Friday 3 April 2020

"There is no suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 in Cross River State" - Health Commissioner

The Cross River State response team chairman and Commissioner for health, Dr Betta Edu, Secretary and Commissioner for Finance, Mr. Asuquo Ekpenyong and other members of the team have categorically maintained that the state is Covid-19 free.

They made the assertion at press briefing on Friday, April 3rd, 2020 at the health commissioner office, while concurring,
 "There is no suspected or confirmed case in Cross River State" as the results of the samples to Laboratory in Iruan, Edo state have all come negative. 

Dr Betta Edu said that the very proactive steps of the Governor Sen Ben Ayade at this point has distinguished CRS and kept us above the Pack. 

The team explained that the number one strategy of the state government in battling Covid-19 is prevention ; noting that the government with stakeholders and line MDAs have embarked on a lot of sensitization through urging Cross Riverians on regular hand washing with soap as well as using of alcohol based hand sanitizers.

The chairman, Dr. Betta Edu recalled that there are two Isolation centres in the state located at University of Calabar Teaching Hospital (UCTH) which has been equipped by  the Cross River State Government and the other at General Hospital, Ogoja. That earlier 5200 personal prevention equipment (PPEs) were distributed across the state and more will be sent to the isolation centers if the need arise.

The response team informed that the state Governor, Sir Ben Ayade has authorized the production and distribution of Nose masks and hand sanitizers to everyone free of charge. 
Adding that palliative measures using world bank data will be used for issuance of food stuff. 
It strongly encouraged the citizenry to observe the state government orders which include, stay at home; use of face/nose masks in all public places; use of hand sanitizers and regular hand washing as potent preventive measures against the ravaging Coronavirus. That enforcement for the use of masks has been shifted to 06/04/2020 being Monday next week.

Across section of members present at the media briefing were; Commissioner for Information and Orientation, Comrade Asu Okang, Commissioner for Agriculture, Mr. Okon Owuna; Commissioner for Welfare Humanitarian services, Mrs. Blessing Egbara; Chairman, Cross River State House of Assembly committee on health Dr. Ekpo Ekpo Bassey and permanent secretary ministry of water related resources , Dr. Joseph Bassey and other dignitaries.

How To Talk To Girls On Facebook And Get Them Interested In You Now


How To Talk To Girls On Facebook And Get Them Interested In You Now

In many ways, Facebook has taken the place of clubs and bars — when it comes to picking up older women, that is. But to be successful, you’ll want to learn how to talk to girls on Facebook. There is definitely a right way — and a wrong way — to do it.

How to effectively talk to women on Facebook
Never, just wing it — not if you truly want to hook that sexy older lady you have your eye on. There are lots of great ways to catch her attention. So read on and remember, knowing what to say to a girl on Facebook is the key to your online dating success.

Update your pictures
Despite what you might think, learning the ins and outs of how to talk to chicks on Facebook is not your first step. Before initiating contact in any way, you’ll want to give your own profile a good look. What do your profile picture and cover photo look like? This is basic from Facebook to any of hookup sites

For your profile image, you’ll want to choose a photo that shows you looking your best. Your cover photo can be any nice picture you have, as long as it’s not a shot of you hugging another woman or chugging beer with the boys.

Have a look through your newsfeed as well. If you see any other pictures that make you look like a player or a party animal, it’s time to get rid of them. Older women are rarely interested in dating a guy if he comes off as immature or a womanizer. By doing a little spring-cleaning, you’ll definitely have a better chance of getting the woman you want talking.

All about you
How to talk about yourself on Facebook is a fairly new concept and one that even our favorite dating book for men don't cover. Your bio and about section can be a great place to impress women. Keeping your bio lighthearted but authentic should help spark the interest of the women you are pursuing. Filling out your about section will also give her insight into who you are.

Older women aren't interested in drama. If you choose “It’s complicated” or “In an open relationship” to describe your relationship status, she is far less likely to respond to you. Letting her see that you are single and that you work or go to college is vital. Older ladies not only want to avoid messy relationships, they also want a guy who has his act together. Knowing you have a career or a career plan will definitely help your chances.

