Saturday 8 February 2020

C'River SUBEB Commissions nine classroom block, library and others in ikom LGA

By Uchino Amatey

The Cross River State Universal Basic Education Board (CR-SUBEB) has commissioned a borehole, a 9-classroom block, comprising of library, lavatories, and offices at St Thomas’s R.C.M Primary School, Edor, Ikom LGA.

Commissioning the projects, the Executive Chairman CR-SUBEB, Dr Stephen Odey congratulated members of the community for being one of the beneficiaries of the whole school model approach, which he reiterated was to ensure a more conducive environment for effective teaching and learning.

Dr Odey thanked pupils and members of the community for the warm reception, and assured them of the State government’s commitment to continuously improve the quality and standard of education in the State.

“On behalf of his Excellency, prof. Ben Ayade, I thank you for coming out to receive us despite your busy schedules, you have sacrificed your time and other engagements to be here today.  I can tell you it is very difficult for any community member to stand up to raise a building like this alone, but government can do it for you. In the past, people believed that the only way for government to do projects like this for you is when you have people in government who will push for them. But, I want to say that under the Prof. Ben Ayade’s administration we do not wait for people in government to push for projects for their people, what we have constantly done is to seek out communities that require attention and provide projects such as these and we will continue to do more,” he said.

He called on traditional rulers, members of the community and staff of the school to compliment government’s efforts by protecting school facilities against theft and vandalism. Dr Odey added that the only way to attract more facilities from government is by safeguarding and utilizing existing ones.

“As you are requesting for more things from us, ensure that you take care of the things we are going to provide for you, secure them. It is the duty of Community leaders, Community members and staff of this school to protect what you have, traditional rulers should discipline anyone caught stealing or destroying any school property. By the time we procure more tables and chairs we are going to ensure that this school receives some so that pupils will be comfortable in this accommodation. Do not allow anybody carry any school property away from the school, that is the only way we can do more for you. No matter how beautiful this school premises is now, if it’s not maintained it is going to get bad in the next couple of years,” he emphasized.

Presenting an address on behalf of the Clan Head of Abangork, HRH, Ntol Ferdinand Ekpando, the Chairman, Clan Council, Mr Daniel Ngore commended the State Government for siting the project at Edor and revamping the school environment.

According to him “in 1946 our forefathers through the support of the Christian Missionaries had the vision of acquiring western education in a small thatch hut with a population of 12 pupils and 2 teachers. Currently the school has grown to a population of 1077 pupils, 24 teachers and 5 non-teaching staff. The state government through SUBEB and UBEC are worth commending for making the dreams of our forefathers come true by transforming the small thatch hut in to a beautiful and conducive teaching and learning environment. As history is being made today we gather here to witness the official commissioning and handing over of this gigantic project, we say a very big thank you.”

Mr Ngore further appealed for the construction of Assembly hall, staff quarters and the completion of the school perimeter fence to check trespassing, stealing and vandalism.

Presenting the welcome address on behalf the Head teacher, Mrs Julina Egigor, a primary 5 pupil of St Thomas’s RCM Primary School, Anita Nkpa extended gratitude to the Board Chairman, Dr Stephen Odey for his dedication and inspiring leadership style which she said has brought about unimaginable transformation in the basic education sector.

Stating that the siting of the 9 classroom block in Edor is strategic as it will lead to enrollment explosion, Nkpa said “the siting of this project will change the narrative that public primary schools are dumping grounds for the rural poor.”

She further stated that the model school structure with state of the art facilities will put St Thomas’s RCM Primary School at the forefront of quality teaching and learning thereby enhancing academic excellence.

Several pupila of the school thanked the Board for giving the school a facelift, they pledged to put the facilities to good use and abstain from vandalism.

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