Saturday, 31 August 2019

Chief Angela hosts Oja-Ugu members, 4 children named 'Oja-ugu' presented by parents

By Kadiri Abraham

The epoch making event of Yala new yam festival was laced with the celebration of Oja-Ugu 1st Anniversary at Chief Angela Ogeyi Odey's Okpoma home, yesterday.

The event which started with gifts  from Oja-Ugu loyalists in the morning continued in the afternoon with members who trooped from the various parts of Yala and Ogoja in their usual colourful Oja-Ugu official attires.

Chief Angela who was impressed by the magnanimous disposition of members spoke lavishly on their love for her and the organization. She said they are wonderful people who answer the clarion call any time she beckons on them.

Speaking on the gift, she said: "You are all wonderful people, I am blessed having you as brothers and sisters who always surprise me and stand by me."

Members had, earlier in the day, brought 50 tubers of yam, goats, palm oil, amongst other things to support the occasion.

In addition, she was very happy to receive 4 children who have been named after Oja-Ugu, a development which she was greatly pleased about. The babies are 3, 5, 6 and 9 months old. They are Oja-ugu Angela Igberie, Oja-Ugu Michael Ogri, Oja-Ugu Steven and Oja-Ugu Angela Eje, respectively.

Chief Angela offered words of prayers for the children and admonished their parents to nurture them with the fear of God and give them the best education.

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