Tuesday 2 October 2018

Must Read... Code 888 suffered another uppercut ~ Ogar Emmanuel Oko

And the so-called code or formula 888 suffered yet another tempestuous uppercut after yesterday's APC's factional gubernatorial primary elections. The two factions held their elections at varied times with the results showing clearly the displacement of the northern constituency in the vision 2019 election.

The two victors in the elections, Sen. John Owan Enoh and Pastor Usani Uguru Usani are the progenies of the central senatorial district. As earlier peddled by rumourmongers or analyzed by political pundits, that the outcome (s) of the elections would intrinsically represent the mirror image of the highest bidder or who has the power. From the outcomes, one could pontificate accurately without been possessed with extrasensory perception (ESP).

 The much touted code 888 is a gentleman's political trajectoric arrangement that gives latitude to power to oscillate or alternate between the tripartite federal constituencies in cross river state. This code was formulated as I learnt by some dudes in the incumbent ruling party in the state to give room for equality of power sharing. Be it established that the code hasn't been respected as all the districts have been fielding aspirants/candidates in the elections conducted thus far since the advent of democracy in 1999.

In my penultimate piece; the first time I'd to lend my voice on the said code, I'd succinctly expressed my apprehension and sentiment over the whole arrangement. Not a few aired out their contempts as against my outright dislodgement of the young  single-aspirant from the north, Mr. John Upan Odey. No doubt, he's quite bold and daring to take up the gauntlet. To be spick and span in politics are minutest advantageous factors in the type of politics played in our clime.

When I opined that the northern constituency was going to be suffocated in the exercise, some plethora of folks sent me private messages; questioning me for being nonchalance and unconcerned to the position of the north. I replied one by saying that, "speaking the truth at this material time is the best solidarity any patriotic individual has to give to the north ".

Assuming Mr. Odey emerged as the flag bearer of APC; sincerely speaking, it would've amounted to pyrrhic victory for APC in the north. Because the victory might just be as costly as defeat as Ayade would just stroll back to office. However, I see this man as one of the political pillars of the northern extraction in years to come.

At this juncture, the only person with the political asernal and financial muscle to challenge Benedict Ayade headlong; by fair means or foul is John Owan Enoh. He seems fit to cleanse the Augean stables.

With the APC controlling the federal government, I may not be wrong to assert that the code 888 might just be altered to code 884.
Let it be recorded that I've joined those that believes in personality and not party. Most parties have failed us because of lack of ideologies. Let's try personalities.

Comr. Ogar, Emmanuel Oko

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