Get active
Profile maintenance doesn’t end with cleaning up your pictures, though. You’ll also want to make sure you use Facebook regularly so you don’t come off as a scammer or some perv who uses social media just to pick up chicks. If you hardly have any Facebook friends, posts or pictures, that will be a major red flag to women. Commenting on friends’ photos and posts shows you are social while posting your own pictures or interesting links gives her insight into who you are.

That doesn’t mean you should be posting something every hour, though. Find a happy medium so you come off as an average, well-adjusted guy who she would genuinely be interested in getting to know.

Do your research
If you want to know what to say to a girl on Facebook, it all starts with a little bit of recon (just like if you were using any other dating or hookup apps). You can start by checking out her profile to learn, first of all, if she is single. If she is, you can move on to learning about what makes her tick. Her bio, likes and interests are a good place to start. You’ll want to scroll through her news feed too.

Paying attention to the kinds of links she posts and comments on will give you some insight into her personality. Her pictures will also offer some clues on places she likes to go and things she likes to do.

The better prepared you are before you send a message; the more natural your conversation with her will be once you start chatting.

Make contact
If you are not friends already, try sending her a friend request. It will help if you have some Facebook friends in common but, if you don’t, immediately following up the request with a message may help. If you do have friends in common, your chances of her accepting your request is much greater, but it still can’t hurt to send a message introducing yourself.

Now that you are at the messaging stage, you need to know how to impress a girl on Facebook chat. Being prepared is key. If you shoot off a simple “Hey” or “How’s it going?” the chances of her responding are significantly lower than if you tailor a message that suits who she is as a person.

How to talk to chicks on Facebook
Learning how to impress a girl on Facebook chat is not hard. The number one rule is this: be yourself — unless you are a player, that is. No woman, especially an older one, wants to deal with a guy whose first message is, “How’s it going, sexy?” or “Hi gorgeous.”

Instead, you’ll want to keep it cool. If your message is casual and friendly, she’s less likely to decide you are some creep trying to get laid. It's also much more likely that you won't get played online if you're more laid back and casual.

You can try something like this: “Hi Rebecca, my name is Chris. Facebook recommended you as a possible friend and I see that we share an interest in sports. Thought I’d send you a friend request. Maybe we can chat sometime about the Saints’ chances of winning the Super Bowl.”

If the lady you’re messaging is attractive and single, chances are she gets hit on a lot via Facebook. Unlike all of the other “what’s up?” or “hey baby” advances she’s already received, a message like this will show that you are thoughtful and mature, significantly increasing your chances of receiving a response.

She’s responded: Now what?
She wrote back and seems interested in conversing. Now is the time to really learn how to impress a girl on Facebook chat. Figuring out what to say to a girl on Facebook can be a bit nerve-wracking. Obviously, you don’t want to come on too strong, but you do want her to know you are interested.

The best thing to do is to take your cue from her: Look at her response to you. Is she formal or relaxed? Is she reserved or outgoing? By responding in the same tone, she’ll be more apt to feel a connection with you.

The most important thing, however, is to be yourself. Mature women can spot a phony a mile off. Remember, they’ve been in the dating game longer and have had more relationships than girls your age.

If you’re a fun-loving kind of guy, show her that, but if you’re shy or serious, go with it. If you can show her you’re a nice, respectful and genuine kind of guy, you will be a breath of fresh air compared to all of the players and creeps she has had to deal with online.

How to Turn Any Android Phone Into An iPhone X

Meet Tizz

iPhone X is most popular mobile phone which has a lot of amazing features and unique user interface. Everyone wants to own it as it has become a sign of proud to use it. So, if you don’t have an iPhone X and want to have it for your daily use, you can do this with our help. The latest technology has made us able to turn any Android phone into an iPhone X. Your Android mobile will completely turn into this latest version of iPhone and allow you to use all features, apps and other installations just like original iPhone X. There will be no illegal access or corrupt files during this method and your device will be completely safe and secure.

