Monday, 18 November 2019

Positive Self Esteem as a Base of Greatness.

TOPIC :  Positive Self Esteem as a Base of Greatness.
Mr Ocheonehehi Friday

By Ocheonehehi Friday

The concept of self-esteem is about the positive or negative evaluations of the self, as in how we feel about ourself, an individual's subjective evaluation of his own worth, strength, belief and what one feel emotionally, such as triumph, despair, pride, shame, pity and courage.

Self-esteem is an attractive psychological construct because it predicts certain outcomes, such as academic achievement, political achievement, financial achievement, happiness, satisfaction in marriage and relationships, self respect and self value. Self-esteem can apply to a specific attribute, for example, i believe i am a good, great politician, Businessman, writter so on and i feel happy about that, or i believe i am a bad person, and i feel bad about myself in general, i charge you today do an evaluation of yourself and do amend where necessary .

It is demeaning what the generation today think of themselves, this continues negative evaluation only make you a tool in the hand of those who will rather use you to achieve their self interest instead collective interest.
The truth is that what you can't do for yourself worth not to be done for others. Why will you do thuggery for someone to become successful, why will you kill for someone else's power, why will you distroy another person's integrity, personality, good name all for another person's political achievement and not yours and if you are that, then you have contempt for your own life.

Remember, with positive self esteem,  you can do all things through him who created you. The only way we can preserve the society and our feature is to think of what good we can do for ourselves before others, if you must know, you need to be alive to be mentored and mentor others, you need to be comfortable, successful or strong to carry others on your shoulder, you need to be educated to impact knowledge on others, you need to be brave to fight and protect others, you need to be empathetic to sympathize with others, you need to be in front to lead others, you need to be trust worthy to be a leader. Now, how has yours actions and inaction direct you in these track?

You can't achieve the above by dying for others in a wrong manner, by thuggery for another person's interest, by killing ones life and personality for insignificant peanut of political gift or minor status, by dragging others above you down, all you need is build a positive self esteem and stand on that as your base to greatness.

Delightful week i wish you all.

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