Monday 1 October 2018

#WOMA2019... Women on the Move Awards, Nigerian in London Mrs Veeca Smith Uka the 2018 Winner, nominated again.

Veeca Smith Uka

Mrs Veeca Smith Uka hails from Ebo, Yala Local Government Area of Cross River State, Nigeria. She is a hard working personality that is inspiring women on the need to wake up to expectations. Mrs Veeca Uka is currently residence in London .

WOMA is Presented by Migrants Organise and UNHCR, and hosted by BBC journalist Samira Ahmed, the Awards take place at London’s Southbank Centre as part of the WOW – Women of the World festival, a global initiative involving over a million people across five continents. The Awards provide a platform for winners, recognising their work and raising their profile. They also provide women with high-quality leadership development opportunities and a donation to support their initiatives.

Mrs Veeca on a brief chat with the eagles voice media, explained the impact of the 2018 Award on her and the need to win the WOMA2019. .See below. 

Hi, I am Veecca Smith Uka from Nigeria,winner of WOMA 2018 by Migrant Organise and UNHCR.
This was in recognition of my contribution to the society as a community volunteer,I have put my skills and experience to good use by volunteering every day of the week. I am actively involved with projects including LGBTIQ* and women’s support groups, job clubs, benefit advice, refugee and asylum support and a charity shop in addition to helping others. WOMA has helped me in shaping my directions and created a much needed platform where my voice has been heard so far. The recognition is a booster!
I encourage you to get on and nominate those whose are doing exceptional work in the community championing Migrants and Refugees ❤️❤️❤️ you can visit WOMA website for more information here: or read a blog post about the nomination process at the Migrants Organise website: Please feel free to circulate and share!

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