Saturday, 12 May 2018

I AM NOT 'JUDE-IFIED'; SO WHAT ? -Imaji jio Ufumaka

Posted By Adoga Michael Oyi

I never liked politics until I met one fellow by the name of Ogbeche. He is more known by the name of Jude. He is is collectively addressed as Jude Ogbeche Ngaji. But for short, people know him as Jude Ngaji. Different folks address him differently : for me, he's simply Ogbeche.
I prefer the Ogbeche because it makes a ready and far reaching meaning in my maternal language of Yala. In Yala, it's written ' Ogbéchē'. The original spelling and calling is 'Ógbā-yéchē',meaning, the tap root of the world. The fabric of creation. Beginning. Alpha. Like alpha and omega. But his has no omega. Because he is not Alpha and Omega. And its 'alphaness' should not be interpreted for God-Head. But it means the history of ancestries!
Jude ? This is got from the Christian Holy book, the Holy Bible. Jude simply means PRAISE. Gender: male. Jude is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Judah. Again, its meaning is praise. It is pronounced "Joo-d", by d Greeks.
Jude was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was a brother of James. His sur-name was Labbaeus OR Thaddeus. He authored the biblical epistle, 'JUDE'.

The female name of Jude is Judith. It also means praise ; ie, woman of Judah, Jewess or praise. It is pronounced "joo-di-th". She was daughter of Beeri, the Hittite and wife of Esau, son of Isaac. Judith's three sons were the founders of the tribe of Edom !

Do you see a correlation with Yala's Ogbeche here ?
Well, this piece is not about the biblical Jude. Neither is it about Judith.
Interestingly, Jude Ngaji's wife's name is not Judith. I don't know her by any bible name. She goes by a kparakpor name!
Former Gov Liyel Imoke fondly addresses Jude, simply as "Judo". I donot know if Gov Liyel is a judo marshall artist. I know Jude is not a 'judoker' either. Some other folks call him 'Judex'.
Recently, his political admirers address him as 'chief'. He has never accepted any of the chieftaincy investitures thrown on him. He's very shy of awards and investitures. Though, recently, the National Association of Nigerian Students(NANS) 'embarrassed' him with a national award, likened to the leader of the youths!
Of most recent coinage by his political dye-hats(some prefer it as die-hard or die-heart)is the word "judefied". I prefer 'jude-ified', making it more  English in coinage. It is the height of political discipleship. It is a belief and readiness to dye -in- the-wool with the leader. It means, I am proud to be a #Judefellow. It also means, without jude, I will better not cast my precious vote for an old, tired  and overly used woman, sorry, senator !
For the sake of majority of the people that know him as Jude, I will be applying Jude to convey my current message.
There has never been any time in the history of politicking in Nigeria that the youths have almost, unanimously agreed to work and vote into power, a younger person of their ilks. In the days or years past, the youths were known as thugs for the older generation of politicians. They were known for political  brigandage and ballot box hijack.
The times have changed. The political dynamics is changing so astraunomically  and steadily. There is a speedy paradigm shift. It appears, the train is moving in an electronic speed, so fast, any dissenting voice or youth opposition would be crushed.
The political sing-song mantra for the north of Cross River State is the jude-ification of the Senate. The older and outdone fellow may have scored a goal somewhere, but the vox populi right now is "all we are saying , give us a youth". That youth is Jude. Vox populi, vox dei !
The youths are so bent on this choice that if there arise any political abracadabra to hoodwink their choice of jude-ifying the Senate seat for Northern Cross River, the only alternative, likely, would be either playing anti-party or party switch over !
Both options above would be detrimental and deadly for the ruling PDP in Cross River State. What that would mean is that both Gov Ben Ayade and his predecessor, former Gov Liyel Imoke would face heavy political armageddon ; not a few youths would leave the party.
There is the former President Obasanjo's now African Democratic Congress Party (ADCP). That's more youth friendly than it is octogenarian in creation.
Any mistake by both Gov (Prof)Ben Ayade and Sen Liyel Imoke to present Madam Rose Okoji Oko would be likened to presenting an APC senate candidate for a PDP primaries and the eventual general electioneering.
She has been found wanting in health. She is a health padded candidate. Therefore, presenting her, for any SELFISH socio-political aggrandizement, would be likened to presenting a 'yar'adua' for presidency. I am simply afraid !
I am a full blooded northern senatorial indigine. I have my social, political, cultural and traditional stake there too. I am a Crossriverian. I am an equal stake holder.
The north is not a dump : It is not a refuse dump. We are a great, highly intelligent, strong-willed and industrious people. We are not a walking corpse. We deserve more than a weakling. We deserve a strong, capable and youthful fellow, full of diverse leadership experiences. A party man who has risen through the party and its political ranks.

