Friday, 20 April 2018

Sex Workers Take Over Church, Used Condoms Litter Premises

By Adoga Michael Oyi

Sex workers operating from Manor Hotel have turned United Pentecostal Church (UPC) premises directly opposite into their annex.
UPC also houses residents, mostly students. Trevor Mpofu, who resides there and is a student at the National University of Science and Technology said he had found sex workers and their clients in the act inside the church building.
“I caught them several times having sex inside the church and their acts are deplorable and have defiled the church.
Whenever I chase them they come back later at night,” said Mpofu.
Another resident Mandla Moyo has been picking used condoms inside the church.
“When I’m doing the cleaning in the morning I usually pick up used condoms and tissues inside the church,” he said.
Moyo added that the problem was a result of lapse in care for the place.

“There is no way we can put a stop to this unbecoming act in the house of God, after the departure of Sister Hasen who used to monitor this place. The church is no longer locked,” he said.
UPC Superintendent (Overseer) Reverend Clifford Makandise said they no longer own the building because it was taken over by Terracotta — a company that won a tender to construct Egodini Mall since the building is in the vicinity.
“We handed it over to Terracotta authorities, that’s what I can say only,” he said.
An official at Terracotta, Thabani Moyo said they had been made aware of the situation and it would be addressed soon.

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