Steps to Transform Any Android Phone Into An iPhone X
You don’t require being a programmer or hiring a programmer to do this fantastic job. We are here to convert your dream into the reality of having an iPhone X . So, be ready to enjoy the features and application accesses of iPhone as it is straightforward to do nowadays.

Although it may seem unbelievable to convert any Android-based device into the iOS device but it is possible now. At us, you can easily know and understand the complete process to do this simple desired trick. Recently a developer has introduced an application which is installed on your Android mobile phone.

You can quickly install it from the link available at this page. The name of this app is “Phone X Launcher, OS 11 iLauncher & Control Center’’ which is giving reality to your dream of having iPhone X. After downloading and installing, you will be able to use all needed iOS based applications in your Android phone. Below are the steps which you should follow.

Step 1: First of all, download ‘Phone X Launcher’ application from this page.
Step 2: After competition of installation, you can start the process of installing it. You have to allow notification access for iPhone X Launcher.

Step 3: After that this app will create a black space at the top of your mobile screen which indicates that it has installed successfully. With this app you Android phone will have have Control Center like iPhone X and Notification Style running iOS 11.

Step 4: So, now your Android has become a powerful iPhone X in the same budget. You can use it exactly according to your needs.

Step 5: Everyone having Android version can easily use this application.

So, you should start following the above-stated procedures. You don’t need to spend your hundreds of dollars to buy iPhone X. 
also don’t need to wait more and more to use iPhone X brilliant features . You can do this right now. There are no limitations of usage with the help of Xoutof10 application which is developed by programmer named Idoidea.

This app is getting popularity day by day and has no competitor in the market. Therefore, we can say that you just have to download this app from the link available at the page. After downloading, you have to follow few easy steps. As a result, you will be able to turn any Android phone into an iPhone X which has high demand.

For more latest updates follow us on social media;
Facebook: Adoga Michael Oyi and The eagle's voice Facebook page

Twitter: @Tev_media1, @AdogaMikeOyi

Instagram: @tev_Media1, @adoga_oyi

Our YouTube channel is The Eagle's Voice TV.

Chairman COVID-19 taskforce on prevention and control in Cross River commends Ayade's proactive step

•Hails Ayade for Production and distribution of face/Nose mask.

•face/Nose mask to get to everyone in Cross Rivers 

Dr. Jane Ekpenyong pictured with Her Excellency, The first lady of Cross River State, Dr. Linda Ayade. 

The Director General ,Cross River State Primary Healthcare Development Agency, Dr Janet Ekpenyong has applauded  the governor Senator Professor Ben Ayade for the mass production and distribution of face/nose  mask as the State's major adoptive approach towards curtailing the spread of Covid19.

The DG applauded the governor at the Cross River State garment factory,Calabar,when she moved as part of the First lady's entourage to  supervise activities and work for the mass production of face/nose mask for onward distribution to Cross Riverians and residents across  the state.

The DG who disclosed that various approaches can be employed to check the spread of disease pathogens which are either airborne or through contacts from an infested person to another,applaud the strategy adopted by the Cross River State government to provide and mandate all Cross Riverians for the use of face mask.

Dr Ekpenyong commended the governor for taking proactive steps in ensuring that the covid19 virus doesn't affect any Cross Riverians and resident urged members of the public to ensure strict adherence to the order issued by the  governor restricting inter state movement and wearing of face mask for the time being.

"I want to commend the effort of the Governor, Senator Professor Ben Ayade and his wife Dr Linda Ayade who's here supervising activities at the garment factory to ensure that all Cross Riverians get access to  face mask irrespective of where they are as declared by the declared.

" As Chairman of the Covid19 task force on prevention and control,One of our target to prevent the Covid19 virus is the use of face masks, and as you know ,the governor had earlier given an order that everyone on the streets of Calabar and other parts of the state from Thursday April 3rd must be on face mask,and that is why we are all here in the company of Her Excellency,Our Passion driven first lady,Dr Linda Ayade, to supervise the mass production and ascertain the  quality of this personal protective equipment.

