Friday, 29 June 2018

World Bank approves $2.1bn loan for seven Nigerian projects

World Bank approves $2.1bn loan for seven Nigerian projects

   By Eje peter 
The World Bank has announced the approval of $2.1bn loan for seven projects to be executed in Nigeria.
A statement issued in Abuja on Thursday said the loans were approved in Washington DC on Wednesday and were for seven projects to support Nigeria’s investment in nutrition, access to electricity, states’ fiscal transparency, polio eradication, women’s economic empowerment, public finance and national statistics, and reducing vulnerability to soil erosion.
The World Bank Country Director for Nigeria, Rachid Benmessaoud, was quoted to have said, “The Federal Government of Nigeria’s Economic Recovery and Growth Plan identifies human capital investment, restoring growth and building a competitive economy as its key pillars.
“This vision for a healthy, educated, productive and resilient population must be complemented by credible governance in order to attract private sector participation and ensure sustainable growth. The approved projects support the implementation of the government’s growth plan.”
According to the statement, the World Bank Group has extended its Country Partnership Strategy for Nigeria until June 30, 2019.
It added that during 2018 and 2019, the WBG support would focus on revenue diversification and mobilisation, addressing the binding constraints for attracting private financing, and improving social services delivery for building the human capital needed for inclusive economic growth in alignment with the ERGP.
The approved programme of support in 2018 comprises the following projects: the State Fiscal Transparency, Accountability and Sustainability Project, which is expected to help increase efficiency in spending, strengthen revenue mobilisation (of critical importance for the delivery of health, education, water and other services) and debt sustainability in participating states. The project will be financed through an International Development Association credit of $750m.
The Fiscal Governance and Institutions Project is expected to improve the credibility of public finance and national statistics in the country.
The project is expected to increase revenue and capital expenditure outturn; strengthen fiscal accountability, including expenditure effectiveness, and to improve the quality of statistical information, which will contribute to evidence-based policy making. It will be financed through an IDA credit of $125m.
The Nigeria Erosion and Watershed Management Project is expected to promote innovative integrated approaches based on international best practices and community participation to tackle land degradation and major gully erosion formations in participating states. The project will receive IDA additional financing credit of $400m.
The Nigeria Electrification Project will leverage private sector investments in solar mini grids and stand-alone solar systems to provide electricity to 2.5 million people and 70,000 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises. It will be financed through an IDA credit of $350m.
The Accelerating Nutrition Results in Nigeria Project is expected to benefit over 8.7 million people, mostly pregnant and lactating women, adolescent girls and children below five years old. The financing for the project consists of an IDA credit of $225m and a Global Financing Facility grant of $7m.
The Nigeria Polio Eradication Support Project is expected to help improve immunisation coverage with oral vaccines to the national target of 85 per cent in 18 months. It is receiving IDA additional financing credit of $150m.
The Nigeria for Women Project is expected to directly impact 324,000 women beneficiaries through investments in comprehensive skills training, the leverage of financial and technical resources, and support to policy dialogue on women’s economic empowerment. The project is receiving an IDA credit of $100m.


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