We donot need a senator that remembers her people during festive periods, only when the heat is on her. We donot deserve a jezeebel. Sorry, I donot intend to sound abusive here. What I mean here is that, all of Sen Rose Oko's former allies confess and confirm that their former idol is a wicked idol. She's not a good 'chi'.
Those who had worshipped in her shrine as a 'chi' are on the run. They complain of having been in a bad deal with a wicked 'chi'.They've decided to decamp, for fear of dying of stomach infrastructure and lack of a proper national representation, adding that the national cake is constantly and shamelessly being diverted to her own children. You may wish to google for all of Rose's contract awards ; they're awarded in the name of her children's companies ; none for any political ally ! No,not one !
Records are swelling that Sen Rose Okoji Oko has spent more periods on medical trips for her continually failing health than she's spent in her primary place of attention, the Senate!
No one delights in any body's health failures. We're human. There comes when our health fails. Some times, it goes with aging. Other times, it goes with fatigue. In some cases, failing health goes with sexual misappropriation, sorry, sexually transmitted diseases. HIV/AIDS. HERPETHITIS. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. STROKE. ETC.
In civilized democracies and societies, when a public representive's health follows a consistent nose-dive, like that of Sen Mrs Rose Okoji Oko's, the ideal and proper thing to do is : RESIGNATION FROM ACTIVE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES !
Therefore, what Mdm Rose Okoji Oko should be doing now, not later, is the packing of her political baggage out of the scene.
The least she is expected to be preparing for now is to play an advisory role. In this way, she's neither embarrassed nor kicked outta the political space of Cross River State. In this way, she may go home with some iota or modicum of respect.
Those who clamor for gerontology and gerontocracy may as well relocate to a Britain's (royal)monarchy. They may move to Saudi Arabia.
Those who clamor for a Rose Oko for 2019 are a nightmare. They are a collection of # I hate the Northern Crossriverians.
Rose Okoji Oko has thoroughly outlived her usefulness,  if there ever was any. Rose Okoji Oko is old. She is tired.  She is NOT useful again. Her health is worsening. Electing her to serve another four years term in the Senate is a metaphor for electing Northern Cross River to another four years of indolence. Of complacency. Of hospitalization. Of fainting on the floor of the Senate.