" Earlier in the day,the governor himself along with his wife had distributed a tangible amount of this PPE(Personal Protective Equipment) to Cross Riverians who came out here in their numbers  and plans have already been concluded to decentralize the distribution points so that everyone can get them without subjecting them to any form of hardship"

Senator Ben Ayade had earlier ordered that from Thursday April 6th,no Cross Riverians will be allowed in the street without wearing a face mask citing section 14 sub section 11 of the Constitution as amended as a proactive measure to curb the spread of Covid19 already recorded in neighboring states.

Among others in Her Excellency's entourage were the commissioners for health and chairman of the Cross River State Covid19 response  team,Dr Betta Edu,commissioner for industry, Humanitarian, International development, and other appointees of the Governor.

For more latest updates follow us on social media;
Facebook: Adoga Michael Oyi and The eagle's voice Facebook page

Twitter: @Tev_media1, @AdogaMikeOyi

Instagram: @tev_Media1, @adoga_oyi

Our YouTube channel is The Eagle's Voice TV.

Devastating!!: Wanikade Community in Ukelle ravaged by windstorm

TheEaglesVoiceblog had gathered, Wanikad community, one of the fastest developing communities in Yala, has been ravaged by windstorm. 

The incident which occurred yesterday, Thursday - April 2, 2020 has left very many families, business owners and the entire community in a helpless state amidst the #Stay@Home directive of government, aimed at curtailing the spread of Covid-19 pandemic currently ravaging the world.

Calling for prompt action of government to provide relief for the teaming population who have been rendered homeless, Hon. Francis Lukpata, Former Councillor of Wanikade Ward took to his Facebook page and WhatsApp last night. He wrote:

"The people of Wanikade are in tears, hunger and homeless as the winds bear their fangs on the community bringing down the roofs and in some cases walls of more than a hundred houses.

Investigation shows that the destroyed buildings include schools, market stalls and living houses.

I want to call on the Cross river state Emergency Management Agency and indeed, the Federal Emergency Management Agency to come to the aid of the affected community especially in this trying period of COVID 19 to avoid leaving the affected individuals to the mercy of the harsh weather conditions."

From the pictures posted on Facebook, the storm left a very devastating effect on the community. 

There was also an unconfirmed report that the storm also hit part of Wanihem, the neighbouring community to Wanikade. 

I want to call on the Government of Cross River State, NEMA, Hon. Umar Faruq, Minister of Humanitarian Affairs, Disaster Management and Social Development, individuals and all other relevant authorities to come to their aid. 

Thursday 2 April 2020

Press Release: Akwa Ibom State rejects COVID-19 result, says state remains virus free.

...Health Care Professionals in Akwa Ibom State have called for an immediate reconfirmation test on the 5 reported cases.

Press Release: COVID-19 pandemic adverse effects on Cross River economy and its resultant impacts on the citizenry, a call for FG,CB intervention.



Sequel to the formal annoucement sometime in January 2020 by the President Buhari-led federal government initiative for agricultural revolution vis-à-vis massive food production in the nation with particular reference to locally farmed rice production in which federating units were enjoined to be at the forefront of the programme of which our dear state, Cross River State through the ingenuity of Sir Benedict Ayade has keyed in from the inception.

Cross River State through the instrumentalilty and established bureaucracy of the Central Bank of Nigeria swung into action and sunk in billions of Nairas for the production of rice seedlings to be distributed to states into rice cultivation. This, the state has been doing optimally with considerable synergy with parties involved until the outbreak of the pestilential corona virus pandemic that has wrecked almost all aspects of trade and commerce in Nigeria, nay the world.

The impacts of covid-19 pandemic led to the total lockdown of most states in the country with a blockade of human and vehicular movement and as such, all loaded trucks of rice seedlings billed to be delivered to various states were trapped on their ways for almost a week until they became blighted and later on discarded. What a waste!
NDAF assessing Rice nursery at Ayade industrial park.

Since this investment has been negatively impacted as said above, it has resulted to a point where the state government is pitiably unable to pay salaries and wages for the first time in 5 years of the state under the superintendent Governor Benedict Ayade.

