Friday, 25 May 2018

Politics of Names

Caterpillar vs Swamp buggy.

By Phylo Modlin Odu

Adopting a name comes with so much critical thinking because when it sticks, its remains for a long time if not forever. This makes it pertinent that one should embark on a research before adopting a name for oneself, for a friend, a boss, a movement and so on.

I will like to draw the attention of my beloved readers specifically people of Central Senatorial District, to both the denotative and connotative meanings of the topical terms, Caterpillar and swam buggy.

CATERPILLER as we all may know, is naturally, "a vehicle, the largest machinery and father of the family of all heavyweight vehicles, it has the capacity to uproot trees, bulldoze rocky structures, invade swamps e.t.c. It is fuel efficient, multitasking or versatile, and easy to operate". Connotatively, Dr Sandy onor is the Original Caterpillar personified.

SWAMP BUGGY as we all may not know, is simply, "a smaller type of CATS (Caterpillar) vehicles used to traverse boggy swamp terrain. It is purpose built and mono-tasking".  Adopting the name swamp buggy which connotes inferiority to the Caterpillar is not totally, a bad idea.

Caterpillar is therefore, an amelioration of the functions of all heavy weight machines put together. It is the most efficient mobile machine in invention. Swamp buggy is however, inferior to it.

Comparatively, Caterpillar and Swamp buggy is like a stronger and weaker equipment. Any serious and strong machine can perform the functions of a weaker machine but no weaker machine can perform the function of a strong machine.

It will be an unforgivable blunder to match the strength of a swamp buggy to that of a Caterpillar. Where there is a Caterpillar, swamp buggy becomes inconsequential and not intimidating even to the swamp bogs.

Those who choose "swam boggy" as a name, take note of the spelling. The Original Caterpillar remains Ntufam (Dr.) Sandy Ojang Onor, the Irunuandu of Africa who knows the actual meaning of what he and his supporters choose to call him.

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