It would be another four years of being held by paid aides with both arms in order to walk on the floor of the Senate. That's no good for the good people of Ogoja, Yala, Bekwarra, Obudu and Obanlikwu .
This is not the time to say I am not jude-ified. And so what ?
It is the time to get jude-ified. It is the time to say no to Mdm Rose Okoji Oko and any or all the powers and principalities that may wish her to go back to the Senate.
It is the time for the youths to say no to political perdition and dictatorship. That 'NO' must be belligerent in faith and consistent in action.
At 25 -30 years of age, any youth can vie for the Senate. At 40 years of age, the youth can call the shots for the presidency.  The time is now. Not later. No more of imposition.
Sorry, but with the discourse raised above, I am now highly jude-ified.  How about you ? Get your pvc ready. Refuse to be bribed in the primaries. Take their money, because it's actually ours.
Vote for your generation now. As for me, it's not "Generation Next", it's '#Generation Now' !
Collecting money to sell your vote is synanimous with collecting money to sell your generation and the future of your children.
It's # generationnow. It's #iamjude-fied. It's #judeogbechengajiforsenate !
I never liked politics until I met one fellow by the name of Ogbeche. He is more known by the name of Jude. He is is collectively addressed as Jude Ogbeche Ngaji. But for short, people know him as Jude Ngaji. Different folks address him differently : for me, he's simply Ogbeche.
I prefer the Ogbeche because it makes a ready and far reaching meaning in my maternal language of Yala. In Yala, it's written ' Ogbéchē'. The original spelling and calling is 'Ógbā-yéchē',meaning, the tap root of the world. The fabric of creation. Beginning. Alpha. Like alpha and omega. But his has no omega. Because he is not Alpha and Omega. And its 'alphaness' should not be interpreted for God-Head. But it means the history of ancestries!
Jude ? This is got from the Christian Holy book, the Holy Bible. Jude simply means PRAISE. Gender: male. Jude is the Greek version of the Hebrew name Judah. Again, its meaning is praise. It is pronounced "Joo-d", by d Greeks.
Jude was one of Jesus' twelve apostles. He was a brother of James. His sur-name was Labbaeus OR Thaddeus. He authored the biblical epistle, 'JUDE'.

The female gender name of Jude is Judith. It also means praise ; ie, woman of Judah, Jewess or praise. It is pronounced "joo-di-th". She was daughter of Beeri, the Hittite and wife of Esau, son of Isaac. Judith's three sons were the founders of the tribe of Edom !

Do you see a correlation with Yala's Ogbeche here ?
Well, this piece is not about the biblical Jude. Neither is it about Judith.
Interestingly, Jude Ngaji's wife's name is not Judith. I don't know her by any bible name. She goes by a kparakpor name!
Former Gov Liyel Imoke fondly addresses Jude, simply as "Judo". I donot know if Gov Liyel is a judo marshall artist. I know Jude is not a 'judoker' either. Some other folks call him 'Judex'.
Recently, his political admirers address him as 'chief'. He has never accepted any of the chieftaincy investitures thrown on him. He's very shy of awards and investitures. Though, recently, the National Association of Nigerian Students(NANS) 'embarrassed' him with a national award, likened to the leader of the youths!
Of most recent coinage by his political dye-hats(some prefer it as die-hard or die-heart)is the word "judefied". I prefer 'jude-ified', making it more  English in coinage. It is the height of political discipleship. It is a belief and readiness to dye -in- the-wool with the leader. It means, I am proud to be a #Judefellow. It also means, without jude, I will better not cast my precious vote for an old, tired  and overly used woman, sorry, senator !
For the sake of majority of the people that know him as Jude, I will be applying Jude to convey my current message.
There has never been any time in the history of politicking in Nigeria that the youths have almost, unanimously agreed to work and vote into power, a younger person of their ilks. In the days or years past, the youths were known as thugs for the older generation of politicians. They were known for political  brigandage and ballot box hijack.
The times have changed. The political dynamics is changing so astronomically and steadily. There is a speedy paradigm shift. It appears, the train is moving in an electronic speed, so fast, any dissenting voice or youth opposition would be crushed.
The political sing-song mantra for the north of Cross River State is the jude-ification of the Senate. The older and outdone fellow may have scored a goal somewhere, but the vox populi right now is "all we are saying , give us a youth". That youth is Jude. Vox populi, vox dei !
The youths are so bent on this choice that if there arise any political abracadabra to hoodwink their choice of jude-ifying the Senate seat for Northern Cross River, the only alternative, likely, would be either playing anti-party or party switch over !
Both options above would be detrimental and deadly for the ruling PDP in Cross River State. What that would mean is that both Gov Ben Ayade and his predecessor, former Gov Liyel Imoke would face heavy political armageddon ; not a few youths would leave the party.
There is the former President Obasanjo's now African Democratic Congress Party (ADCP). That's more youth friendly than it is octogenarian in creation.
Any mistake by both Gov (Prof)Ben Ayade and Sen Liyel Imoke to present Madam Rose Okoji Oko would be likened to presenting an APC senate candidate for a PDP primaries and the eventual general electioneering.
She has been found wanting in health. She is a health padded candidate. Therefore, presenting her, for any SELFISH socio-political aggrandizement, would be likened to presenting a 'yar'adua' for presidency. I am simply afraid !
I am a full blooded northern senatorial indigine. I have my social, political, cultural and traditional stake there too. I am a Crossriverian. I am an equal stake holder.
The north is not a dump : It is not a refuse dump. We are a great, highly intelligent, strong-willed and industrious people. We are not a walking corpse. We deserve more than a weakling. We deserve a strong, capable and youthful fellow, full of diverse leadership experiences. A party man who has risen through the party and its political ranks.

