Friday 20 July 2018


For Jude Ogbeche Ngaji, life is like a river of energy, clear, fast and in constant flow with everyone desiring a drink from it.
None the less service to a people and humanity at large is the greatest privileged granted by God to any individual. The desire and ability to serve is therefore considered as noble. Without expectation,every progressive  society is built on the timeless values of service. Politics and representative democracy have always offered a major avenue for such service. In recent times, Nigeria democracy has demonstrated it's growth through a greater desire and indeed loud call by the people, for politicians who are truly ready to serve. This therefore offers a significant challenge to all well-meaning ,true citizens of our communities.A challenge which we in Generation Next, are determined to address.
Our love,hundred percent support and the call for Jude Ngaji to come and seek for the mandate of the people of Cross River Northern Senatorial District as Senator in 2019,is as a result of our firm resolve to see that the challenge of service which our people earnestly ask for is met and which we humbly believe Jude Ogbeche Ngaji can offer, this he'll do by addressing factors at the core of the issues which are affecting our Senatorial District today.

Despite our common heritage, it is evident in recent times, several social and political issues have threatened that common heritage. In time past we have been unified by a common goal and desire which was to see the collective growth and development of of our people, over time that shared vision has been eroded and with it, our unity. As we clamor for a better society and effective representation our utmost desire is to depen areas of affinity among our people and promote that unity which we were known for as we strive for growth and development through renewed trust and cooperation. We are therefore,calling on our elders and stakeholders in Northern Senatorial District of Cross River State to engaged to lead this mission, which we strongly believe will place us in better stead to demand for and be allocated what we truly deserve.

Northern Senatorial District deserve a better representation,we need a representative that will bring Federal Presence in our Senatorial District for oversight functions,our major area where we have been greatly deficient as a Senatorial District is in the absence of sufficient growth and placement of our sons and daughters at the federal level of government. Without doubt with the way Nigeria is structured,influence at the federal level is critical to the benefits that sometimes accrue to certain areas in the country. Yet our representation at federal level is not commensurate with the heritage, prestige and profile of this Senatorial district.
Ogoja sure need a Federal University, thanks to Hon Jarigbe Agom, for taking the bull by the horn and bringing up a bill for the establishment of a Federal University of Technology in Ogoja, which has even scaled second reading in the floor of the house of representatives. The reward for hard good work is more work, therefore our representatives should follow the lead in the development of our senatorial district by also raising motions and bills that of direct benefits to their constituents and not only when we have crisis, after all that was why we voted them.
Another major area of focus when we come on board is to employ the vast network to achieve greater placement of our people at the federal level through recommendation and follow ups into federal boards and agencies and to recognize security agencies like the police, Army, Immigration Service, Custom and so on. This will further help in exposing our people and creating opportunities for them outside Cross River State. A functional Liaison office will be set up to achieve maximum results and ensure that we are putting  forward the best.

Take a look at our Agricultural productivity in the Senatorial District today,i can authorativly say our senatorial district can be regarded as the food basket of the state, unfortunately in recent time rural -urban migration and some other factors has affected yield in Agriculture, there by threatening our food security. Our principal Jude Ngaji will assist in encouraging the push by the federal and state government for a return to Agriculture as the mainstay of our economy. Support will be sought from relevant bodies for our farmers to be assisted with modern implements and equipment for increased yield and productivity. Access to credit facilities will also be pursued for the farmers and educational seminars promoted for improved Agricultural knowledge.
We will also look to take advantage of critical links with local and International Agro-industry to enhance capacity and outcomes right along the value-chain from small subsistence farmer to large Agro-processors.
Support will also be given to cooperative societies across the senatorial district, thus encouraging everyone to cultivate their agricultural enterprise.
The plan is to stem the rural-urban drift and to create wealth through Agriculture by once again making the Northern Senatorial district the hub of Agricultural productivity and development.

Health is wealth and education the foundation of every progressive society, already through the Greg Ikaba Ngaji foundation, a non profitable,non political and non governmentatal foundation, much has been done, we hold on tenaciously that Jude Ngaji will do more, as his priority is not to score political point but to salvage humanity, so our reach out program, treatment, educational scholarship will not be on three years basis, but will be a daily,monthly and yearly activity.

Our local women will be encouraged on various trade, so also reach out to our rural dwellers to attend to their immediate needs and town hall meetings will be held yearly to review, listen and address the plight of the people.

Furthermore,to Our cherished youths.
Our youths have always been widely regarded for their enterprise and innovation amongst their peer, Jude Ogbeche Ngaji is committed to nurturing and encouraging these traits through targeted skill acquisition and vocational training programs that will not just educate but also provide avenues through which our youths will be economically empowered to sustain themselves and their families. Avenues such as Sports development, access to loans for micro enterprise, promotion of technical education and craftsmanship, mentorship programs will be fully expolerd to ensure that the youths are empowered to be more productive and economically self reliant.
Our youths deserve a better deal in our current political experience, beyond being used as thugs "boys",secret cult group enforcers and personal Assistants.
consequently ,we will create opportunity at various political levels for them to hone their leadership skills, in order to contribute  meaningfully to our political development. Also we will be working with youth groups within the senatorial district to take advantage of the NGO sector to organize capacity building, workshops and retreats to help breed the Next Generation of well-rounded community conscious individuals who will be the custodians of our future as a senatorial district and the state at large.

All these laudable objective and more is our covenant with the people. But it cannot be achieved by a solitary effort. There require a reawakening of our mindset. You can only be empowered when you're self reliant.
The 21st century, calls for leaders who think outside the box,don't fall a victim again, join us, together let's redefine the true meaning of representation.

I am Justin Ishorji Ilefa
Director General
Generation Next.

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