Saturday, 13 October 2018

Jarigbe: The Making Of Ogoja’s Political Leader

October 13th, 2018.

It is no gainsaying that Rt. Hon.Jarigbe Agom is the dominant name in the sphere of politics in Cross river state.

In banners, posters and signposts, different faces of the Law maker straddle the township.

His acceptance as the leader of all political groups within the peoples Democratic party ( PDP )is unassailable. And many still strive to team up with him, even from outside the PDP enclave.

Daily, the quintessential politician receives droves of political faithfuls from other parties across the political divides in Cross river.

That the Law maker will be returned by the people of his constituency for another term, as their representative, is no longer the issue, as both his party and the entire populace are resolute on that; what with many benefits that have accrued to the community upon his ascending the law maker seat in the green Chamber.

The issue is maintaining our current status as a stakeholder in the affairs of our exemplary state, Cross river . This is because, for a long time, Northern senatorial district has lagged firmly behind in terms of physical and human development until the current ascendancy of AYADE,Jarigbe and Dr.Rose.

That his position has benefited us immensely is an understatement. Hardly has any other district benefitted so much from the position at any time in the history of Northern senatorial district .

The cornucopia of this position is felt by almost all inhabitants of the entire Northern senatorial district. And to add to all these is the enigmatic personality of the Lawmaker himself.

Affable, humble, attentive, focused, hardworking, intelligent, experienced, dynamic and above all, pious, Rt. Hon. Jarigbe Agom is a shining example to many aspiring youths in whatever vocation they find themselves.

Many are born into leadership, many work their ways to leadership while many grow up to attain leadership, in the case of Jarigbe. For those of us who have been with him right from the beginning of his political career, the man had been dogged in his pursuit of the apex of his career.

And it has not been easy, what with weathering of many political storms that fill the paths of Nigerian politicians who manage to clinch their choice positions.

As an astute politician, Jarigbe’s mind is recondite and impenetrable. Not given to too many words, the prayerful legislator operates with a fiery tenacity in the pursuit of his goals which he has achieved for himself and many of his followers who have benefited immensely from his political endeavours.

Initially wrongly perceived by many as arrogant, inattentive and unresponsive, many have now learned that he is actually humble, simple and easy to work with if only you recognise his forthright, truthful and upright dispositions.

He has been benevolent to many who needed assistance not only within Northern senatorial district but all over the state, but he won’t make noise about it.

These assertions are verifiable by anyone in doubt as the law maker operates an open door policy .

Another important aspect of the Jarigbe narrative is the glamour, charm, candour and prestige that his personality has attracted to the seat. By operating with panache, grace and amity among his colleagues at the house, the state governor Senator Benedict AYADE and our great leader, Dr.Rose Oko, he has been able to gain their confidence and friendship much to the chagrin of his detractors.

Without mincing words, it would be difficult for his successors to fill his shoes upon leaving office. His popularity across the entire nation is unprecedented and this should be a source of glory and pride to us back home in Northern senatorial district.

As a versatile, ebullient and proficient Law maker, Rt. Hon. Jarigbe Agom has led us to a productive Democratic representation.

Indeed, by the landmark achievements that the Law maker has recorded in his first term, we are rest assured that his second term would be more eventful and equally scandal free. This is because Jarigbe has learnt the ropes and garnered requisite experiences over the years.

It gladdens our hearts that we’re speaking with one voice again after so much rancour, resentments and bitterness elicited by selfish interest.

All along, the Law maker, as we were aware then, was all for peaceful resolution of the issues that were generated back then, but some misconstrued his intentions for attempt at domination and all hell broke loose.

Now, almost everyone is coming back to their senses: the hen is coming home to roost.

We must at this juncture commend the Rt. Honourable for taking it upon himself to settle all scores and balancing the political equations within his jurisdiction so that together, we may move forward.

We must realise the need to speak with one voice, spoken through the Law maker, whom the Almighty has ordained to represent us in the green Chamber.

We thank all those who understood our plight and listened to our wisdom and followed the moving train.

We urge the fractional minority still nursing one animosity or the other to come with us under the umbrella of Jarigbe leadership. As he himself has said, there’s enough to go round.


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