We, members of Niger Delta Activists Forum(NDAF) in the state is not ignorant of the fact that Central Bank of Nigeria has insurance measures of paying compensation and indemnifying Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) and  Corporate Enterprises adversely impacted by covid-19 pandemic as was clearly stated by the CBN Governor,His Excellency Mr Godwin Emiefele that #50bn has been released to this effect a week ago. In line with the aforesaid, we call on CBN to begin the disbursement of funds to affected entities to cushion this scourge. If this is done, workers will be paid their salaries and the state can still prepare for the exigencies of food shortages (hunger-19 virus)  that would come after the end of covid-19.

Let it be established too that failure to heed to the content of this press release will lead to the picketing of CBN facilities in the state by NDAF and all its affiliate groups.

With God, we shall overcome this moment of covid-19 pandemic.
Yours Trusted!

Comr. Paul Ajie Abang
(State Chairman)

Comr. (Hon) Ogar Emmanuel Oko
(State PRO)

Cc:The Executive Governor of Cross River State
The Director Department of State Security Service (DSS),CRS Command.
Commissioner of Police CRS Command.
Brigade Commander 13 Brigade Akim Barracks Calabar,CRS.

Muslim Worshippers In Lagos Shouted “Allahu Akbar” While Attacking LASG Officials Amidst Lockdown

While Nigeria continues to battle the novel Coronavirus pandemic, the Government’s enforced lockdown in Abuja, Lagos and Ogun* has reached the third day, but surprisingly, some residents in the Agege area of Lagos State have not been following the order. 

Some Islamic worshippers at Agege Central Mosque (Hausa Community) in Agege violently attacked a combined team of Lagos State Environmental Protection Agency, (LASEPA) and Lagos State Safety Commission, journalists and some police officers.

The unfortunate incident which happened on Tuesday night, the first day of the lockdown when the team went out for monitoring and enforcement of the lockdown. 

The team had earlier visited and sealed off a warehouse of Jumia, an online marketing store for contravening the lockdown order by the Federal government.

The agencies also sealed off SPN Packaging Studio Press Nigeria Plc on Plot B, Israel Adebajo Close, Ikeja and Supreme Hotel on 8, Omitola Panada, Agege.

On their way back to Alausa, the team stopped to check if the worshippers were adhering to the directive of the Lagos state government on the reduction of crowd.

The congregation was observing Solatul Ishai (the last part of the five daily prayers).

The LASEPA team leader and two journalists went into the mosque pavilion.

They were surprised by getting to the prayer section. The big mosque, popularly known as Moshalashi Alhaja, was filled to the capacity.

After completion of the prayer, the LASEPA team leader requested to have an audience with the Chief Imam of the Mosque.

A leader in the mosque told him, the Chief Imam was not around.

While requesting for the next person in rank, some members of the congregation started shouting at him.

As some of the mosque’s leaders were trying to calm down, they became more aggressive and manhandled some of the team members.

The team decided to leave when some of the worshippers resorted to carrying some objects.

Soon as they entered their vehicles, the worshippers started shouting Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!!

They chased the team and threw objects at their vehicles.

LASEPA General Manager Dr Dolapo Fasawe condemned the action.

Fasawe described it as barbaric and archaic.

She stressed that the state will not hesitate to sanction violators to serve as a deterrent to others.

“It was obvious that the gathering did not comply with the directive of the state government. The mosque was filled to capacity.

“The essence of social distancing is to contain the spread of Coronavirus. The people are endangering their lives and those of their neighbours. The government has a duty to protecting lives of the people,” she said.

She promised to ensure that appropriate quarters take up the matter, adding that such gathering must not be allowed to continue.

Lagos continues to observe the total lockdown but there’s been a silent change as the Government has announced that markets would be open everyday from 10:00 am till 2:00 pm daily in order for people to be able to get their essential food commodities. 

