Monday 30 April 2018

Tell our leaders the truth~Adoga Michael Oyilichi


Tell our leaders the truth. Don't hide under peanut and praise sing in the name of advocacy. What are you advocating for? 

Leader who have been in active politics since over 35years, no remarkable progress, yet not ready to relegate power to the younger ones (women inclusive), and our vibrant youths will be praising and labelling them "hope and face of women" how? 

When will the women come onboard.

The above is one of my reasons I said, Nigerian youths are not ready to liberate this nation from the hands of our illperformed parents cum leaders.

If I have a candidate to project, I owe that candidate a place for the truth, to further aid him or her to the right part. I can't stand too low to keep praising failures. 

Though, no one is perfect and no one can satisfy anyone (I mean anyone) except God. But incessant failure is subject to resignation and new ones giving the chance to also try their luck. 

Any leader who doesn't wish the younger women a chance in higher levels can never be called a face and hope of women. 

Some male leaders in this contemporary  world are becoming more caring when it comes to women issues. So male leaders can also be the face and  hope of women by creating enabling environment for women race to drive in all their endeavours without intimidation and harassment. 

Women are highly respected breed, they don't need to start enjoying the benefits of the race at old age or when leaders deemed it fit to offer such benefits to them. 

Women rise up, stand on your ground, say no to leaders that will cajole you to their benefits in the name of being your hope.  Your hope is in Christ Jesus 

Adoga Michael Oyilichi is my name
I stand with #generationnext that will secure the well being of my mothers, sisters, Fathers, Brothers and the nation at large. 


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