We donot need a senator that remembers her people during festive periods, only when the heat is on her. We donot deserve a jezeebel. Sorry, I donot intend to sound abusive here. What I mean here is that, all of Sen Rose Oko's former allies confess and confirm that their former idol is a wicked idol. She's not a good 'chi'.
Those who had worshipped in her shrine as a 'chi' are on the run. They complain of having been in a bad deal with a wicked 'chi'.They've decided to decamp, for fear of dying of stomach infrastructure and lack of a proper national representation, adding that the national cake is constantly and shamelessly being diverted to her own children. You may wish to google for all of Rose's contract awards ; they're awarded in the name of her children's companies ; none for any political ally ! No,not one !
Records are swelling that Sen Rose Okoji Oko has spent more periods on medical trips for her continually failing health than she's spent in her primary place of attention, the Senate!
No one delights in any body's health failures. We're human. There comes when our health fails. Some times, it goes with aging. Other times, it goes with fatigue. In some cases, failing health goes with sexual misappropriation, sorry, sexually transmitted diseases. HIV/AIDS. HERPETHITIS. HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE. STROKE. ETC.
In civilized democracies and societies, when a public representive's health follows a consistent nose-dive, like that of Sen Mrs Rose Okoji Oko's, the ideal and proper thing to do is : RESIGNATION FROM ACTIVE POLITICAL ACTIVITIES !
Therefore, what Mdm Rose Okoji Oko should be doing now, not later, is the packing of her political baggage out of the scene.
The least she is expected to be preparing for now is to play an advisory role. In this way, she's neither embarrassed nor kicked outta the political space of Cross River State. In this way, she may go home with some iota or modicum of respect.
Those who clamor for gerontology and gerontocracy may as well relocate to a Britain's (royal)monarchy. They may move to Saudi Arabia.
Those who clamor for a Rose Oko for 2019 are a nightmare. They are a collection of # I hate the Northern Crossriverians.
Rose Okoji Oko has thoroughly outlived her usefulness,  if there ever was any. Rose Okoji Oko is old. She is tired.  She is NOT useful again. Her health is worsening. Electing her to serve another four years term in the Senate is a metaphor for electing Northern Cross River to another four years of indolence. Of complacency. Of hospitalization. Of fainting on the floor of the Senate.

It would be another four years of being held by paid aides with both arms in order to walk on the floor of the Senate. That's no good for the good people of  Ogoja, Yala, Bekwarra, Obudu and Obanlikwu .
This is not the time to say I am not jude-ified. And so what ?
It is the time to get jude-ified. It is the time to say no to Mdm Rose Okoji Oko and any or all the powers and principalities that may wish her to go back to the Senate.
It is the time for the youths to say no to political perdition and dictatorship. That 'NO' must be belligerent in faith and consistent in action.
At 25 -30 years of age, any youth can vie for the Senate. At 40 years of age, the youth can call the shots for the presidency.  The time is now. Not later. No more of imposition.
Sorry, but with the discourse raised above, I am now highly jude-ified.  How about you ? Get your pvc ready. Refuse to be bribed in the primaries. Take their money, because it's actually ours.
Vote for your generation now. As for me, it's not "Generation Next", it's '#Generation Now'i !
Collecting money to sell your vote is synanimous with collecting money to sell your generation and the future of your children.
It's # generationnow. It's #iamjude-fied. It's #judeogbechengajiforsenate !

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