Tuesday, 3 September 2019

Xenophobic attacks in south Africa, please, leave south Africa for south Africans

For those who may not have the temperament, the patience to read down, the wisdom to understand and and the spirit of discernment, you may not be happy with me on this, but, the truth must be told at all times, other Aricans must leave South Africa, for South Africans.

I may not know how much other African countries contributed or spent to help South Africa during the apartheid regime, but one thing I do know is that, Nigeria as a country played a leading role morally, financially and otherwise. I have records that Nigeria spent about $64billion US dollars monetarily and our activists like Wole Soyinka and others devoted their time writting about the ills of the apartheid regime. These was all done in the spirit of Africanism and brotherhood, it was not given as loan that must be paid back, but as a contribution to freely help fellow Africans that were subjected to situations and conditions worse than the slave trade era, in their own land.

It is very common that most of our biological siblings we devote our time and money to help, will never come back to help us or our children  in future.  These are the lessons we need to learn and the reasons why all other Africans should leave South Africa for South Africans.

Nigeria at this point should learn from America whose foreign policies is, America first. It is not wrong to help, but in helping, we should also think of what we will get from it. Nigeria freely helped South Africa, accomodated Ghana in their trying times, sent soldiers to Liberia and Mali, still accomdating nationals of other African countries like Niger, Chad, Mali, Togo, Benin republic, Ghana South Africa etc and what are we getting back now?  the burning of our properties and killing of our citizens at slightest provocation. What have we done wrong?

We hear about South Africans saying other foreign nationals have taken over their jobs, women and some other flimsy excuses and to fight that is, to kill them and burn their properties. MTN, DSTV, SHOPRITE etc all belongs to South Africa and are located in other African countries. The press statement by South African deputy minister of Police that they can no more tolerate a situation where foreign nationals will become 80% of certain communities in South Africa is a pointer to the fact that, what we call xenephobic attacks in South Africa is a deliberate South African government policy to send all other African nationals out of South Africa. Though they may deny, but this remains the truth and must be taken as the situation on ground. If not, how will the South African police happily watch their foot soldiers burn humans with no human feelings to stop it?


I want to use this medium to advise that other African countries should immediately begin the process of evacuating their nationals from South Africa and as we do that, we must also send all South Africans out of our country. All South African assets in  other African countries must be seized and nationalized and we all return to a point where if we must continue to relate with them, the terms must be made known.

As a Nigerian, I advise all Nigerians in South Africa to immediately leave South Africa or begin a process of leaving South Africa. We must not allow ourselves to be killed by those lazy bones who wants to be fed with spones at all times on the grounds that out country helped them during the apartheid regime.

Ekpenyong Isaiah-isababa
Commander, Infantry Battallion

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