Saturday 29 September 2018

I will change the narratives for the better, Dorncklaimz Enamhe Ph.D write his People.

My fellow people of Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku, it is a great honour to address this all important gathering today at this defining moment in our history. Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku is standing at a crossroad, at a very pivotal point in the most consequential election where the need for quality representation cannot be overemphasized. The power is in your hands!

One of the paths before us leads to the past and the extinction of our rich cultural heritage, which is a strong part of our lives. I personally hold our culture dear, being one who has been bestowed with chieftaincy titles across all the communities. I will do my best to improve our cultural values, we will work and collaborate together to showcase our intrinsic values and festivities to the world.
The other path leads to the future, the future of our children born and yet unborn, which when we grow grey, when all has been said and done, they will be left with the decisions we make today. Hence, we must seek to build the future together that is where all the accomplishments are. We must choose wisely!

To this end, I plan to interact closely and work hand in hand with you if elected to, propose new legislation that will invest in improving our overall wellbeing.
Our economic prosperity has been greatly neglected in the past, with your help we plan to change all of that. We will build and renovate schools, improve infrastructural development, we will revamp and construct our markets so that our traders especially the women will feel secure no matter the weather or season. I am also working with my team to explore viable export opportunities for our farmers so they can begin to export their raw materials which are among the best quality you can get and compete favorably with world markets. This will bring new business and directly improve our living standards.

Furthermore as a sports lover, one who has won various prizes for my schools and country, I will resurrect the spirit of sport activities in our agile and vibrant youth. This spirit will take away youth restlessness, cultism, drug abuse, prostitution, human trafficking to mention but a few. Our youth have been neglected and are wasting away all this must change now. We must begin to create experiences that help youth develop social, ethical, emotional, physical, and cognitive competencies to build a new generation of leaders.
My brothers and sisters even though I have mentioned just a few sectors there is barely any area of our communities that does not need remedy. We must close the book of the bleeding wounds of the old politics of division and sail our ship on a mountain of hope to be able to fly our flag on the sunrise of a thousand tomorrows with a solid belief that we have acted well never to let Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku down it will never die. I come to you today, to seek your cooperation, to speak with one voice, to heal the divisions that have torn us apart, for we are all one country and one Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku family.
My faith in God teaches oneness and love. As a Knight of the Order of St. John, I was brought up with the fear of God. Permit me to give you a brief of my background, I come from a large family of 12 where we all live in unity. We have three great Lawyers, Proud Sons of Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku. The First is a retired Perm Sec and former chiefs of protocol, the second is a former assembly member and former commissioner for law reform and the third is me, Your Son. Coming from a humble and noble family of lawyers who have all been tested in public office. The Eldest son is a retired educator and grandfather, the two young sons are also thriving, one is an assistant registrar in the renowned Federal College of Education Obudu while the other is a prominent and astute Pastor. All the daughters are happily married and doing great in their various spheres of contact. They have been backing me with their unalloyed support in this race and we will do our best to do service to humanity, Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku and its people.

Finally, I will like to state clearly that as a homeboy who is constantly in touch with the people’s needs and concerns, I cannot promise to be less of a good guy, you know where I stand and you know I will fight for the priorities you hold dear. My experience and work as an educator and lawyer has given me a unique perspective on the pains and challenges you face daily. Therefore, I will like to reiterate that wherever there is a voice to be heard, I’ll be there. Wherever there is a need for a capital-gains readjustment for targeted small businesses, I’ll be there. Wherever there is national benefits that will impact my people of Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku, I’ll be there, too!

I hereby look forward to your unflinching and unwavering support as our party the great Peoples Democratic Party prepares to conduct its primaries. While others will tell you that you have no choice but to vote for them, that is once again, old politics. Im appealing that you make the right choice and vote for me. You deserve better and more to bring about major changes in our society. There is a whole lot that is broken and we need to fix.

It starts with a vote, your vote! I’m calling on you on 3rd October, 2018 to mark your ballot for a renaissance. As our slogan goes” we are in it together” I promise it’s going to be an open door policy. Together we can do this!
Let us dare to look cynicism directly in the eye, and have faith that the best has yet to come. The time has come for someone to take on responsibilities. We are ready to take on this challenge! It can’t be done without you. Let’s work together. Let’s roll up our sleeves and start the work right now. You can play your part by talking to your relatives, friends and neighbours who will be delegates to vote wisely!
Lastly, to all my honourable brothers and sisters who will be delegates, you were not chosen in error, your contribution to our state as illustrious sons and daughters has earned you this status. I am counting on you to vote for me.

Thank you!

God bless Bekwara/Obudu/Obanliku ​Federal Constituency
Long Live the people of Cross River State
Long Live the PDP
Think Cross...River
God Bless Nigeria
God bless you all

Dc Enamhe

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