Saturday 8 February 2020

Introducing the Youthmakers Hub "Be employable" Program for youths and Young leaders in C'River State

The *Impact Foundation for Youths Development* (IFYD), Nigeria is pleased to announce an opportunity
to train youths, and young leaders, with curriculum from Europe to open and bring OPPORTUNITIES
in Europe to the young people of CROSS RIVER STATE. This is set to shape and build career paths,
equip young people with digital and software skills, as well as launch these young people to global

The human capital training will be administered to 10 persons per ward across the state with facilitators from the European Union (EU), Youthmakers Hub (a non-profit organisation, whose vision
is to establish connections between Africa and Europe through human capacity development and
exchange programs), Impact Foundation for Youths Development (IFYD), Small and Medium Enterprise
Development Agency of Nigeria (SMEDAN), and the President Olusegun Obasanjo Presidential
Youth Development Centre (OOPL).

This is a special effort by IFYD & PROJECT1000 to bring this training to YOUTHS of Cross River State, Nigeria. Previous editions of the training have been organized across Africa , Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Togo, Ghana, Algeria, Ethiopia, and now Nigeria.

Target groups:
- Youths / Youth Leaders (18-35)
We intend to have participants from different wards in order to further disseminate the knowledge learned
during the Human Capital Training.

Aims and Objectives
The project aims particularly to empower, transfer knowledge, and equip with Life skills, to Young people
of Northern Cross River in order to make them more productive and eager to seek new professional opportunities.

Topics of 4-day Human Capital Training:
❖ Introduction to Erasmus+ (exchange program, foreign grants, social enterprise, and community
❖ Participation in the program
❖ Masters opportunities
❖ Introduction to 10 productive tools to make your work become professional
❖ Identify and build a career path
❖ Source and applying to Job opportunities
❖ Project Management
❖ Budgeting
❖ CV and Proposals Writing
❖ How to write good applications
❖ Digital Skills
❖ Entrepreneurship
❖ Leadership and Time Management
❖ Communication and Mentorship
❖ Pitching
❖ How to make professional Videos and Photos
❖ Fundraising and partnership opportunities

This is a massive opportunity that would benefit the Young people of Yala age between 18-35

Direct beneficiaries: (2,000) (10 participants per ward in Cross River State.) - attending the training
seminars and building their capacity.
Indirect beneficiaries: (50.000) All CSOs’ involved people -in Africa & Europe- (They will be informed
by the attendants of the seminars who will act as multipliers and share this knowledge with others back at
home by hosting other groups of training amongst themselves.)

In this PILOT PHASE, we hope to launch from Cross River North, Ogoja & Yala, subsequently, Bekwarra, Obudu and Obanliku before proceeding to the other parts of the state.
This is in order that we monitor and evaluate the progress and impact to better shape and improve it for
other zones in subsequent editions.

The Impact Foundation for Youths Development is also known as the IMPACT WORLD TEAM, a team
of resourceful young urban professionals leveraging on new technology and each other for social impact with an excellent record for CONSISTENT IMPACT. Previous projects organized in the state include;
first Cross River State inter-school spelling bee competition - MARCH 2018, training of teenagers on
youth development - April 2019, launching of book clubs in the University of Calabar - May 2019, set
up the first library space in the Igoli Ogoja at the Divine Province Orphanage Home and currently
building the first digital community library and youth resource centre in Yala local government area, amongst others.

Project1000 is a solution-driven forum made up of young professionals of Yala land. Committed to the socio-economic development of Yala and recognize that before any sustainable development is reached, there first has to be a plan, and in the past year, this is all we have done, mapping out a developmental blueprint for Yala.

In the coming weeks, details about the program activities, its implementation, benefits for you / your office and the budget to make it happen will be brought to you as well as shared on this space.

PS: Although (IFYD) have been able to attract the attention of the European Union together with Youthmakers Hub, to implement the project; in Yala LGA, it needs a few more logistical details to be taken care of as part of the partnership agreement.

For Partnership, Sponsorship and General Inquiry, please contact the following coordinators.

Conatct: Freeman +234 703 521 6655, (Project 1000 National Project Coordinator)

Patrick +234 706 854 0123 (Project 1000 Calabar Coordinator)

Dough +234 703 052 9324 (*WE AfriHug* Country Rep, Cross River State )

Impact Foundation for Youths Development (IFYD), Nigeria & the PROJECT1000 remains committed
to attracting and influencing the global world and ethical trends to local communities in Nigeria and
the rest of Africa.

Joshua Ogar,
Program Manager
For the IFYD team.
+234 703 901 2674.

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