Tuesday 24 July 2018

Founder Of Greg Ikaba Ngaji Foundation, Sponsored 10 To Holy Land... SEE DETAILS


A pilgrimage is a journey of search of moral or spiritual significance. Typically, it is a journey to a shrine or other location of importance to a person's belief and faith.

Most pilgrims, go on pilgrimages to show their faith in God, to pray and get closer to Him. Visitors to the holy land, visit places described in the bible which they believe are sacred, a place where Jesus lived and carried out His ministry.  Visiting these places, helps pilgrims to stay close to God.
Although Christians can pray to God in any place at any time, some feel that being in a place of pilgrimage can help them in their prayer.

Historical antecedence have it that, people go on pilgrimages to pay homage to God, offer prayers and supplication to God on behalf of their country, state, local government, their family, friends, the needy, the sick and even those, who do not know and believe in God.

Politics cannot be done without God and His people. It is for the sake of the masses that God instituted leaders, hence a closer relationship of our leaders with God, will mean abundance of God's promised heritage.

Recognizing the efficacy of prayers, of a sound and healthy relationship  with God, the founder and president of the GREG IKABA NGAJI FOUNDATION, MR. JUDE OGBECHE NGAJI, as a core mandate of the foundation in not just touching lives, but drawing them closer to God, has sponsored the five (5)  chapter chairmen of the PDP in Cross River North, including five other leaders from the north to the Holy Land, by making provisions for their Visa fees, accommodation,  and transportation including some dollars for light shopping while on the Holy Land.  As God would have it, information reaching us is that, they arrived safely.

What else can we say, but to appreciate the sensibility of Greg Ikaba Ngaji Foundation for recognizing that, for any effective society to be adjudged progressive, God must come first.

Unfortunately, these are perilous times, moment of hardship and extreme want. It is a time where Nigeria is faced with imminent political and religious crises, a period where Cross River North has been ravaged by inter and intra communal crises for earthly gains, a deep period of hatred, killing, wickedness. It is a period we need God more than ever before in Obanliku, in Obudu, in Bekwarra, in Ogoja and in Yala.

Obviously, we live in a permissive society of moral decadence, intertribal and religious intolerance, not to mention the pendulum of our political upheaval that characterize our society. A society where brothers and sisters live in perpetual enmity  and fighting, where harmonious monism is only a word for the intellectuals, a society where greed, hatred, warfare and the sort reigns supreme. This is a society that needs God and His intervention. It is a society that must seek the face of God.

Consequently, we at Generation Next, want to use this medium to thank the Greg Ikaba Ngaji Foundation and her Founder, Mr. Jude Ogbeche Ngaji,  for being so passionate about humanity, for being so kind and for believing that politics transcends winning elections. We pray that, wherever he might have gotten his income from to sponsor these leaders, not minding that the foundation receives no intervention or help from anyone be it within or abroad, that the almithy God, for whom our leaders have gone to seek His face, would continue to bless him beyond bounds and accelerate him to a better place of service where he can render quality service to the good people of Nigeria, Cross River and Cross River North as a whole.

Once again, thank you Greg Ikaba Ngaji Foundation. Thank you Mr. Jude Ogbeche Ngaji. Congratulations our leaders, and we ask that, let the prayers you offer on behalf of us in Cross River North, bring glorious and significant change in the days ahead.

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