For more latest updates follow us on social media;
Facebook: Adoga Michael Oyi and The eagle's voice Facebook page

Twitter: @Tev_media1, @AdogaMikeOyi

Instagram: @tev_Media1, @adoga_oyi

Our YouTube channel is The Eagle's Voice TV.

COVID-19: Ayade issues Executive Orders on COVID-19 response

Following the prevalence of coronavirus infections in neighboring states, the Cross River State Governor, Sir Ben Ayade on Wednesday issued the following executive orders:

1. Starting from 12am on April 3rd, 2020, no person will be allowed in public without a nose or face mask.

2. The Cross River State Garment Factory is directed to work round the clock to produce masks, while observing industrial safe distancing

3. Government to distribute masks for free to residents of the state

4. The Ministry of Humanitarian and Welfare Services, in conjunction with the state Food Bank, to deliver free food to the vulnerable in the state.

4. All exit and entry routes into the state are now completely shut against all human and vehicular movements.

5. All commissioners, special advisers, chairmen, Director Generals, directors and members of boards and commissions as well as special assistants, are hereby co-opted to assist the COVID-19 task force, in ensuring the enforcement and compliance with the guidelines aimed at keeping the state free of the pandemic.

6. Consequently, all those mentioned above are directed to report at the U.J. Esuene Stadium on Friday, April 3rd, 2020, to receive their kits and commence full enforcement along with the Nigerian Police, Military, the Homeland Security Services and the Border Patrol Agency.

7. All commissioners from local governments that border our neighbouring states, are directed to retire back home and take charge of enforcement 

8. The state power company operating the 23megawatt power plant, is directed to power street lights from 6pm to 6am daily

9. Public spirited individuals and organizations willing to serve as Volunteers to support enforcement of COVID-19 guidelines, should register by sending their names and addresses tel no: 08039302693

10. For nose masks, residents should call 08099911011

11. For free food supply, residents should call 08037210284

12. The Cross river state microfinance bank to work for 24 hours.

Let us help keep Cross River safe from coronavirus, adhere strictly to government guidelines

Christian Ita
Special Adviser
Media and Publicity to Governor

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Akwa Ibom records 5 cases of COVID-19, as NCDC confirms 23 new cases this evening.

TheEaglesVoiceBlog can confirm from a tweet from the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control NCDC that Nigeria has this evening recorded Nineteen (19) new cases of Coronavirus, five (5)) of which was confirmed in Akwa Ibom State, 7 in Abuja, 9 in Lagos, 1 Kaduna, and 1 Bauchi, respectively. 

However, as at 8:00pm April, 2020, the NCDC reported 23 new confirmed cases, taking the total to 174.

The tweet read:

 “Twenty-three new cases of #COVID19 have been reported in Nigeria; 9 in Lagos, 7 in the FCT, 5 in Akwa Ibom, 1 in Kaduna and 1 in Bauchi State.

“As at 08:00 pm 1st April there are 174 confirmed cases of #COVID19 reported in Nigeria. Nine have been discharged with two deaths.
“As at 08:00 pm 1st April, there are:
174 confirmed cases
9 discharged
2 deaths

“For a breakdown of cases by states-
Lagos- 91
FCT- 35
Osun- 14
Oyo- 8
Ogun- 4
Edo- 4
Kaduna- 4
Bauchi- 3
Enugu- 2
Ekiti- 2
Benue- 1
Akwa Ibom- 5

Highlights of COVID19 Lagos Situation Report

Top 5 LGAs with Passengers of interest (POIs) are; Etiosa, Ikeja, Alimosho, Kosofe  and  Oshodi/Isolo. 

Eba's New Month's Message To His Political Family.

April 1,2020


I have the pleasure to welcome you to the month of April 2020 and to wish us all ‘a very happy new month. This month of April is our month of hope and great expectations, when we would collectively defeat COVID-19 .

As the world search for the solution to Corona Virus with great hopes and  expectations; let us all remember to share and care for one another in this trying time, So I expect our good citizens to give our dear President and all our leaders the necessary support.

