Thursday 19 July 2018


I got this beautiful pic from a friend's wall and I felt I should lend my voice in preaching peace. Sincerely, I really don't know the root of this pic. But sources revealed that these beautiful people are from West Africa. Well, that isn't important. What's necessary here is that this Muslim woman toiled under the sun and in the rain to make sure her son became a Bishop.

I know they're some narcissistic devotees who see everything wrong with this pic. Well, you're on your own.

Mama and her son are proud and dedicated  Muslim and Christian respectively. Mama is an Islamic faithful. While her son is a Roman Catholic Bishop.

When mama was delivered of a bouncing baby boy, she didn't know that in years to come , this son of hers will be a Christian. Mama sent her son to Christian schools. While in school, he loved what he was exposed to: catholicism.  Mama didn't stop him from going to church on Sundays.

Mama didn't force him to become an Imam or Islamic scholar. When it was time to go to seminary. Mama paid his tuition fees and other miscellaneous. He became a priest and now Bishop. They're both happy.

Mama didn't stop training him because he was growing to become a Christian. Mama didn't disown him because he was befriending members of the opposite faith. He wasn't excommunicated or ostracized.

Something tells me he hasn't threatened mama to convert to Christianity. They're proud of themselves.

Nigeria's problems would be half solved if there's flexibility in our religion practices. Nigerians should learn how to be tolerant with differences of faith. Our practices shouldn't be done in such a way to undermine the other religions. After all, Karl Max asserted that religion is the prerogative of the people.

It's a proven fact that religious tolerance is one of the panaceæ of religion crisis today. Let's be accommodative and live as one irrespective of our faith.

We need not ask if mama isn't enjoying the episcopal benefits from her Bishop son. Sure, she is!

My name is Emmanuel. I'm a Christian. I love my Muslim brothers and sisters.
Share it if you like.

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