Saturday 20 October 2018



We read with execrable dismay on social media of Dr. Paul Udayi leaving or minaciously saying goodbye to the Young Progressives Party, YPP by drawing a red-herring across the trail in such loathing journalese.

Today, the Internet is a fertile ground for the balkanization of the society, organization, etc as most populaces are susceptible to swallow  hook, line and sinker therein. Hence, we are at this juncture constrained for the sake of the fleeceable public to refute this jaundiced; doctored, prejudiced, piquing and sensational reportages by the Yellow Press (bloggers) allegedly being an interview granted by Udayi who in honesty belonged to the league of passersby if membership factor is considered in political party's affairs before harm is done to the poor gullible.

For the informed, it is alien to our noble spirit to waggle words on the court of media. However, this event merits our earnest attention to put the record straight as follows:
1. That the fact is not in contention that the disgruntled Dr. Paul Udayi sought for refuge in our great party when he was elbowed, maltreated and internally displaced from his party, PDP;

2. Be it established that inasmuch as YPP in Cross River State is concerned, Udayi has never been a bona fide member of the party;

3. He only attempted smuggling himself into the party through the backdoor in an attempt to clinch the gubernatorial ticket;

4. On his ignominious arrival, the State Executive Council in her wisdom gave him terms and conditions which included but not limited to a formal resignation from PDP; a public defection to YPP and making of wide consultations across boards which surprisingly became a quite  herculean task that he could not fulfill even at his inglorious departure.

5. Meanwhile, even if he was to fulfill the clauses above, he would have been in the category of substitute candidates in case of eventuality and exigency since the party has governorship candidate that emerged in her October 5, 2018 primary as witnessed by INEC;

6. That in our leniency, we gave him the leeway and latitude to wiggle in the room which he seized the privilege to wiggled out.

In the light of the aforesaid, being a light purse aspirant, the party would have landed herself on queer street to project such personality and that would have culminated in making a silk purse out of a sower's ear.

Finally, while we have deep respect for the gentlemen of the Fourth Estate of the Realm, we enjoin this noble profession to purge itself of some bad elements who are swift to publish without adhering to the ethics of the profession. We frown at such lazy attitude.

Yours trusted
Comr. Ogar, Emmanuel Oko
 Secretary, Young Progressives Party
Cross River State.


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