipend as financial assistance.

22. Facilitated the construction of Solar Powered borehole in Echumofana ward in Yala L.G.A. - CRBDA

23. Facilitated the construction of Solar Powered borehole in Odajie-Mbube ward in Ogoja L.G.A. -CRBDA

24. Facilitated the construction of Solar Powered borehole in Abakpa(Urban ward 2) in Ogoja L.G.A. - Ministry of Niger Delta

25. Facilitated the construction of Solar powered borehole in Ugaga ward - Ministry of Niger Delta

26. Facilitated the Construction of solar powered borehole in Abakpa(Urban Ward 2) in Ogoja L.G.A. - Ministry of Niger Delta

27. He paid bursary to students of Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency, where he released N2.4 Million Naira in the first phase.

28. Facilitated the supply of Science/Laboratory equipment s to the University of Calabar, captured in the 2017 budget.

29. Free medical outreach by Canvass for JARIGBE & AYADE CARE, which saw 2000 beneficiaries from Ogoja/Yala L.G.A.

30. Empowered over 500 constituents of Ogoja/Yala Federal Constituency with Cars, Motor bikes, Seeing & Grinding machines, Generating sets & Clippers e.t.c
A vote for him in 2019 General Elections will make him a ranking member of the Federal House Of Representatives and multiple achievements for the good people of Ogoja/Yala.

Now tell me, with all of these achievements, why wouldn’t Honourable Jarigbe be literally chased around with awards, accolades  and commendations?

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