Saturday 29 September 2018

"Man, know thy Onions" Phylo Modlin

Ntufam Dr Sandy Ojang Onor who is a lecturer in department of History and International Relations impressed me while I was a Student in English and Literary Studies, University of Calabar. I always admired his aura of brilliance, his charisma, his finesse and best of all, his intellectuality. He had left lecturing to venture into politics, he paid his dues in his assiduous service to the good people of Etung as LGA Chairman and Cross River State as two times Commissioner for Environment and Agriculture respectively and then returned to the classroom with renewed fire to impact knowledge and thirst for more knowledge which got him a step up from PhD to Associate Professor. He at a point, became audaciously conspicuous in executing some responsibilities of the PDP in the State and headed many of her aspirants' campaign organisations both gubernatorial and Presidential. His astute pilotship earned him the name "DG Fantastic".  I consider all these mentioned here and a whole lot more stored up in the subconsciousness of our consciences, which Sigmund Freud holds that, there lies our true being, seeing his mien for uncommon productive representation, knowing his competence and capacity to be at the Red Chamber are all good augury of what is to come in days afew. 

There are good and better aspirants but, Ntufam Dr Sandy Ojang Onor is the best. His pedigree alone qualifies him. This is a truth that even mischief makers can attest to. The Caterpillar Movement Campaign Organisation has shown expertise and coordination, headed by a political luminary. It is One of its kind in the State. This assertion is subject to research.

Am told politics is not Church, I want to  believe it is also not a cult where good men and ideas are sacrificed on the unholy alter of interest. Therefore, participants in political communion should, in total submission to the will of the almighty conscience, do the needful.

For a better Nigeria,
For a better Cross River State,
For a better Central Senatorial District,
Think Sandy Ojang Onor.

My name is MODLIN ODU.

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