Through all the unfolding events that characterized the nation's efforts in curtailing the spread of Corona virus,I have good reasons to believe that nothing will ever be the same in Nigeria, as our people and Nation continue our upwards movement, defying all odds to surge ahead in this trying moment.

Therefore, I am confident that with the solid foundations that have been laid to curtains the spread of Corona virus , the further search for solution  will be indubitable.

I cannot stop commending our people for the solid supports you have given our leaders your prayers and your sacrifices, towards this course– where Nigeria and the world would be free from Corona virus, is the new basis of government’s social contract with the citizens.

Let us therefore advance towards the fight  with great hopes and expectations, believing that we are more ready and willing to make the desired sacrifices and share the cooperation necessary in keeping our Country safe!

On this note, I once again wish us all a happy and prosperous New Month of April and may all your dreams for the month come true!

Please Stay at home and stay safe!

God bless You All!

Breaking: NYCN, Yala Chapter protests against Filling station owners over non-compliance with FG N123.5 per litre sale of PMS.
Protest by Yala NYCN

Adoga Michael Oyi || TheEaglesVoiceblog

The National youths council of Nigeria, Yala local government Area, Cross River State chapter led by Comr. Abraham Okayi as her coordinator has today 1/04/2020 taken to the street of Yala LGA in protest against the noncompliance of filling station owners with the Federal Government directives on N123.5 sale of Premium motor spirit (PMS) also known as Fuel. 

Remember, the FG under the leadership of president Muhammad Buhari on the 18/03/2020 ordered the immediate reduction in pump price of PMS from N145 to N123.5 mandating the NNPC to effect the changes immediately. 

The Minister of State for Petroleum, Timipre Sylva, who gave an insight into the development after the meeting presided over by Buhari, said: “The drop in crude oil prices has lowered the expected open market price of imported petrol below the official pump price of N145 per litre.
Protest by NYCN, Yala chapter

“Therefore, Mr. President has approved that Nigerians should benefit from the reduction in the price of PMS which is a direct effect of the crash in global crude oil prices.

“In view of this situation, based on the price modulation template approved in 2015, the Federal Government is directing the NNPC to reduce the ex-coastal and ex-depot prices of PMS to reflect current market realities.

“Also, the PPPRA shall subsequently issue a monthly guide to NNPC and marketers on the appropriate pricing regime.

“The agency is further directed to modulate pricing in accordance with prevailing market dynamics and respond appropriately to any further oil market development.

“It is believed that this measure will have a salutary effect on the economy, provide relief to Nigerians and would provide a framework for a sustainable supply of PMS to our country.

“The Ministry of Petroleum Resources will continue to encourage the use of compressed natural gas to complement PMS utilization as a transport fuel.”

“We are still consulting, we are still following it closely. Of course, usually, the product prices follow the crude oil price but we are still consulting. We will get back to you, please, be patient,” he stated.

Up to this moment, while other part of country has effected the change, Yala LGA petrol dealers has fragrantly refused to adjust their pump to N123.5 per litre which has neccesitated the protest by Comr Abraham Okayi NYCN, after several weeks of deliberation. 

Highlights of new Anambra State burial law

Anambra state government has enacted burial law in the state. The law provides for all the dos and don'ts of burial in the state and penalty for defaulters.  

See list of the law below. 

1. All burial/funeral ceremonies of indigenous deceased persons *must* be registered with the town union of the deceased persons. Registration fee is NGN1,500

2. No person must erect any billboard, banner or posters of any kind of deceased persons in the State. 100k fine or 6 months jail term or both for violation.

3. Persons are allowed to erect only directional posts (such as the ones leading to the venue). Must not be erected before seven days to the burial date and must be removed not later than seven days after the burial date. 100k fine or 6 months jail term or both for violation.

4. Corpse must not be deposited in the mortuary or any other place beyond 2 months from the date of death. 100k fine or 6 months jail term or both for violation. 

5. No blocking of road/street because of burial except with the approval of the appropriate local govt authority.

6. No public display of casket for purposes of fabrication and sale. 50k fine or 1 month jail term or both for violation.

7. Deceased family must clear outstanding levies owed to the community or religious body before the funeral ceremony. 

8. There must be no Wake of any kind for any deceased person in the State. All vigil Mass, service of songs or religious activity for the deceased person prior to the burial *must* end by 9:00pm. There *must* be no food, drink, life band or cultural entertainers during and after vigil Mass, service of songs or religious activity for the deceased person.

9. All burial/funeral ceremonies for any deceased person in the State must be for one day.

10. All burial Mass/services must start not later than 9:00 am and must not last more than 2 hours.

11. No preserved corpse must be exposed for more than 30 minutes from the time of exposition . It could be kept in a room under lock and key.

12. All condolence visits after any burial/funeral ceremony must not exceed one day.

13. During a condolence visit, no person must give to the deceased person's family, as a condolence gift, any item exceeding money, one jar of palm wine, one carton of beer and one crate of soft drink.

14. No deceased person's family must give out any souvenir during burial/funeral ceremony.

15. For Ibuna Ozu Nwa Ada, there must be no demand of more than 10k by the maiden family of the deceased woman.

16. Undertakers at any burial ceremony must not exceed 6 in number. There must be no dancing with the casket by the undertakers.

17. Wearing of special uniform/aso ebi is restricted to: (1) immediate family of the deceased person, (2) church groups,  and (3) umunna, umu ada and iyom di, where applicable.

18. Provision of food/drinks is *not* compulsory. It is at the discretion of the bereaved family. 

19. No burial on any local market day of the town. For Nimo, no burial on Oye market day.

20. Umuada of the deceased person's family must stay only on the day of the Wake and the burial/funeral. 

21. No more custom of Ndi Youth demonstrating with the picture of the deceased person within the town. 

22. No destruction of cash crops, economic plants, household utensils/ properties by Ndi Youth, condolence visitors, masquerade or any other person.

23. No use of any type of guns except Nkponana.

24. No brochure of the deceased person except for Order of Mass/service.

25. All condolence registers during any burial/funeral ceremony must be kept at a convenient corner on the premises. 

26. There shall be no second funeral rites after burial except in the case of legacy.

27. Commissioner for Lands is required to create State burial ground in every community. Rejected corpses  and unidentified corpses will be buried there. A "rejected corpse" is a corpse deposited in a mortuary for more than two months. Every mortuary attendant is bound to report to the Ministry of Health any corpse that has stayed beyond one (1) month from the date it was deposited. Failure to notify the Govt is an offence.

28. There will be Monitoring and Implementation Committees. Members will be paid such remuneration as may be determined by the town union of the town. The Town Monitoring Committee is responsible for (1) registering all deaths in the town, (2) giving clearance for every burial/funeral ceremony in the town, and (3) submitting records of the implementation of the Law to the Department of Town Union and Chieftaincy Matters in the State. The Implementation Committee must be present at any burial ceremony to observe the implementation of the Law. Obstruction of the Committee is an offence and attracts a fine of 50k.

29. Contravention of the provisions of the Law is an offence punishable by 100k fine or six months jail term.

30. Magistrate Court has jurisdiction to try offences under the Law.

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Having intercourse thrice a week makes you five years younger, increase life expectancy - expert revealed

According to a new study by Dr. David Weeks, a clinical psychologist and former head of old-age psychology at the Royal Edinburgh Hospital, having regular intercourse can actually make you look five to seven years younger...

That’s right, instead of shelling out for expensive night creams, face masks, and moisturizers; we could just be getting busy.

Dr. Weeks has spent the better part of a decade getting to the bottom of benefits, and along the way, he interviewed thousands of men and women of all ages about their frequency.

And, among respondents, those who appeared the youngest were having up to 50 percent intercourse, around three times per week. The study even found that intercourse can expand your life expectancy.

Of course, the most crucial factor in preserving your good looks comes from experiencing pleasurable intercourse, so you won’t cure your wrinkles with just any ol’ romp. Now, if you’ll excuse us, we’re off to hit Victoria’s Secret, and then to clear out our beauty cabinets. (Huffington Post)

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